2014 Mofies!!! - Nominations


For the ceremony I'll be wearing just my boxers and drinking whiskey eggnog
So just another normal day, in other words.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have my alarm clock set, (no kidding I don't want to forget.) I have my awards written and mailed to myself. I'm ready to go!

Now all we need is the audience.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Ya, in Portugal too! I've spent the last 3 hours chosing my outfit! I wanna look nice to the cameras, while I accep... oh f*ck, I'm not nominated for anything... well, while I present two awards!
I'll be on stage eitherway!

Ya, in Portugal too! I've spent the last 3 hours chosing my outfit! I wanna look nice to the cameras, while I accep... oh f*ck, I'm not nominated for anything... well, while I present two awards!
I'll be on stage eitherway!
Maybe you can win the surprise 'best dressed on the night' award?

Of course as a presenter, I'll be here.

Disappointed that hk and Spaulding won't be here.

All that campaigning and self promotion only to be a no show for the ceremony. For shame, Spaulding. For shame.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
So, 1 hour to the greatest film-related cerimony of the year (after Swanies, of course ).

Will we do this on this thread or in a new one?

Something personal came up which means I won't be able to attend the Mofies, unfortunately. Bummed I'm missing out on my first Mofies.

Best of luck to the nominees!

Is anyone even gonna be there? Is this the "cool" thing to do? Skip the MoFies?

Master of My Domain
Is anyone even gonna be there? Is this the "cool" thing to do? Skip the MoFies?
I'm here.

Come one. Come all! Come watch me lose the "Funniest MoFo" award.....