Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Preliminary Thread

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I know it's mostly how a film is about it, not what it's about, yadda, yadda, yadda. But, ugh, white collar criminals . . .
Right?!?! Kidnappers, murderers, and rapists are so much more fun!

Yes, big fan of both of these!

Okay, so there are quite a few big name films from the decade I haven't seen. I do not intend to watch all of them, but if you had to pick 3-5 from the following list as essential, what would they be? Films with a * are already of interest to me. Films with a ^ are not of interest--convince me.


My Picks  

Recommendations for some 2010 Movies

One of my favorite High School movies, if you fan of those high school movies check this one out.

This movie is like groundhog day but it's a horror movie with a teenage girl having to relive the same day and must track down the killer that keeps killing her over and over again.

I love seeing female leads in these kind of movies. The movie is about a female seeking justice on the gang that killed her daughter and husband. Also with Jennifer Gardner in it, she makes it enjoyable to watch.

I'm surprised this didn't make the comedy countdown list, imo one of the funniest movies of 2010.
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Not on your list, but if you haven't seen The Fits, that's a movie that I thought was decent, definitely interesting, does seem like a movie that would hit some subjects that seem to interest you.
I have seen it and quite enjoyed it. Thanks for your thoughts!

I posted this in gbgoodies' thread, but figured I'd repost it here:

This will likely change quite a bit for me though once I reassemble my ballot.
Nice list. I've seen all but three (Florida Project, Burning, Shame)
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!


You have a lot of good stuff in there, so trying hard not to go above 5. I think these would be my picks...

Melancholia - As I browsed the list, this is the first one that I really thought "lock" as soon as I read it. Powerful film, and I think you will at least appreciate what it's trying to do, even if it's not, umm, enjoyable.

The Big Sick - On my Top 5 of romcoms. It's fun, it's emotional, it's well acted.

Green Room - Maybe the "less complex" of this bunch, but certainly one that sticks with you. I know you're a fan of Blue Ruin, but don't come to this one expecting the same level of pathos. This is more visceral and horror-adjacent, but well done at that.

Compliance - One that I will probably bring up in my "left field" recommendations. It's one of the most uncomfortable film-watching experiences I've had, made only worst by the realization that it all happened in real life. Ann Dowd is excellent in it.

I'm gonna cheat in the last one, but Nightcrawler, Blue Jasmine, and Inside Llewyn Davis are all a showcase of their respective leading stars (Gyllenhaal, Blanchett, and Isaac). Blanchett's is on my Top 5 of Oscar-winning performances, while I consider it a travesty that Gyllenhaal wasn't nominated by this. Knowing you, I think the first two would be the ones that appeal more to you, but I could be wrong.

Mind you, there's a lot more great stuff in that list, so I was just trying to Venn the ones I liked more with the ones I think you would appreciate more.

One more cheat, but even though Before Midnight is probably the "weakest" of the Before Trilogy, it's by a very minuscule margin and I think it's a fitting closure to the story.

MovieGal recommended this to me via DMs recently, so I'm gong to check it out tonight:

Great film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My recommendations...You MoFos are so well watched I'm sure you've already heard of these. But if you haven't seen them consider watching them:

Another Earth (2011)
Big Eyes (2014)
Bridge of Spies (2015)
Brooklyn (2015)
Captain Phillips (2013)

Fences (2016)
Leave No Trace (2018)
Meek's Cutoff (2010)
Molly's Game (2017)
Never Let Me Go (2010)

Night Moves (2013)
Passengers (2016)
Predestination (2014)
Ruby Sparks (2012)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)

Spotlight (2015)
Stan & Ollie (2018)
The Age of Adaline (2015)
The Dressmaker (2015)
The Flowers Of War (2011)

The Founder (2016)
The King's Speech (2010)
The Two Faces of January (2014)

MovieGal recommended this to me via DMs recently, so I'm gong to check it out tonight:

Phoenix is probably a lock for my top 10. It's so good.

Green Room - Maybe the "less complex" of this bunch, but certainly one that sticks with you. I know you're a fan of Blue Ruin, but don't come to this one expecting the same level of pathos. This is more visceral and horror-adjacent,
I've actually "watched" Green Room before, but seeing Yelchin in danger just, like, kind of did me in and I ended up sort of zoning out of the movie. I couldn't even tell you much about what happened after the first 30 minutes. I don't know why I kept it on when it was clear it was not a good night to watch it. I'd like to give it another go before the countdown.

Some of these may be repeats from other people's suggestions, but here are a few big favorites that might be a bit lesser known:

The Broken Circle Breakdown

Ernest & Celestine

The Illusionist

The Man From Nowhere

The Skin I Live In

You Were Never Really Here

Oddly for me, all of the above are foreign language films except for You Were Never Really Here.

Some other favorites that might be more familiar:

Call Me By Your Name
Despicable Me
Dallas Buyers Club
Django Unchained
Gone Girl
The Help
How to Train Your Dragon
Inherent Vice
Inside Out
Irrational Man
Isle of Dogs
Jojo Rabbit
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Revenant
Shutter Island
The Town
Toy Story 3
The Wolf of Wall Street
Wreck-It Ralph
Your Name.

Gotta bunch of others on my shortlist, but I need to rewatch them so I haven't included them here.

[collapse="HELP ME!"]
Call Me By Your Name
Three Billboards
The Lobster
Magic Mike
Death of Stalin
Inside Llewyn Davis

I didn't bother suggesting Wall Street because I can't imagine you liking it. But it is fantastic and possibly the best movie on the list.

I didn't bother suggesting Wall Street because I can't imagine you liking it. But it is fantastic and possibly the best movie on the list.
I'm sure it's great. I think it would make me incredibly unhappy to watch.

MovieGal recommended this to me via DMs recently, so I'm gong to check it out tonight:

It was very good, btw. Not sure it will make my ballot, but I may consider it.

Wolf of Wall Street^
I don't know your taste that well and I see that you're biased against it. You probably won't like it, given your bias, but I find it to be the most entertaining of the movies I've seen from your list. DiCaprio really shines and proves that he's really funny and can do physical comedy well. It's pretty much a lock for my ballot, but it's a long movie and going into it with your mindset isn't going to work.

Call Me By Your Name
This is a really sweet and romantic movie, but it did take some time to grow on me.

The Great Gatsby
I enjoy this one a lot, though me being a DiCaprio fan probably has a lot to do with it. Just keep in mind that this is very much a Baz Luhrmann movie and try not to let yourself be put off by his soundtrack choices.

The Hateful Eight
If you like Tarantino, watch it. If you don't like him, skip it. Also I just realized that I missed this and now my "shortlist" has 83 films on it.

The Help^
I have a pretty strong aversion to movies with lots of estrogen, but this is a big contender for my ballot. I didn't expect to like it at all, but I've watched it several times and I am fully engaged every time. The performances are very strong and it's great mix of scenes that are in turn funny, tragic, and enraging. Looking at its IMDb page, I'm really surprised to see that it's almost 2.5 hours long because it doesn't feel like it to me.

A Separation*
This is on my rewatch list. I saw it several years ago and not since so my memory of it is not great, but I remember it being really compelling and I really appreciated the way that it didn't vilify any of its characters.

Are you going to list users who submitted ballots? Because I have submitted mine already too.

When I looked an hour ago, I saw your name on there.