Help me with 2010s Movie Recommendations


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The link to your favorite's list in the opening post isn't working for me, so I don't know which of these you've already seen, and with the strong caveat of, based off of your descriptions of what you like and don't like, we aren't going to have a lot of overlap for what we're looking for, but I suspect the following might work for you (not necessarily in consideration for me):

The two big Kelly Reichardt movies of the past decade:
Meek's Cutoff
First Cow

The Greta Gerwig stuff
Frances, Ha
Lady Bird
Little Women (admittedly, I haven't seen this one)

Ain't Them Bodies Saints

Thank you for the recommendations.

Frances, Ha is the only movie on your list that I've seen, and it was good, but I wouldn't consider it for my list.

I think I might have also seen Carol, but if I did, I don't remember much about it, so I'll have to rewatch it.

Meek's Cutoff was on my watchlist for the Westerns Countdown, but unfortunately I didn't have time to watch it before the deadline. Maybe I'll be able to get to it for this countdown.

I've seen older versions of Little Women, but I haven't seen this version. I like the older versions, so I added this to my watchlist.

I don't know much about the rest of the movies on your list, so I'll have to look into them.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

this is my letterboxd list of my top 200 of the decade, all of which i recommend, but if i had to highlight a small handful that haven't gotten much recognition in this thread i'd say:

the double (richard ayoade, 2013)
colombus (kogonada, 2017)
mr. turner (mike leigh, 2014)
by the sea (angelina jolie, 2015)
margaret (kenneth lonergan, 2011)
the one i love (charlie mcdowell, 2014)
bernie (richard linklater, 2012)
the light between oceans (derek cianfrance, 2016)
christopher robin (marc forster, 2018)

Thanks for the recommendations.

I've seen Margaret and The One I Love, and I remember liking both movies, but it's been a while since I've seen them so I'll have to rewatch them.

I've heard good things about both Mr. Turner and Bernie, so both movies have been on my watchlist for a while. I have both movies on DVD, so I'll bump them up on my watchlist.

Christopher Robin is one of two movies about Winnie the Pooh that are already on my watchlist. (The other movie is Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017).) I'm looking forward to both of them, and I bumped them up on my watchlist.

I haven't heard of the rest of the movies on your list, but I'll look into them. I'll also check out your link to your Letterboxd page to see if there's anything else on your list that I might be interested in watching.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I also meant to suggest

The Rider (Zhao)

In the unseen category on my to watch list
Songs My Brothers Taught Me (also Zhao)
Columbus (glad it was mentioned. Been meaning to see it for a while, and then I ended up liking After Yang a lot more than I thought I would, this year. And I know at least one person who liked Columbus noticeably more).
Face, Places (I've seen very little Varda, though this is a more uncertain suggestion).

And back to one I've seen that might be too slow for the OP, but also might not be. (I guess Drive My Car would be your best reference point):
Asako I&II (Hamaguchi)

Thanks for the recommendations.

The only movie on your list that I've heard of is The Rider, and it sounds like my type of movie, so I added it to my watchlist.

I'll have to read up about the other movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Some thoughts on a couple of films others have suggested:

I would be very surprised if you like Anomalisa. It's on my shortlist, but I intentionally left it off of my animation suggestions. It's a very well done but also very odd movie and contains a fair amount of sex as well as full frontal nudity.

You Were Never Really Here is actually really not that violent. A lot of people die, sometimes quite brutally, but most of the violence happens off screen.

I wrote this about it after a rewatch in 2019:

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
It is completely without joy of any kind. We get a story about a man who doles out brutal justice to some of the world's monsters with the bash of a hammer, but neither Joe nor the audience is given any real satisfaction or fulfillment in the act. The violence occurs offscreen and we get to see only its bloody aftermath. Even when we are witness to the death of one of Joe's victims, the scene is turned into an unexpected moment of humanity and compassion.

That said, the movie's story revolves around child sex trafficking (though it's not graphic in that respect) and I will be shocked if you like it.

Thanks for the info about Anomalisa and You Were Never Really Here. You're probably right that they're not likely to be my kind of movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I started my 2010s movie watching with Stronger (2017) because it aired on one of the cable movie channels today. I liked the movie, especially how they didn't focus on the bombing. It was only a few minutes at the beginning of the movie, and then the movie focused entirely on Jeff Bauman, and how losing his legs in the bombing affected his life. That makes it a powerful movie that is anchored by Jake Gyllenhaal's powerful performance.

The only thing that might have made the movie a bit better would have been a little bit more of his backstory before the bombing. We only met him for a few minutes before it happened, so we never got a chance to know who he was before, so we don't really know how it changed him. Other than that, this was a great movie.

Thank you for the recommendation.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Miss Vicky,
I also watched Ernest & Celestine (2012) today. (I watched the English dub with Forest Whitaker and Mackenzie Foy voicing the title characters.)

This is an adorable story of an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a bear. I loved everything about this, from the shadow puppets on the wall when the little mice are listening to a scary bedtime story, to the way Ernest and Celestine comfort each other after they have nightmares. The voice actors are terrific in this, making it easy to fall in love with both main characters.

Thank you for a great recommendation.

@Miss Vicky,
I also watched Ernest & Celestine (2012) today. (I watched the English dub with Forest Whitaker and Mackenzie Foy voicing the title characters.)

This is an adorable story of an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a bear. I loved everything about this, from the shadow puppets on the wall when the little mice are listening to a scary bedtime story, to the way Ernest and Celestine comfort each other after they have nightmares. The voice actors are terrific in this, making it easy to fall in love with both main characters.

