Second Life


A system of cells interlinked
Mousemove doesn;t actually bring anything up. ACK!! Forgot to tell you, for it to work in SL, you must go into mouselook mode. Yeah, that was a key item...sorry!

to stop mouselook, minimize SL, hit ctrl/alt/Delete and show processes, then just end Mouselook process.

I IMed Ja, he might have run to work or something in RL...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by OG-
Man, you people are tempting me to get in on this action. But I know all productivity that is in my life, which isn't much, would be entirely forfeit if I did.
The fear comes true... I've done nothing since i got it running last night
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by OG-
Man, you people are tempting me to get in on this action. But I know all productivity that is in my life, which isn't much, would be entirely forfeit if I did.
I'm not going to say it's that addictive.

Wait, yes I am.

A system of cells interlinked
The cool thing, OG, is that it's not possible for someone under 18 to get an account (or very difficult), so the user base is:

- Mature
- Nice
- Extremely Helpful

The thing is, with no set goals or readily apparent taskes, the program seems to attract people who are into the community aspect and the freedom to build anything they want using the supplied developer tools. I mean really, I was just so shocked when after a few days of tinkering around in-world, I had not seen even ONE idiot punk or spammer or anything like that. I was like "Hey, wait a minute...where are all the 133t speak morons and 9 year olds that usually ruin my online experiences?"

All the random people I have spoken to or talked to have been extremely helpful, courteous, and kind. I have really been having a blast (minus the shark attack) in this world...

Also, because progress in the world is driven by social interaction and creativity, it tends to attract a much different crowd than your usual hack and slash...

An interesting article about SL from a review site. The guy pretty much distills what it is all about, and mentions some cool things in the article. For instance, one user has written evolution algorithms for some of the fish in the world, and they slowly develop new evolutionary traits over time...

SL Article

We are just scratching the surface, folks...

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Sedai
An interesting article about SL from a review site. The guy pretty much distills what it is all about, and mentions some cool things in the article. For instance, one user has written evolution algorithms for some of the fish in the world, and they slowly develop new evolutionary traits over time...

SL Article

We are just scratching the surface, folks...
Yeah, this is it. To really rez in and get the best out of it some coding-style skills are in order - but playing with other people's creations is still cool for now (Altho i now have some weapons that could get me suspended apparently )

Like the way the article described it as a 'mass hallucination' you just have to engage with

I'm taken with the idea of setting up a little Golgot-corner, but I'm wondering whether promoting 'real life' stuff is permitted? Like, when i finally polish off the anti-factory-farming filmette i'm working on, whether i could set up a little cow-festooned 'cinema' or talking shop (the whole idea of the film is to draw attention to a bunch of facts/articles etc). Hmm. All very theoretical... [I need to finish the damn thing first ]... oh, and make some Ls


Seds, that place where were before (when it dumped us out) was EDIT: "odds&ends" - the mini-mall style thing there has all the Avs and stuff for 1L a pop. Loads of stuff there. Sleezy, you should def check it out too

there's a frog in my snake oil
You're never on Mr Fish! - Or at least, i can't find you amongst the whirl of oddness

I've been walking around in Darth Vader's body. Can't give up my patent-pending blue 'mangatail' hair tho

I was just having a chuckle at some of the events:

-Starfleet Roleplay: Join us as we continue on our maiden voyage (uniform provided)
-Best Swimsuit

(I have no idea what Slingo is. Ever since i felated that 'rock' i've started being extra careful round this place )

I keep imagining what a 3D MoFo would be like tho. I could see it working with the forums being like giant floating icons (popcorn etc), and everyone who was viewing each one would just be floating around it. Could be pretty natty - with all the chat and screenings that'd be possible too. And Holden would get to shoot people. It'd be perfect .

One way or another i reckon this type of thing is gonna catch on

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by Golgot
[i]-Starfleet Roleplay: Join us as we continue on our maiden voyage (uniform provided)

Heh. I actually joined that group last night. Funny thing is, I dropped in on their roleplaying with my new, creepy avatar, and they asked me to join. It looks kinda dull, but I figured I'd check it out anyway. I've been running out of things to do.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Does your Av have a ridged forehead?

Yeah, i'm caught between intrigue on one hand and a type of impending-impatience on the other. Intrigue's still winning, but i think once the novelty wears off i'll need to have some real-life thread-through going on to make it stay appealing. Something like a MoFo or whatever.

I'm not sure how set up it is for that kind of larger scale communication. At least if i knew how to mod stuff i could 'interact' with the place in that way (by producing bizarre physical messages - like cows that cough coz they need their antibiotics ). If i don't find a community that catches my eye i think my jaunts are going to start tailing off for sure.

Still, lotta potential out there

A system of cells interlinked
I think some folks will need to get with the constructing and designing to have fun for a long time. I enjoy the social aspect of it, and the wandering around. I also seem to like the gambling games and accruing L Dollars.

