The 10th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Well then read my rant and then have a garbage plate. I need to learn to ask questions before I speak.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just sent my nom.

Also, just so you all know, I will be leaving for Notre Dame's Film Production track for Summer Scholars on Saturday so I won't be posting, nor watching the nominated films, until I get back on July 10th. Out of a lot of applicants, they only took 20 for each track. I just can't wait until this and show you the film I will be making!
That's very cool FM! I hope you learn a lot and have a blast too. Thanks for the heads up and we'll keep a seat warm for you Glad you could join!

Crickets shout saying it has only 9 members has made me want to join this, the ones with 19 members or whatever were too much for me to be confident that i'd be able to finish them, which is the most important thing for me deciding whether i'll join or not. I'll join this if it stays at these numbers roughly. If a lot of people join that's fine, i just have a certain way of joining these so i'll wait to the last minute to send my nom if that's ok.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Crickets shout saying it has only 9 members has made me want to join this, the ones with 19 members or whatever were too much for me to be confident that i'd be able to finish them, which is the most important thing for me deciding whether i'll join or not. I'll join this if it stays at these numbers roughly. If a lot of people join that's fine, i just have a certain way of joining these so i'll wait to the last minute to send my nom if that's ok.
Cool, you would make an even 10 and that's a good number. So yeah join, I have the deadlines and info on the 1st post which I'll keep updated.

The deadline for getting in nominations is Saturday 25th midnight PST, which is tonight.

I will then do the reveal of the nominations on Sunday 26th around 10-11 AM PST.

Just posting to say that i'll join now officially as i said i would Citizen. Use the nom i sent. I was briefly thinking about nominating Sweet Sixteen again (i was thinking about it again not saying i have nominated it before just to clarify since i haven't) but the slang and accents would be too much for some i imagine and it isn't easy to find english subtitled since it is in english obviously. I used Topsy as my guinea pig in the TV Tournament thread by showing her the trailer, she didn't seem to have a big problem understanding it and actually said that she is going to watch it anyway. Still i know Cricket had problems when he tried it as well as someone else. Everyone should watch it anyway, pretty sure Citizen just told me he won't be accepting lists from people who haven't seen Sweet Sixteen

Trouble with a capital "T"
Everyone should watch it anyway, pretty sure Citizen just told me he won't be accepting lists from people who haven't seen Sweet Sixteen
Ha!...Sweet Sixteen is optional But Sixteen Candles is mandatory.....well not really.

Welcome to Camo, we have a nice group of MoFos! and I can tell you the noms rock! So be here tomorrow at 10-11 AM Pacific Standard Time for the big reveal of the noms!

Time Zone Converter

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's 10 AM PST on the button I posted the nominations on the 2nd post. I'll also post them here:

The Movie Nominations for the 10th HoF

The Empire Strikes Back (1980, Irvin Kishner)
nominated by Seanc

Time for one of the greatest trilogy ever to be nominated. I have always loved Star Wars and always will. Objectively this is the best of the bunch. Better place high you nerfherders...Seanc

The Lucky Ones (2008, Neil Burger)
nominated by Rauldc14

Not to be confused with that goofy Zac Strong movie. I love the lead performances in this film. It's an inspiring funny film fun of adventure with a touch of reality that hit home for me. I really thought McAdams, Pena, and Robbins were all great. I don't usually nominate something like this but I enjoy the movie a lot and am curious on everybody's thoughts...Rauldc

East of Eden (1955, Elia Kazan)
nominated by Citizen Rules

John Steinback, Elia Kazan and James Dean...Citizen Rules

Cul-De-Sac (1966, Polanski)
nominated by Cricket

This was one of my biggest surprises while watching 60's movies for that particular countdown. It's surprisingly entertaining and I think everyone will enjoy it...Cricket

Amour (2012, Michael Haneke)
nominated by Neiba

My Man Godfrey (1936, Gregory La Cava)
nominated by SilentVamp

Considering what my past two general HoF nominations were, I decided to go for something "lighter" in tone this time around. Last time I nominated my favorite film of the 1940's. That helped me to decide to now nominate my favorite film from the 1930's. That would also make "My Man Godfrey" one of my all-time favorite comedies, of course. It may seem like a typical screwball comedy, but underneath it all, there is a serious element to it - if you pay close enough...SilentVamp

Blade Runner (1982, Ridley Scott)
nominated by Thursday Next

Lilya 4-Ever (2002, Lucas Moodysson)
nominated by Topsy

The movie is about a sixteen year old Estonian girl who is left by her mother. When her new boyfriend promises her a new and better life in Sweden she goes with him. She soon realizes that things wont go as promised.

I recommend this movie because is based on a true story,and unfortunately the lives of many other girls as well. This is a problem that wont go away until we all unite and banish prostitution and human trafficking, sadly I don't see it happening...Topsy

Ugetsu (1953, Kenji Mizoguchi)
nominated by Friendly Mushroom

This film almost has an incomparable important place in my heart. Though the film by itself is wonderful, the main reason why this film is so special to me is because it was the last movie I watched with my dog Skippy by my side. He would die in his sleep that night at age 11. (April 10, 2016)

I will always associate this grand movie with my beloved dog and I wanted to share with you my love for Skippy by nominating this.
You will be missed Skippy...Friendly Mushroom

Dead Man's Shoes (2004, Shane Meadows)
nominated by Camo

Along with my nom i've seen Empire and Blade Runner. Not a fan of Blade Runner, i think it is very well made it just isn't something i am able to get into. Love Empire, my favourite Star Wars film. All three of those are fresh in my mind so i only really have to watch 7, but i might re watch them anyway.

Glad to see two 50's films, been meaning to watch something from Mizoguchi for ages. Also glad to see Amour nominated, only seen Funny Games (the original) from Haneke so far.

I haven't see The Empire Strikes Back in many years. I absolutely loved it when I was younger, and I think I'll take this opportunity to watch the entire trilogy again.

Never head of The Lucky Ones; it sounds like something I could watch with my wife.

Saw East of Eden recently; it's a great story.

Haven't seen Amour, but I'm always happy to watch a best picture winner.

Haven't seen My Man Godfrey, but I'm well aware of its existence.

I've never been a huge fan of Blade Runner, but I've liked it more every time I've watched it.

Lilya 4-Ever was already on my watchlist so I'm very happy to see it nominated.

Saw Ugetsu recently, another great Japanese movie from that era.

I loved Dead Man's Shoes, and it has one of my all time favorite scenes.

Nice variety!