HOF Organization Thread


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
We should have a Clash of the Giants HoF, with everyone nominating a well known film instead of the usual hidden gems!

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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I like the idea of a non-English-language HoF, but I think it's failry broad as a category. Would it work if we narrowed it down to a particular country? Or even continent?

The problem with narrowing the language down too far (such as doing just a German HoF like what was originally brought up), is that it also decreases the number of people who can participate.

The problem with narrowing the language down too far (such as doing just a German HoF like what was originally brought up), is that it also decreases the number of people who can participate.
How about EU HoF?
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Trouble with a capital "T"
We should have a Clash of the Giants HoF, with everyone nominating a well known film instead of the usual hidden gems!
I like that, make the Hofs Great Again

I like the idea of a non-English-language HoF, but I think it's failry broad as a category. Would it work if we narrowed it down to a particular country? Or even continent?
Could do a series of smaller, faster 'single country or region' rounds in a foreign language Hof. Like: round 1 is movies from France, round two Italy, round three Japan....after all the mini rounds are done the winner of each round is placed into a grand finale, and we vote for the best of the winners.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
that is an excellent idea, CR!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Just wanted to say I'd be very interested in participating in 13th HOF. I took a peek at the previous HOF's and they seem like a fun and interesting concept.

Let the night air cool you off
Could do a series of smaller, faster 'single country or region' rounds in a foreign language Hof. Like: round 1 is movies from France, round two Italy, round three Japan....after all the mini rounds are done the winner of each round is placed into a grand finale, and we vote for the best of the winners.
I am going to PM you a link to another forum's thread. They do a World Cup thing that sounds similar to what you are describing. If it's something you are interested in, then perhaps it could be adapted to something here on this one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I am going to PM you a link to another forum's thread. They do a World Cup thing that sounds similar to what you are describing. If it's something you are interested in, then perhaps it could be adapted to something here on this one.
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look at that....But I was just responding to Cosmic's post, she will be hosting the Foreign language Hof so it will be her call, and however she want's to do it will be fine by me But yeah, maybe in the future we can do some variation on her idea and include individual countries in an ongoing series like I mentioned.

After the current series of HoFs have concluded, if enough people were indeed interested in a Foreign Language HoF (as briefly mentioned in the 12th thread), I wouldn't mind hosting that.

I think for now I'd rather keep things traditional for the Foreign/European Language HoF. Mostly because I personally wouldn't be able to nominate films from enough different countries/in different languages to do your tournament-like idea. But it's something I'd be interested in in the future though.

BTW I posted this here.

So I was thinking, if okay with you guys, for me to start something of an Historical Footage HoF soon. Basically, the idea of this mini-HoF is to nominate footage of historical events. These are not documentaries like what we voted for the Top 100 Docs, but actual raw footage. Whether it is a political speech, assassination attempt, sports game, riot, you name it. I think it could be a fun change of pace. What do you guys think? I would like to start it around April 1st if ok with you.
Since the 12th HoF is over, can I start this now as an extra HoF?

If I remember right, Mushroom said it was a general Hof where everyone nominated more than one movie, so it would be mega-big!
I can start this sometime in May/Early June. To make it simple, probably 2 films per person or 3 if not many join.