The Top MoFos Countdown 4ever - The List


I would love to see the list of people that were voted in first place many of them might be repetead but if someone voted for MonnoM in first place for example it would be amazing he knows about it

Prediction: Cricket is #1
I think so, too. He'll be the first person to get #1 twice. But very understandable.

When the voting started, I had only hoped to beat my #7 placement from last year. I never expected to be this high and as the votes came in I was really shocked not only by how many votes I received, but by who voted for me and how high I was on their ballots. Thank you all very much! I'm truly honored!


Miss Vicky
(490 points)
Well deserved. Vicky is the only other MoFo that I know of besides me & Holden that sticks to their guns with an unpopular opinion, and has dogged determination. She was was the only one able to hang with me in that obsessive +1/-1 game, and never complained about it. Sexy ended up cheating saying I was banned from the game, but she raised no stink. I think I had her on my list, but cant remember.

Congrats CR!!

Well deserved. Vicky is the only other MoFo that I know of besides me & Holden that sticks to their guns with an unpopular opinion, and has dogged determination. She was was the only one able to hang with me in that obsessive +1/-1 game, and never complained about it. Sexy ended up cheating saying I was banned from the game, but she raised no stink. I think I had her on my list, but cant remember.
Hey I have unpopular opinions too! I don't like olives for example

Trouble with a capital "T"
Holy Shi! I did not expect that! I'm touched, really. Not because it's some popularity contest, it's not....But because at least I made some friends here at MoFo and that matters to me.

Thank you

Cricket and Citizen were neck and neck in the early voting, but it didn't take long for him to pull ahead. He is simply unstoppable.

He was in my top five.

Grats everyone!
Thanks for my votes as well!

Well done MV as well for making such a tidy job of the awards, as you always do