What is your favourite Batman Film?


The Dark Knight for the plot, and the performances, but Batman (89) for just the overall Batman "feel" . You put Burton in charge of something that's requiring a dark, gothic tone, and there's always going to be good results. Yes, I know, Dark Shadows does exists, please don't flash it in from of my face, I'm going to act like the movie does not exist. It's a little Tim Burton disorder I have, known as "Tim, what the hell have you been doing since Sweeney Todd" itus.

It's a little Tim Burton disorder I have, known as "Tim, what the hell have you been doing since Sweeney Todd" itus.
I think its Helena Bonham Carter, like what Erykah Badu did to Andre 3000.

Dark Knight
Batman Begins
Batman (Mk+Jn)
Dark Night Rises
Batman Forever
Batman Returns

and No way on my list or should be on any list should be "Batman and Robin" - That film was just BAD! Bad bad!!!!! "The batman Credit card" Really?
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Dark Knight
Batman Begins
Batman (Mk+Jn)
Dark Night Rises
Batman Forever
Batman Returns

and No way on my list or should be on any list should be "Batman and Robin" - That film was just BAD! Bad bad!!!!! "The batman Credit card" Really?
bad is a small word for that wreck of a film, a comedy done so campy that even roger moore's view to a kill gives it a shot of better film.

bad is a small word for that wreck of a film, a comedy done so campy that even roger moore's view to a kill gives it a shot of better film.
Totally agree, It was shocking! I remember all the build up with Bain and Mr.Freeze, it looked epic. One of my worst movies everrrr.........

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Batman Returns
The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Forever
Batman And Robin
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Interesting list, optimus. What puts Returns over the top for you?
Everything mate. I think Returns is by far the best Batman movie out there. I love the cast, the characters, the story. I think Keaton is the best batman to date. I also loved how Gotham looked, i liked how dark, and gritty everything was, i loved the soundtracks. The whole movie is actually quite haunting, but it just looks and feels great.

Totally agree, It was shocking! I remember all the build up with Bain and Mr.Freeze, it looked epic. One of my worst movies everrrr.........
like ur avatar, i miss the alien universe, and i would keep watching Aliens 1986 everyday, such an amazing film, sorry out of topic but had to say it favorite quotes: hey vasquez, have u ever been mistaken for a man :P-
vasquez: no have you?

Have to go with the Micheal Keaton Batman...saw it in theaters and it was the best money my parents spent. Got me into comics honestly, although i did not favor the second Micheal Keaton batman film...

What are the best animated movies of batman ive only watched mask of the phantasm.

What are the best animated movies of batman ive only watched mask of the phantasm.

This is the best Batman movie. The fact that Robocop is the voice of Batman seals the deal.

TDKR stands alone, but all of the animated ones are a good watch. DC films in general are above average, unlike the Marvel fare.

Batman returns :O
well to be honest i like all of the batman films , but in this one the guy with the penguin charatcer and his acting is just perfect.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Batman returns. It's most stylish movie. And Danny DeVito in the role of villain is cool!

Well, I guest saw the last film Batman vs Superhero here, and I can't say that it was very impressive for me, so one of my favourite still remains Dark Knight and Jocker's story

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I'm watching the Batman films at the moment (spacing them out a little). I haven't seen the modern ones but I love the film noir feel of Batman. It works because it reflects the kind of aesthetics that were contemporary when the character was created and it places it in a fantasy world so the ridiculous is somehow plausible. Film noir as a style is pretty timeless and even now you have films which hark back to that era. Yes, Vicki is a damsel in distress but again, that works within the fantasy world because it's a type of character. Simply writing female characters as kick-ass girls that are more than a match for the hero has now become a bit stale- why not create a character that's a mix of both? Or more controversially, have a strong female character and a more vulnerable male character? I like that dynamic in Batman Returns with Catwoman having the upper hand; it's interesting because it's a contrast from the previous film. There's also something about the fairytale quality of the film being mixed with fetishism and perversion- it throws you and makes the film more unpredictable.
You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never. (The Red Shoes, 1948)