HOF Organization Thread


Sorry guys. i'm drunk
Oh, thank God. I thought you went retarded or something...

I had no idea what you were trying to say and just choose to ignore it haha. Y'all ever do that? When you read a reply to one of your posts and be like "I don't get this sh*t at all, man. I think I'll just get the f*ck outta here and hope I'm good"

If we want to say a certain number of special hofs should run at one time, then I suggest 3 at a time is doable + the general hof for a total of 4.
That's what we've already been doing now, for a while.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Updated all the winners in the third and fourth post of the the thread. I don't think I missed a HOF, but if I did let me know. The only thing I haven't added is Teeter's to the currently running, but as soon as it gets going I will.

I am going to keep one master list of what's next in the second post because I have to keep things real simple. No one will be skipped though. So if you were planning on running a special just let me know and we will put you at the top of the class.

We have a very nice list of winners and so many great movies that have been nominated. I hope we can keep this great thing going. A list of 100 HOF winners would be great to see.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
OK. So, I just tell you what I want here now?

Well, I had a bunch of them listed, but I really only want to focus on one for right now. I wanted to save it for early 2016 (I wanted everyone to get the ones in that they'd had already chosen before me first). It was the Silent Film Era. So, if you could add that to the "Later Date" list, that would be fine. Like I said, I didn't expect to do it before the others, anyway.

And for the rest that I had in mind, when a couple of the others are finished, I will let you know if they should then be added to the list.

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

OK. So, I just tell you what I want here now?

Well, I had a bunch of them listed, but I really only want to focus on one for right now. I wanted to save it for early 2016 (I wanted everyone to get the ones in that they'd had already chosen before me first). It was the Silent Film Era. So, if you could add that to the "Later Date" list, that would be fine. Like I said, I didn't expect to do it before the others, anyway.

And for the rest that I had in mind, when a couple of the others are finished, I will let you know if they should then be added to the list.

Damn, you're right. I did have people in the 2016 schedule, as well. Sean, I still think you should just copy/paste the schedule I sent you in PM, and then anything that's been requested here, for the first time, should go in afterwards. The only thing that's changed, is who's keeping the schedule. Nothing else, really. Just sayin'!

Miss Vicky said she would co-host animation with me (thank goodness), so you can add her name to that second post.

Can you schedule under "Later Date" a "Mega HoF" for me? The Mega HoF's schtick is that you will nominate multiple films. (The exact number will be decided by popular vote. I was thinking 3-4 films will work the best.) Another gimmick will be that you will also nominate one film you haven't seen yet.

Sign me up to host a future comedy-horror HoF
I second that and I will participate!! love horror-comedy
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

If there was enough interest, I'd like to host a Bill Murray HoF at a later date.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Unless Destiny still wants to host the Live Action Musical Hof, then I call dibs on it, it was my idea originally anyway. As it was already in progress and got stalled, Sean please add it to the list at the soonest possible date. Thank You