The 8th MoFo Hall of Fame


It seemed that way to me too. I went into the movie blind and I thought the boy was like 9 or 10, so when he's slapping the ass of the blonde lady and says he loves her, I'm thinking really a 9 year old is interested in putting the moves on a hot 20 something blonde? The film might have made more sense if the boy looked and acted 13, then I could believe his actions.

The other thing is he acted so strange I thought his character had ADD or some mental problems. But apparently not, I guess he was just a zany kid.
When I was in the first grade, I would grab women's crotches who were just walking down the street. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it because me and the girls at school used to do it to each other.

When I was in the first grade, I would grab women's crotches who were just walking down the street. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it because me and the girls at school used to do it to each other.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When I was in the first grade, I would grab women's crotches who were just walking down the street. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it because me and the girls at school used to do it to each other.
OMG Cricket! You must have been a handful as a little kid

Trouble with a capital "T"

A Man For All Seasons

I had seen this before a few years ago and had completely forgotten it. Probably because despite the very dramatic history being presented, the film itself isn't that emotional. That's not a bad thing...the film presents a more intellectual picture of Sir Thomas More and goes into depth with his mental reasonings. Sir More was a man of deep beliefs and would not budge from his beliefs even when his life was endangered.

I like period pieces and the story of England's infamous King Henry VIII and his clash with the Catholic Church and Sir Thomas More is the stuff of legends. I thought the actors were will cast in their roles. I would have liked to seen more of Cardinal Wolsey (Orson Welles). I would also have liked a little more detail on why King Henry was seeking to be the head of his own church....The Church of England.

The outdoor scenes were excellent and the old English castles were neat to see. A slower moving film, but with great characters. I liked it.

My Life as a Dog

I do like coming of age movies, and I ended up liking this one more than I thought I would. It's not going to be what Stand By Me was for me, because I didn't watch it at the right age. It was made very well, I liked the characters, and I thought the town that most of the movie was set in was very cute. As far as the sex in the movie goes, I could have done without a couple of shots, but I didn't think it was done in bad taste. Coming of age films are largely about sex, and I thought this movie focused on that subject less than many other similar films. At this point in my life, I didn't feel anything special from the movie, but I thought it was very good in every way.

Damn I'm far behind. Sorry for my temporarily leave. My social life in real life increased tenfold and I had no time to even look at the Internet. It's nice having friends.

Anyways, I'll catch up on PMs and do other stuff.

I sought out My Life as a Dog a few days ago after the discussion earlier in this thread.

I have wanted to watch it for a long time and the debate made me think of the film and how I might check it out while it's still hot... Uh, I mean, while it's still in debate or whatever.

Anyways, I'll try to fit it in soon, maybe thursday - it's my day off.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Coming Home

I'll basically echo everything that Sean said with his comments in his previous post review about this one. I thought the acting really stood out, particularly Voight. But I thought Fonda and Dern were excellent too. The storyline was intriguing and its message was strong. The soundtrack was amazing and memorable. The movie has a certain feel to it to make it a rather feel good movie. I especially like the last 15 minutes of the film, where we see the emotions of the three characters culminate to a really solid ending. I'm glad this was nominated.

Patlabor 2: The Movie

I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, especially considering that in the beginning I thought I was going to spend the duration wondering exactly what was going on. I caught on enough, and ended up enjoying the story, along with the characters and dialogue. Some of this reminded me of Pacific Rim, but I thought this movie was better. I also thought the movie looked fantastic. My biggest complaint is, with the exception of the beginning and the ending, the lack of action. A little more consistent action and I could have liked it a lot. I thought the musical score was kind of terrible; it reminded me of music from the cheesy 80's movies. It didn't really hurt the movie for me, but I did notice it.


2 left for me-
The Shop Around the Corner
The Killing Fields

I sent him a message (a long time after I said I would because I forgot) and he hasn't got back to me yet. I haven't told anyone this yet but here's a PM he sent me after he sent his NOM.

Originally Posted by Beatle
Thanks one more time for making this exception for me, but I'm a seriously ill man. Hope you understand and appreciate that.

It sounds like he is fatally ill. If that is true, then we should probably pray and wish him best if he comes back.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I sent him a message (a long time after I said I would because I forgot) and he hasn't got back to me yet. I haven't told anyone this yet but here's a PM he sent me after he sent his NOM.

It sounds like he is fatally ill. If that is true, then we should probably pray and wish him best if he comes back.
Wow, I am sorry to hear that. I will remember him in my prayers.

Master of My Domain
Great, now I'm officially an official MoFo pedophile because I nominated My Life as a Dog.

In seriousness, that scene doesn't bother me at all, because the scene isn't there to cause disturb people. I think the scene is an essential part of the story commentating on coming-of-age; sometimes dialogue can't fill what imagery can portray. Cmon, we've all been through that age when we started to get real curious about the bodies of fellow girls. I see cricket went through that real early.

Wow, that's a surprising delivery of news on this otherwise quiet day.

I'm not at all happy to hear that, he was a nice dude on the forum and really dug my reviews too. Very chill and I truly hope he gets over it, but man it doesn't sound good at all. He didn't just say "ill", but "seriously ill".

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Pather Panchali on TCM the 30th. I set my DVR for the whole trilogy in case I love it as much as some of you have. Looking forward to it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Well, I will say this much for beatle's nomination. I know that it probably won't count in the end, but I would still recommend it to people. I watched it early on (only because that is when it arrived at the library). I didn't take the time to say anything because I didn't know what was happening in regards to beatle. I'd heard about "The Killing Fields" for years, but I must admit that I really didn't know what it was about exactly. I won't write a full review. I will just say that I thought it was a really, really good movie. I don't know if it will suit everyone's tastes, but I think it is a film worth giving a try beyond this HoF. It was a little slow in the beginning, but maybe it was done that way deliberately. It definitely picks up as the film goes along and as more situations arise. The acting was very well done. I admit that I probably would've placed this film very high on my list. If I were to rate it, I think I would've given it
. I liked it.

Again, if you read what it is about, and it sounds interesting to you, I think you should still give it a try at some point.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

The Shop Around the Corner


Nice job introducing all the characters, none of which I particularly liked at first, but I grew to like them all. Above average in every way I thought, especially the story and dialogue. This movie has a ton of charm. I didn't quite fall for it completely, but I think if I give it the viewings, I could grow to love it. A great movie to watch at this time of year, and a nice nomination.

That just leaves me with The Killing Fields, which I know probably won't be eligible, but I've always wanted to see it.