The 9th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


Master of My Domain
Congrats indeed SV. That was a great film you nominated: a rare post-war film that is powerful throughout without being overly dramatic or having forced love-lines.
Letterboxd Profile:

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best Years kind of kicked butt. I enjoyed this HOF quite a bit. Hopefully we can continue to weed out the drop outs, kind of puts a famper on things. Congrats Vamp, very good nom that wasn't on my radar at all.

Master of My Domain
Best Years kicked ass.
Fixed. Is the side effect of being a dad sub-conciously censoring yourself?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Fixed. Is the side effect of being a dad sub-conciously censoring yourself?
side effect of being a mofo too. For me it's also a side effect of talking in public.

oh wow,the descendants got second place?
i didnt really think much of it,didnt hate it but i forgot about it as soon as it was over.
surprised to see its so well liked maybe i should rewatch it

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
At one point when I was running results pre-drop outs, it looked like Adaptation would win easy. So I'd like to thank both Nope and Godoggo for not finishing

Seriously though, will we ever have a HOF with no drops. With no disrespect to Gatsby it was a waste of my time rewatching The Rules of the Game, a movie I entirely hated the first time around but wanted to give it some comments and a fair chance.

The only surprise for me was that No Man's Land didn't finish lower.

My list-

1. Brief Encounter
2. Mikey and Nicky
3. The Best Years of Our Lives
4. The Descendants
5. The Lives of Others
6. Leave Her to Heaven
7. Death Race 2000
8. No Man's Land
9. The Magnificent Ambersons
10. Time Lapse

I originally had Adaptaion and Dead Man Walking 4th and 5th, Rules of the Game after Ambersons, and Beasts of the Southern Wild last.

Great job to everyone that finished, and even to those who gave an honest effort. A big thanks to Raul for doing such a wonderful job as host

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I too couldn't believe No Man's Land finished so high. It was definitely further down with others eligible, in fact I'm fairly certainly it would have finished near the bottom tier if everything stayed in.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Congratulations to SilentVamp! for #1 Place with The Best Years of Our Lives.
I was pulling for that movie as soon as I seen it was announced.

Thanks to Raul for running this!
I just got up so sorry I missed the countdown.

And Thank you
to all the people who finished the HoF.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This was my voting list. I sent it in some time ago after I had already watched the dropouts movie...I like The Best Years of Our Lives so much I put it over my own film...and I think my nomination was a darn good one.

1 The Best Years of Our Lives
2 Leave Her to Heaven
3 Beasts of the Southern Wild
4 Dead Man Walking
5 No Man's Land
6 The Magnificent Ambersons
7 The Descendants
8 Brief Encounter
9 The Lives of Others
10 Adaptation
11 Death Race 2000
12 The Rules of the Game
13 Mikey and Nicky
14 Time Lapse
15 The Piano

I'm so sorry, guys. But I hope you understood my reasons. I really wanted to finish this but I just couldn't. I feel asleep on the couch as soon as I got home from work today. I was utterly exhausted.

But nevertheless, glad to see the list turning out pretty much how I wanted it to. The order is more or less how mine would've been. Congrats to SilentVamp!

- Actually, I did watch the first hour and a half of Best Years, but my attention was bad, the setting wasn't perfect and my mood was on/off. I therefore chose to end my watchings already yesterday, since I didn't want to ruin a possibly great film just for the sake of rushing this list...

I don't know if it'll be any comfort, maybe it will for me, but I will finish the movies in this HoF despite of not making the deadline... If they watched my film I sure as hell will watch theirs. This was my first dropout and I haf clear reasons, yet I still feel guilty and mad at myself for not completing.

Even if I didn't finish I want to say thank you to all who joined. I watched some great films and these things are always fun!