The 2nd MoFo Hall of Infamy : Son of Infamy


I forgot the opening line.
And just like that! We have a new nomination :

Leap : Rise of the Beast (2011) - Nominated by ueno_station54

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Okay, so here we are and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say even if someone new joins, those second nominations are looking set to be revealed to join the current nominations. I currently have 4. The 2nd Reveal and Deadline for joining comes in 3 days time.

Sorry I missed this, am I to nominate a second film?

since i already let the cat out of the bag in regards to my feelings towards this film i guess i'll start here:

A Talking Cat!?! (David Decoteau, 2013)

So I quite enjoyed this when I'd first seen it years ago, probably not too long after it came out, mostly as a lolcow but i thought it had a hint of genuine charm as well. Obviously the very low budget, lack of locations, excessive stock music, nearly non-existent stakes, probably shot on a DSLR, drunk Eric Roberts recording his lines into a tin can and of course the talking cat effect make it a prime candidate for mockery and to have some fun in the process. This time around things were a bit different though. This time I enjoyed the film in a far more sincere way. Its such a nice, sunny film, the vibes are just immaculate. the music, despite obviously being royalty free, really pressed the nostalgia button in my brain as it reminds me of like late 90's-early 2000's PC games. A lot of it sounds like you could find it in a Barbie or Nancy Drew game and it hit me with a remarkable amount of warmth and comfort. I had such a genuine smile on my face the whole way through. There's some real magic to this film and it really turned around the kind of blah mood I was in today. You could do a wonderful triple feature with two other films that deal with a magical stranger waltzing into a family's life and changing things for the better, Teorema and Visitor Q . I never expected to enjoy this so genuinely but my heart has been warmed and my day brightened.

I watched A Talking Cat!?! today. This wasn't that bad. The acting was pretty poor for the most part. I thought it was a cute and interesting story. Some of the dialogue and scenes were a little cheesy, but I have seen worse. Squeaky the cat who played Duffy the cat was clearly the best actor in the film. Eric Roberts was fine as the voice of the cat. I chuckled a couple times. I've only seen one other film by this director, which was Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988). I enjoyed that one and it was a better film than A Talking Cat. But this one was tolerable and mildly amusing. Meow!

Well, couldn't let myself go to bed happy so I decided to watch this instead:

Airplane Mode (David Dinetz & Dylan Trussell, 2019)

Okay so the first scene, someone did a wrestling move (big plus) followed almost immediately by an especially lame transphobic joke (big minus) and boy it sure would've been nice if one of those was a reoccurring thing instead of the other and even though I'd just prefer their not also be racist jokes at all, you'd think racist TSA joke technology would have evolved at some point in the last 20 years. Despite this, the film was at least moving along briskly enough... for a bit at least. Once the actual premise starts the film loses any momentum it had and I can't believe that was only 80 minutes. I could say it felt like an eternity but realistically it probably felt about 20 minutes longer than it was, which is still absurdly bad. I felt my brain going numb by the end. It's maybe still not as bad as I expected but that's because it couldn't have possibly been worse than I expected. Its just rapid fire jokes from the most annoying people imaginable which, since there is so many jokes a couple of them are bound to work. I don't remember any of them but it probably happened. Yeah this was quite bad, good chance of winning.

since there is so many jokes a couple of them are bound to work. I don't remember any of them but it probably happened.
You've already forgotten the instantly iconic moment where the love interest threw pudding at another passenger?

You've already forgotten the instantly iconic moment where the love interest threw pudding at another passenger?
the best bit in the movie is clearly just Logan Paul awkwardly scooting away on a hoverboard after the kid breaks his femurs, but that's probably just because the movie ended immediately after.

I forgot the opening line.
Sorry I missed this, am I to nominate a second film?
Only if you want to.

I threw the idea out there, that if we didn't get many joining I'd open the doors for second nominations - but I made it a non-compulsory aspect of the Hall. Since ueno joined I reached my minimum number of participants, and we reached 6 nominations, and 5 second nominations - but I'll ask everyone one last time (this is especially for @Takoma11 who didn't want to review any more than 10 films) does anyone have a problem with adding the 5 extra second nominations to this Hall of Infamy?

