The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


Alright, you other fat people -- let's see your two-piece bathing suit pictures!

Yesterday we did baby pictures. Now I wanna see everyone's pictures of themselves fat. Particularly those in two-piece bathing suits.

Congratulations on the engagement. And on the house. Once you've lived in a house of your own for awhile it's hard to imagine how you ever lived in an apartment.

Usually I hate posting my picture online, because I always have a feeling that it ruins how you see and feel about the person, when you put a face to the username. But of course, after a while you have gotten used to whatever the person might look like and it doesn't matter anymore...

But hey, why not? And actually, Swan is the only one who has ever seen how I look like because he managed to track down my Letterboxd right as I was starting to use it!

Anyways, this is me back when I was dressed up for Galla, which is basically the same as Prom. I'm 20 now if anybody is wondering, and this was about a year ago...

I'm sorry for "Forest Whitaker eye", the sun was sharp lol

Ash, you look really happy, and your bloke looks lovely too. You make a great couple. He chose your ring himself? He has great taste, it's gorgeous many congratulations xxx

Usually I hate posting my picture online, because I always have a feeling that it ruins how you see and feel about the person, when you put a face to the username. But of course, after a while you have gotten used to whatever the person might look like and it doesn't matter anymore...

But hey, why not? And actually, Swan is the only one who has ever seen how I look like because he managed to track down my Letterboxd right as I was starting to use it!

Anyways, this is me back when I was dressed up for Galla, which is basically the same as Prom. I'm 20 now if anybody is wondering, and this was about a year ago...

I'm sorry for "Forest Whitaker eye", the sun was sharp lol

Is this pretty recent picture MM? For some reason I figured you would be a bit older..I just gathered that impress from your postings.

Is this pretty recent picture MM? For some reason I figured you would be a bit older..I just gathered that impress from your postings.
Yeah, as I said it's about a year old, maybe a bit more.

But that's one of the main reasons why I have kept my age and my picture a secret. I don't want people to think lower of me because I'm younger than most around here.

I have always considered myself wiser and more mature than most at my age, so I'd rather want to people to judge me from how I act and write, instead of when I was born and how I look. Still, I figured I would have to post my picture one day, and I today was the day.

Yeah, as I said it's about a year old, maybe a bit more.

But that's one of the main reasons why I have kept my age and my picture a secret. I don't want people to think lower of me because I'm younger than most around here.

I have always considered myself wiser and more mature than most at my age, so I'd rather want to people to judge me from how I act and write, instead of when I was born and how I look. Still, I figured I would have to post my picture one day, and I today was the day.
You dont have to worry about that with me. My daughter is 22 years old (almost, her birthday is this month) and she looks about 16 years old. However, she has a degree in Biology and very logical and intelligent. More mature than most young adults her age as well. I never look at someone's age and put them to a lower standard, unless I really really know them.

I find your postings intelligent and interesting so my opinion of you has already been set before I seen this picture.

I'm not hitting on anybody today unless you're wearing a two-piece bathing suit.

He doesn't hit on me as much as he used to, not since we broke up.
Well, I didn't break up with you. Did you break up with me?! A$$hole!

He doesn't hit on me as much as he used to, not since we broke up.
Is that why you hit on me by following me around so much and posting after me?