Star Wars: The Force Awakens


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
No sign of Luke in that trailer.
Got a Leia shot though. Looks pretty good. I would like to not see anything else now.

Well, if you mean that guy who puts his robotic hand on R2D2, maybe. But we've already seen that.

Not really liking what I saw from that trailer. Generic blockbuster cuts, dutch angles, refusing to give any kind of a basic idea of the story, Oscar Issac shaved the best beard in film, no Luke, etc.

So is it just those 2 that are the main good guys? Or are there more?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Maybe I'm not up to speed on these trailers. Have we seen the scene at 0:55 before? Isn't that Mark Hamill?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I can't even get tickets, the cineplex website keeps crashing.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
#1 - I had a feeling that Luke wasn't going to be in the trailer (which is why I asked that question a few posts back). Unless he is and we just aren't catching it. Maybe.

Yeah, that's right. I said I wouldn't watch it and I did. What did you think I would end up doing?!

#2 - I didn't watch that game tonight to see it, but I figured that I'd be able to see it online afterwards, anyway. I also figured that I'd give it some time before I would try to get tickets. Let the website die down a bit. But I haven't been able to get through at all. At first I couldn't get on the website. Now I just can't get into ordering the actual tickets. I may try again in an hour or so. If I can't get them, then I will try first thing tomorrow.

What bothers me is stuff like this story that I heard on the news tonight. This one guy was one of the first people in line to buy them at the theater and the person ahead of him bought 60 tickets!

Hopefully I can get through within the next hour. Otherwise, forget it, I guess. At least for tonight.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I was watching CNN just now and the male reporter said something stupid (or just revealed that he's not a total Nerd)...

After show a clip from The Force Awakens trailer he says (not verbatim), "Did you notice that Carey Fisher - Princess Leia has lost the bread rolls on the side of her head?"

Guess he's not familiar with a couple old films called... oh... "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" ???
They were probably made before he was born. But Leia lost the Cinna-buns on the sides of her head as of the final scene of Episode IV: the first movie and they were never seen on her character again! (Her mother's character in the prequels, yes, but not on her.)

I was watching CNN just now and the male reporter said something stupid (or just revealed that he's not a total Nerd)...

After show a clip from The Force Awakens trailer he says (not verbatim), "Did you notice that Carey Fisher - Princess Leia has lost the bread rolls on the side of her head?"

Guess he's not familiar with a couple old films called... oh... "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" ???
They were probably made before he was born. But Leia lost the Cinna-buns on the sides of her head as of the final scene of Episode IV: the first movie and they were never seen on her character again! (Her mother's character in the prequels, yes, but not on her.)
I noticed a bunch of sites making note of Carrie Fisher not having those buns on the poster.... I think these people are just copying what everybody else is saying.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I still can't get mine. I can now get onto the page that is just about the movie, but as soon as I want to choose a time, that page crashes. It just disappears. So, that will be it for tonight. I will try again as soon as I get up tomorrow. If it still isn't working by then, I suppose I can make a trip to one of the movie theaters and see if I can get the tickets that I want.

If you have a few minutes to spare, please watch my trailer breakdown and subscribe if you liked the video!
Cool vid, but the reason all three (Leia, Padme and Rey)

WARNING: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" spoilers below
look alike is because in the Star Wars universe .......they are related.

Plus, the final trailer puts every other SW film to shame!!!

Plus, the final trailer puts every other SW film to shame!!!
Certainly not. I have some issues with this thing. First of all -- Kylo Ren. I hate the mask. It's not elegant. It's all messed up looking. It looks like a bad dollar store version of a Darth Vader mask.

Second -- having a female (Daisy is obviously the new Luke Skywalker, check out that poster) teaming up with a black guy -- quite frankly this just looks gimmicky. A move to appear progressive. I'm not trying to be sexist or racist, but this is yet again another female Mad Max/female Ghostbusters thing going on here.

Third -- the irritating lack of Luke Skywalker in the promotional materials, including what appears to be the final poster. I'm hoping that poster may change -- maybe this is a gimmick -- they won't show Luke Skywalker on anything UNTIL the movie has been released.

Fourth -- Carrie Fisher's ridiculous, hideous looks in the trailer, on the poster and in the leaked wardrobe fitting pictures.

Fifth -- it feels too J.J. Abrams-ish to me. Yes, he's the director, but that doesn't mean we need to feel him all over it.

I don't care what kind of "new day" it is over in the Star Wars universe ....

NOBODY is really that thrilled about the new cast.

People are mainly excited about the return of Luke, Leia and Han -- even if they are old now.

This pathetic treatment they've been given in the promotional materials.... awful. Absolutely awful. This absence of them... this very small, meager amount... it's not clever. It's pathetic!

They're back! Let's celebrate! NOW is the time! Hurrah hurrah! Let's not wait any longer. NOBODY cares about the new characters.