Bug Reports for the New Design


Camo from the Shoutbox, in case anyone's wondering why I didn't reply:

Originally Posted by Camo
Right, missed that shout ignore my post in the bug report thread.

Can anyone who was previously having the New Posts issue (not the Now Playing one) tell me if a) they were still having it this morning and b) if deleting their cookies (just from MoFo is fine) fixed it?

There's a glitch with some members' profiles in Who's Online, and with Mark F's post in Movie You're Watching Tonight.

It says the dates that the post was made, and the times and dates people were last seen, is 02-01-2026.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
FYI, I think the first post in my reps is now stuck at the top, only after the update last night. New reps show up below it. It has a date of 02-01-26 ...???
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Okay, I've just taken all those "Future Reps" and set them to now, so even though that's not quite accurate, it should be close enough (and new ones should show up on top).

I'm still having the problems Miss Vicky was having.
("Newest Posts" menu is inaccessible & various menus under "Profiles & Notifications" are giving the same "This forum requires that you wait 10 seconds between searches. Please try again in 292196153 seconds." message.)

Okay, please try it now. 99% sure it should work.

If this recurs, though, please let me know right away. It seems a handful of actions, if taken right around the time the server was coming back up, recorded the wrong timestamp. If this happens again, a full day later, that's a much bigger deal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't have a problem with double spacing. I'm not even sure if it's a real bug for some or just a matter of taste. I'm using MoFo desktop version with a PC and Cyberfox (a Firefox derivative). I'll make a paragraph and maybe the people who don't like double spacing can tell me if my post has the same double spacing problem they described.

New paragraph. I don't know how others make a paragraph? I just hit the enter key twice and this is what I got.