Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)

2nd time I've seen this. Goes way over the top in the gun/helicopter action stuff but is still an OK film. Alejandro Gillick remains an interesting character, less so Matt Graver this time. The script is pretty stodgy and they should have really left this alone after the first film, this just doesn't have the gravitas or characterization of that one.

Time Without Pity (1957)
A great film starring Michael Redgrave (a favourite of mine) as a man who's son is to be hanged for a murder that he might not have committed.
Forever Female (1953)
A comedy film starring Ginger Rogers (another favourite of mine, lol) as an aging actress who is trying to hang on to her youth by playing parts that she is too old for on the stage. A fairly humorous film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Time Without Pity (1957)
A great film starring Michael Redgrave (a favourite of mine) as a man who's son is to be hanged for a murder that he might not have committed.
Forever Female (1953)
A comedy film starring Ginger Rogers (another favourite of mine, lol) as an aging actress who is trying to hang on to her youth by playing parts that she is too old for on the stage. A fairly humorous film.
I'm a huge fan of Ginger Rogers, but I haven't seen Forever Female. Sound interesting and if Ginger is in it, I'll have to see it

I couldn't seem to see the 'point' of this. Maybe it's me. But this entire film, though reasonably disturbing in the second half, is going absolutely nowhere.
We all go a little mad sometimes.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The Goldfinch (2019)

I read the book earlier this year and loved it, so the film was an inevitable disappointment. I couldn't understand why they seemed to have made the main character much younger than in the book, it seems a small thing but it affected both his sense of guilt and relationships with other characters (not to mention it being uncomfortable watching kids who look about eleven taking so many drugs). And the tense bus ride from the book was just a few quick shots!

Book aside, the film lacked a sense of pace and narrative, the choice to chop backwards and forwards took the tension away, the editing was shoddy, the ending abrupt and there was never quite the sense of importance of the painting to Theo conveyed.

On the plus side, the music was good and the locations were spot-on.

Knives Out (2019)


For some reason I wasn't that interested in seeing this. From start to finish it is extremely entertaining and the cast is fantastic.

The Virgin Spring - 7/10
It's wonderful.

Welcome to the human race...
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky -

a better prison movie than Shawshank
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Spring Breakers (2012)

A lot of this film is annoying. Particularly the Spring Break party scenes and people endlessly going on about Spring Break in quasi-mystical terms. Being from the UK I bet a good Butlins weekend beats it The shapeless film then gets it's act together with the introduction of the James Franco character...for this portion of the film it works.

All of a sudden it seems that Korine realises it is a film that requires a storyline (not just a "sensual experience") and tacks on a, frankly, embarrassing conclusion.

(1 point up for Franco's performance alone).

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The Silence - 6/10
This is another movie (along with "The Virgin Spring") that I turned off 1/3 of the way. I just read a bit about both movies, and I don't see ANY incest in view or in thought. Some menopausal writer stupidly said ""Again, Ingmar Bergman may have meant the tank rumbling down the street in The Silence as a phallic symbol. But if he did, it was a foolish thought" -- yeah, maybe a tank is just a tank, moron.
I would have given this a lower score, but the T&A was adequate enough to raise it a point.

Spring Breakers (2012)

A lot of this film is annoying. Particularly the Spring Break party scenes and people endlessly going on about Spring Break in quasi-mystical terms. Being from the UK I bet a good Butlins weekend beats it .

Yeah give me a weekend at Blackpool any day of the week. An afternoon at the Pleasure Beach followed by a donkey ride and a stick of rock.

The Departed

Borderline self parody from Scorsese at times (not a minute in and already Gimmie Shelter is playing in the background), still one of the most entertaining and rewatch-able films of the past 20 years for me. This may come off weird, but I sincerely hope Nicholson stays retired. Don’t see him ever topping his lunacy in this. It’s his final form, practically a Tex Avery cartoon wolf mobster.

And Damon needs to play more bastards.

Being from the UK I bet a good Butlins weekend beats it
Never knew Marco is British. We Brits should all come out of the woodwork & make our own thread.

The Silence - 6/10
This is another movie (along with "The Virgin Spring") that I turned off 1/3 of the way.
The Silence is one of my fave Bergman movies.

Yeah give me a weekend at Blackpool any day of the week. An afternoon at the Pleasure Beach followed by a donkey ride and a stick of rock.
Please tell me they don’t still have donkey rides, poor things? And do they still sell that dreadful pink rock?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Re-watch of an American classic.

Did anyone else review this? What can I say? Attractively produced, great photography & locations, high production values. But basically a high-end “dirty movie” with some laughable dialogue & excruciating spoken English from some of the foreign actors. The two leads were very attractive (especially the Italian male lead) & they both gave 100%.

Amazed I finished it, but I did.