Thank you for a great recommendation.
You’re very welcome. I absolutely adore that movie and it’s a lock for my ballot - probably very high.

I just double-checked it, and it seems to be working for me, so I'm not sure what the problem is, but it's just a link to my custom lists here on MoFo. If you go to my Profile page and click on the "Lists" link below the large image, you should be able to get to my custom lists.

Is anyone else having a problem with the link in my first post?

Actually, I should clarify, the link takes me to a page, and that page is a blank screen. I'm on my phone (Android, browser/chrome), so it's possible that one layout of the site just doesn't work well on a certain subset of mobile users.

Thanks for the info about What We Do in the Shadows, but it probably didn't help push it up on my watchlist. I'm one of the few people who doesn't really care for mockumentaries like This is Spinal Tap.
But your reasons are now more aligned with a more correct impression of the movie and thus the dissonance in my mind is settled.

I enjoyed the movie, I don't love it like others do. I enjoyed Flight of the Conchords (also Waititi and Clement) from the previous decade, so it just felt like a continuation of that for me.

A couple off the top of my head:

Shuddh Desi Romance
The Brawler AKA Mukkabaaz
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Actually, I should clarify, the link takes me to a page, and that page is a blank screen. I'm on my phone (Android, browser/chrome), so it's possible that one layout of the site just doesn't work well on a certain subset of mobile users.

I don't know how it works on mobile devices. I use a desktop computer.

Maybe @Yoda, can figure out why it's not working on mobile?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
A couple off the top of my head:

Shuddh Desi Romance
The Brawler AKA Mukkabaaz
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

Thanks for the recommendations, but I don't watch a lot of foreign language movies because I have issues with subtitles. Regardless of how good they are, they rarely make my lists because rewatchability is a factor in my favorite movie lists.

But maybe some other people will check out these movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Today's movie was Forever My Girl (2018), a nice tearjerker romance about a country music star who left his fiance at the altar eight years earlier, and then returns home and tries to pick up the pieces of the life he left behind. This movie wasn't on anyone's recommendations list, but it aired on cable, and it sounded like my type of movie, so I decided to watch it.

It's a story that we've seen a million times in the movies, but it still works. Alex Roe and Jessica Rothe have great chemistry together, and Abby Ryder Fortson is adorable. The movie is a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions, but I enjoyed it. It helps if you like Lifetime movies and country music.

@Miss Vicky,
I also watched Ernest & Celestine (2012) today. (I watched the English dub with Forest Whitaker and Mackenzie Foy voicing the title characters.)

This is an adorable story of an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a bear. I loved everything about this, from the shadow puppets on the wall when the little mice are listening to a scary bedtime story, to the way Ernest and Celestine comfort each other after they have nightmares. The voice actors are terrific in this, making it easy to fall in love with both main characters.

Thank you for a great recommendation.
There's a TV series as well! Don't miss it!!!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Miss Vicky,
I also watched Ernest & Celestine (2012) today. (I watched the English dub with Forest Whitaker and Mackenzie Foy voicing the title characters.)

This is an adorable story of an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a bear. I loved everything about this, from the shadow puppets on the wall when the little mice are listening to a scary bedtime story, to the way Ernest and Celestine comfort each other after they have nightmares. The voice actors are terrific in this, making it easy to fall in love with both main characters.

Thank you for a great recommendation.
There's a TV series as well! Don't miss it!!!

I didn't know about the TV series. I'll have to look for it.

Thank you.

I don't know how it works on mobile devices. I use a desktop computer.

Maybe @Yoda, can figure out why it's not working on mobile?
Still in beta. Mobile hopefully next when I lock down the basic features.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Today I watched The November Man (2014), which was another movie that wasn't on anyone's list, but it aired on cable, and it caught my attention. I liked Pierce Brosnan as Jame Bond, and this sounded like a similar type of spy movie, (without the gadgets and the girls), so I decided to give it a try. It was okay, but not great. It kind of felt like they were trying to do too much with too many twists and turns, and some of them just didn't work. It was just clichéd in a "been there, done that" kind of way. But I liked Luke Bracey as Brosnan's ex-partner. I don't think I've seen him in anything else.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Frightened Inmate No. 2;, (I tried to get this MENTION tag to work, but for some reason I can't seem to fix it properly. )

I watched Columbus (2017), and I liked it. The movie starts off slow, and it took a while to get where it was going, but once it got there, it was worth the wait. I liked the chemistry between John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson. This movie kind of reminded me of the movie Before Sunset, where we're basically just watching two people wander around, talk and get to know each other for a lot of the movie, but instead of a romantic feeling, they seem to be building a friendship. It's not quite the same thing, and there's more to it than just that, but it had a similar feel at times.

Thanks for the recommendation.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Siddon and @Thief,

I watched Eighth Grade (2018), and I found this movie to be very awkward to watch, but that's probably what made it such a good movie. There were parts of the movie that I could relate to, like the way she was treated by the other kids in school, but because I don't use any of the social media sites, I couldn't really relate to the way she seemed to be attached to her phone.

This kind of made Kayla seem like two different people. One was the awkward person in school, and the other was the confident person who made the videos. She seemed to try so hard to make friends that she did and said everything wrong.

WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "Eighth Grade "(2018)!!!" spoilers below
But the nice thing was in the end, she seemed to finally figure it out, and I think she was probably happier in high school because she seemed to accept who she is. I loved the scene at the end with Kayla and Gabe, where they were each so nervous being with the other one. I thought that was adorable.

This is a very good movie, but a bit of an uncomfortable movie to watch at times. I think a lot of people can probably relate to what she was going through, even if they went to middle school many years ago.

Thank you for the recommendation.