@Allaby @KeyserCorleone @ueno_station54

Only if you want to.

I threw the idea out there, that if we didn't get many joining I'd open the doors for second nominations - but I made it a non-compulsory aspect of the Hall. Since ueno joined I reached my minimum number of participants, and we reached 6 nominations, and 5 second nominations - but I'll ask everyone one last time (this is especially for @Takoma11 who didn't want to review any more than 10 films) does anyone have a problem with adding the 5 extra second nominations to this Hall of Infamy?

@Allaby @KeyserCorleone @ueno_station54
I'm fine with adding the extra noms, if everyone else is okay with it. If anyone has an issue with it, I'm also okay with not adding the second noms.

Only if you want to.

I threw the idea out there, that if we didn't get many joining I'd open the doors for second nominations - but I made it a non-compulsory aspect of the Hall. Since ueno joined I reached my minimum number of participants, and we reached 6 nominations, and 5 second nominations - but I'll ask everyone one last time (this is especially for @Takoma11 who didn't want to review any more than 10 films) does anyone have a problem with adding the 5 extra second nominations to this Hall of Infamy?

@Allaby @KeyserCorleone @ueno_station54
It's fine with me to add the second nominations. I already watched everything except Leap. I appreciate that most nominations this time around were pretty short. (Yes, my own film was an exception. I think I'd repressed the fact that it was two hours long).

Leap: Rise of the Beast (Chris Tempel, 2011)

Okay a bit of preamble. I kind of cheated a bit with this nomination (as well as my second pick if we do those). I had recently found a great list on Letterboxd that just had a ton of just unhinged shit (not all bad but mostly bad) on it and threw a ton of it on my watchlist. Once I saw I could still join this hall I had to pick something from that list, it would have been a waste not to. The reason I say I cheated a bit is that I picked films that, though by all accounts are terrible, were things that had a chance for me to actually enjoy which might be kind of not in the spirit of this thing.

Fortunately, this wasn't good or fun in the slightest and I don't have to feel guilty about the pick

This really sounded like it was going to be a good time. Christian parkour action movie about the entire Vatican (as in the country) being the antichrist?? What a pitch. That sounds so bonkers in concept but sadly it did not bonk and a only serves as a reminder that parkour is actually really boring unless its at the absolute highest tier. Its got all the bad movie stuff we expect. Bad acting, badly shot, no oomph to the action, a bit of terrible green screen here and there. Tragically none of it ends up being fun even by accident. Its just kind of boring. Completely unremarkable. I think the funniest aspect of the film is just that everyone in the film is the most christian looking person you've ever seen. Also there's a cliffhanger ending and no follow up ever happened, that's kind of funny too. There's a fight scene that's at least choreographed I guess? It's not good but they planned something at least? idk I'm grasping at straws here but its at least not bad enough to like, affect my mood or anything it just came and went.

If anyone has a link for Wild 90!(1968) I join this Hall....I can't find it and the person running the hall can't either.
It wasn't easy, but I found it (it's also on the Criterion channel).

Wild 90 (1967)

Often times I wonder to myself what makes a film terrible and three things come to mind. First is the film is boring....and Wild 90 tells the story of three guys held up in a single run down apartment after robbing a grocery store. We never leave the location...people come in and out of the apartment for little to no reason and the film ends with Norman Mailer saying it was all about the CIA. The second part is the film poorly made...and this is a film that is so bad you have to wonder just how many of the people working on the film were sober. 50-70% of the dialogue is incomprehensible. Mailer shouts and screams and puts on a WC Fields or racist accent who knows it's just terrible. The film isn't in focus at times. And the third part is the film just stupid...and listening to Norman Mailor drunkenly rant, bark at dogs and try and get laid on really dumb.

Fun Fact: one of the many non-actors to show up in the film is future honorary Oscar and cinema verite trailblazer DA Pennebaker who plays I think a cop....can't really tell. I hope you all enjoy listening to a babbling drunk moron for 80 minutes and think Criterion wanted this film to be seen.