Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Tonight, we streamed Soul, an animation, voiced mostly by Jamie Fox and Tina Fey. It's like part animated comedy and part Tibetan Book of the Dead. Joe Gardner is a music teacher, not fulfilled, really wanting to be a "real" musician. Joe is trying out for a gig, accidentally falls down a manhole, presumably killed and shows up what seems like the Motor Vehicle Administration of souls, a long line that leads you back to life to finish things or to "The Great Beyond". Things get pretty weird from here out, to quote Wikipedia - "Joe excitedly hops back to Earth but accidentally brings 22 with him, resulting in 22 entering his body and Joe ending up in the body of a therapy cat. " (22 being another character). I leave it to you to figure all this out.

In spite of the fact that the plot line is seriously contorted and weird, I did enjoy it. The characters are good and the animation (computerized but cartoon style) is amazing. It's set in New York and, while watching it, I found myself thinking that this scene is set at the corner of 7th Avenue and 14th Street and turned out to be right.

IMO, the plot could have been less cluttered with metaphysical junk and confused spirits and still have been somewhat true to the Bardo Thodol inspiration, but, nevertheless, it was completely enjoyable.

Just flicking through the channels and the 2017 remake of Dirty Dancing is on telly

This pile of garbage makes the original look like Citizen Kane.

And Bruce Greenwood playing piano singing... and his voice has been dubbed over by someone who was obviously in their early teens.

Amazingly bad.

VFW, 2019

A young woman, Lizard (Sarah McCormick) steals a HUGE bag of drugs from the head of a nest of junkies, then runs for her life and makes it as far as the VFW building across the street. Holed up there with a group of veterans (Stephen Lang, William Sadler, Fred Williamson, George Wendt, Tom Williamson), the building comes under siege from the junkies and their sadistic leader, Boz (Travis Hammer).

This is a fun little grindhouse-esque flick with plenty of exploding heads and baddies inexplicably armed with chainsaws. The VFW crew are a fun group as they alternate banter among themselves and using improvised weapons to fend off their attackers.

I think that this is the kind of film you either like or you don't. For the most part, I enjoyed it. For a film where the bad guys are essentially zombies, the dialogue really leans into calling any female character a bitch. Okay, movie.

I also had really mixed feelings about the very end in which
WARNING: spoilers below
the main characters decide to take the drugs and sell them to finance rebuilding the bar. So they are going to profit off of selling the same drug that drove Lizard's sister so deep into addiction that she killed herself? The drug that we basically spend the whole film realizing is life-destroying? Yeah, cool. Makes sense.
. It's a weird, sour note on which to end what is otherwise a pretty light and fun flick.

Another good film for a late night.

My Darth Star is in for a service
Deadpool 2

The Super Dooper Cut no less.
Action packed, full of adult humour, loads of explosions and a kid called FireFist, what more could you ask for?
A thoroughly enjoyable movie with Ryan Reynolds making DP the most obnoxious, self obssessed hero in movie world.
His willingness to mock his own career, that of his fellow co stars and other actors from other movies adds to the fun.
Josh Brolin was perfect for the part of Cable, his brooding hard ass attitude countering DP's sarcasm and childishness.

A cracking movie, inventive, funny and non stop.


Deadpool 2

The Super Dooper Cut no less.
Action packed, full of adult humour, loads of explosions and a kid callled FireFist, what more could you ask for?
A thoroughly enjoyable movie with Ryan Reynolds making DP the most obnoxious, self obssessed hero in movie world.
His willingness to mock his own career, that of his fellow co stars and other actors from other movies adds to the fun.
Josh Brolin was perfect for the part of Cable, his brooding hard ass attitude countering DP's sarcasm and childishness.

A cracking movie, inventive, funny and non stop.

hope they still gonna make deadpool 3 D=

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The Good Neighbor -5.5/10
I like the theme, I like James Caan, but they ruined a good opportunity on LOUSY acting, and no meat - just a good blueprint. It's so annoying listening to every other character speak - so fake. But, the movie is accessible, decent paced.

The Collector - 8.5/10
Third time watching this... Always hoping to find movies like this.
Good to hear, I generally like Wyler and I need some more from 1965

The Collector - 8.5/10
Third time watching this... Always hoping to find movies like this.
Very strange movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Really surprised to see this B sci-fi monster drive-in movie in The Criterion Collection. The movie wasn't really good of course, and it wasn't fun like a Roger Corman or AIP flick would've been. But the brain creatures were kind of fun in a kitsch way. They 'died' real good! I read that this caused a commotion in British Parliament at the time.

Objective rating

Fun rating

Trees Longe Director: Steve Buscemi.
Steve Buscemis debut feature film. Chloë Sevignys second movie, filmed between Kids (95) and Gummo (97).
Pretty decent cast. Pretty straight forward story. Buscemi spends his time drinking, after losing his job. And the place he spends his time is the bar, Trees Lounge.


The Collector - 8.5/10
Third time watching this... Always hoping to find movies like this.
I love this movie!