The other day, I flew WAY up as far as I could go, and there was a construct that someone was working on just floating way the hell up there. I flew around it until I found a small entryway to the large odd shaped structure. When I got inside, someone had recreated an entire level of the video game System Shock II. Being one of my favorite games of all time, I decided to explore more. They had everything running like the game, with sounds, effects and clickable action areas all around the place. Sitting in the middle of the room was a humanoid robot, that was sort of flopped over rag doll style, just staring off into space, a forgotten project left in the sky....

Crazy stuff in world...

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Sedai
The other day, I flew WAY up as far as I could go, and there was a construct that someone was working on just floating way the hell up there. I flew around it until I found a small entryway to the large odd shaped structure. When I got inside, someone had recreated an entire level of the video game System Shock II. Being one of my favorite games of all time, I decided to explore more. They had everything running like the game, with sounds, effects and clickable action areas all around the place. Sitting in the middle of the room was a humanoid robot, that was sort of flopped over rag doll style, just staring off into space, a forgotten project left in the sky....
I think this may have possibly convinced me to finally check this out. That sounds incredible.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by -OG
I think this may have possibly convinced me to finally check this out. That sounds incredible.
It's a low-res Blade Runner in the sky

Originally Posted by Sedai
I think some folks will need to get with the constructing and designing to have fun for a long time. I enjoy the social aspect of it, and the wandering around. I also seem to like the gambling games and accruing L Dollars.
There's no doubt there's a wealth of stuff out there. It'd just be cool to be able to add to the wealth . (And yeah, you're a gambling fiend - But i reckon a Tringo crown ain't that far away )

For now, i'm thinking gladiator competitions. While shaped like ET. With a parrot on my shoulder.
It might not work tho

Good drumming session tonight btw

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Golgot
It's a low-res Blade Runner in the sky

There's no doubt there's a wealth of stuff out there. It'd just be cool to be able to add to the wealth . (And yeah, you're a gambling fiend - But i reckon a Tringo crown ain't that far away )

For now, i'm thinking gladiator competitions. While shaped like ET. With a parrot on my shoulder.
It might not work tho

Good drumming session tonight btw
The drum thing was epic. Just so cool that you happened to find a whole drum circle set up just sitting in the wilderness. When we had three people going on it it was really fun! Some very cool instruments. One of the cooler things we have done so far...

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by Sedai
The drum thing was epic. Just so cool that you happened to find a whole drum circle set up just sitting in the wilderness. When we had three people going on it it was really fun! Some very cool instruments. One of the cooler things we have done so far...

My cable Internet went out last night, and I couldn't sign on. Bollocks!

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Sleezy

My cable Internet went out last night, and I couldn't sign on. Bollocks!
I have a feeling there will be more drum circle sessions, it was really fun... My dude is camping right now, I think...I am at work...

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Sedai
I have a feeling there will be more drum circle sessions, it was really fun... My dude is camping right now, I think...I am at work...
They've had a power failure so the site's down for a while. (Which is probably good, coz it means i can get the work done i 've been putting off for a while ). Bit annoying tho coz i'm away tomorrow til sunday night.

More drumming should def be on the cards - and we should keep an eye out for other musical items we can chuck about to add to the vibe . I know i've got a set of instruments, but i don't know if they can be played. Something we can just lob into the mix (that's a bit better than those parping party popper things) would be class tho.

Good to meet your mate J last night (And seeing you zipping about in your miniature guises )

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Golgot
They've had a power failure so the site's down for a while. (Which is probably good, coz it means i can get the work done i 've been putting off for a while ). Bit annoying tho coz i'm away tomorrow til sunday night.

More drumming should def be on the cards - and we should keep an eye out for other musical items we can chuck about to add to the vibe . I know i've got a set of instruments, but i don't know if they can be played. Something we can just lob into the mix (that's a bit better than those parping party popper things) would be class tho.

Good to meet your mate J last night (And seeing you zipping about in your miniature guises )
The weird alien monkey suit was a bit disturbing, but fun nonetheless. Yeah, I was losing my **** at my house when you started tooting those party horns in the middle of the jam. Sooooo funny. Arg, away till Sunday? Whatever shall you do??

there's a frog in my snake oil
Reckon i'm just gonna slick up my hair manga style and surf on top of my sis's car

Heh - either that or have a exploration binge tonight once it's back online (With bizarre lob-able instruments topping my list of must-finds )

ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
I used to play this and I had a good deal of fun with it (before I got bored and left).

The key (I believe) is to not start off so quickly, take your time and explore (and don't fly around nude). You can't learn to perfectly manipulate the editor as well as the scripting code in the first few weeks like I had planned for myself. It takes time.

I recently shutoff my account, but I had some good times. The best thing to do is to go slow and participate in quizzshows.

In the Beginning...
I just had to share this.

Ever since I found out that you could fly (which is when I started playing the game), I wanted a Superman costume for my character. But since then, I've been searching this game up and down, and no dice.

Well, instead of waiting for the off-chance that someone might eventually make and sell one, I decided to make my own. So here it is: