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Yeah I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on the favourite Vs greatest distinction.
I'm not even talking about the potential disparity between "favourite" and "greatest."

The way you talk suggests that you have blinders on to international cinema. Scorsese, Spielberg, and Coppola are some of the most respected American directors, but there's a whole world out there and a lot of countries making great movies. The first three films you listed as being films "nobody" has seen (read you haven't seen them) were directed by François Truffaut, Kenji Mizoguchi, and Ingmar Bergman, respectively. All three men are widely respected directors. You might even call them legendary.

(Also how TF did I of all people end up being the one defending Foreign/Arthouse Cinema?)

(Also how TF did I of all people end up being the one defending Foreign/Arthouse Cinema?)
LMAO I’m so proud.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm not even talking about the potential disparity between "favourite" and "greatest."

The way you talk suggests that you have blinders on to international cinema. Scorsese, Spielberg, and Coppola are some of the most respected American directors, but there's a whole world out there and a lot of countries making great movies. The first three films you listed as being films "nobody" has seen (read you haven't seen them) were directed by François Truffaut, Kenji Mizoguchi, and Ingmar Bergman, respectively. All three men are widely respected directors. You might even call them legendary.

(Also how TF did I of all people end up being the one defending Foreign/Arthouse Cinema?)
Because, YOU, my dear, are a Warrior Queen
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I'm not even talking about the potential disparity between "favourite" and "greatest."

The way you talk suggests that you have blinders on to international cinema. Scorsese, Spielberg, and Coppola are some of the most respected American directors, but there's a whole world out there and a lot of countries making great movies. The first three films you listed as being films "nobody" has seen (read you haven't seen them) were directed by François Truffaut, Kenji Mizoguchi, and Ingmar Bergman, respectively. All three men are widely respected directors. You might even call them legendary.

(Also how TF did I of all people end up being the one defending Foreign/Arthouse Cinema?)

Relax, I was just having a light hearted sarcastic dig at the HoF list for it's omissions and inclusions. Obviously there are plenty of great foreign language films and directors. Don't get so triggered.

The trick is not minding
Relax, I was just having a light hearted sarcastic dig at the HoF list for it's omissions and inclusions. Obviously there are plenty of great foreign language films and directors. Don't get so triggered.
Probably not best to come here and kick dirt around making blithe comments about the Lack of films *you* consider best and then make a rather disingenuous and nonchalant comment about being “triggered” when You’re called out for it.

Probably not best to come here and kick dirt around making blithe comments about the Lack of films *you* consider best and then make a rather disingenuous and nonchalant comment about being “triggered” when You’re called out for it.
The best part is that somehow I'm the one that's triggered when he's the one that came in here bitching about the lack of Coppola, Scorsese, and Spielberg and how we should be choosing the greatest films rather than our favorites - when his top 9 favorites (not 10 for whatever reason) include The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, and Raging Bull.

The best part is that somehow I'm the one that's triggered when he's the one that came in here bitching about the lack of Coppola, Scorsese, and Spielberg and how we should be choosing the greatest films rather than our favorites - when his top 9 favorites (not 10 for whatever reason) include The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, and Raging Bull.

I think the whatever reason is he's new...which perhaps you guys could be a little more polite. Perhaps treat someone like a guest before you have a real reason to hate them.

I think the whatever reason is he's new...which perhaps you guys could be a little more polite. Perhaps treat someone like a guest before you have a real reason to hate them.
I’m treating him the same as I would anyone else who says what he said. New or not, he’s not getting special treatment from me.

The trick is not minding
I think the whatever reason is he's new...which perhaps you guys could be a little more polite. Perhaps treat someone like a guest before you have a real reason to hate them.
Perhaps he could be a little more polite. One gets treated how one treats others, afterall.

OK I feel like this has got a little out of hand. My intention was only to have a bit of friendly banter, not to desecrate a sacred shrine. I wasn't attacking anyone and if it came across that way I apologise. Can we draw a line under this and move on?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think the whatever reason is he's new...which perhaps you guys could be a little more polite. Perhaps treat someone like a guest before you have a real reason to hate them.
Nobody was hating him, not at all. Miss Vicky and Wyldesyde were just stating their opinions and explaining the finer details of how & why the HoF isn't made up of just: Scorsese, Coppola and 'cough' Spielberg And Hollowman was giving his opinion which is also fine.

It's all good and I was very polite. And I would love to have him or any new person join the next HoF. As long as they follow the procedure...then the more the merrier

I’m treating him the same as I would anyone else who says what he said. New or not, he’s not getting special treatment from me.

Perhaps he could be a little more polite. One gets treated how one treats others, afterall.

Nobody was hating him, not at all. Miss Vicky and Wyldesyde were just stating their opinions and explaining the finer details of how & why the HoF isn't made up of just: Scorsese, Coppola and 'cough' Spielberg And Hollowman was giving his opinion which is also fine.

It's all good and I was very polite. And I would love to have him or any new person join the next HoF. As long as they follow the procedure...then the more the merrier

Well I don't disagree with any of this there is something to be said for being hospitable to a guest, you do need to give the people opportunities to understand the ethics and social norms of a place before holding them to the same standard you hold everyone else.

He wants to move on and I think you could set a better example and let him do so.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So what is the next HoF we're going to do? Maybe Hollowman and other new members might join if we pick something with broad appeal. Well not that kind of broad

Cosmic had mentioned a Fantasy HoF
Raul mentioned a Documentary HoF
Siddon mentioned continuing the Comedy HoF
A Directors HoF was mentioned, how about Altman?

I would join any of those...any other ideas? We still have a month before the 22nd HoF is over so we have time to start a quick one.

The trick is not minding
So what is the next HoF we're going to do? Maybe Hollowman and other new members might join if we pick something with broad appeal. Well not that kind of broad

Cosmic had mentioned a Fantasy HoF
Raul mentioned a Documentary HoF
Siddon mentioned continuing the Comedy HoF
A Directors HoF was mentioned, how about Altman?

I would join any of those...any other ideas? We still have a month before the 22nd HoF is over so we have time to start a quick one.
Any of these would be interesting

The trick is not minding
Well I don't disagree with any of this there is something to be said for being hospitable to a guest, you do need to give the people opportunities to understand the ethics and social norms of a place before holding them to the same standard you hold everyone else.

He wants to move on and I think you could set a better example and let him do so.
Dude. This was already dropped.
Let’s not keep beating the dead horse.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Siddon said he wouldn't host the Comedy one and someone else would have to host I'll host it (unless someone else wants to). Of course maybe we won't even do that one next but I think we should continue them at some point. The last one covered: Comedy HoF III VHS Era 1977-1989

So if we did another Comedy HoF would be 1990 to current? Or seeing how the 90s were big for comedy, it could be 1990-2000 and later a 2001-current.

Any thoughts?