The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Tomrorow's hint:

The drop of a bomb follows
The shot of a gun
Like the lighted match mimics
The rise of the sun

Sometimes the protector
Can't stand up and shout
As they see people through
Or keep people out
Dr. Strangelove and Lawrence or Apocalypse Now
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh that's definitely Raising Arizona.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Yeah, I really wanna amplify this point. I said something similar earlier and I really think this is the thing, right here: how many bad imitators we've had since. On one hand it can make the LOTR films feels less important, but to my mind it just makes them more impressive, seeing so many others attempt to evoke the same kind of feeling or sense of scope without the tremendous foundational work Jackson and Company did, and failing at it so badly.
That's including the Hobbit movies.

Return of the King might be second or third on my ranking of Lord of the Rings. But like I said before, your mileage may vary due to me having seen the extended versions. Some good/great action sequences, but I tend to agree with Kevin Smith when it comes to the ending.

Psycho might have cooled for me the last time I've seen it...the beginning is strong, but it kinda sagged in the middle particularly when it focused on Marion's concerned friends. Still, Anthony Perkins does strongly as Norman bringing that character to life. And that one scene was brilliantly done.

Tomrorow's hint:

The drop of a bomb follows
The shot of a gun
Like the lighted match mimics
The rise of the sun

Sometimes the protector
Can't stand up and shout
As they see people through
Or keep people out
Apocalypse Now and Lawrence of Arabia.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Return of the King - still haven't seen these so no comment.

Psycho is in some ways, the last great Hitch film, unless you count Frenzy - which is debatable. (I hate The Birds, its 90 minutes too long and the performances are meh.) I do think Psycho is overrated, as it is narratively all over the place. It certainly has some great shots, but it's not in my top 5 Hitch. Still, glad to see him represented again here.

Return of the King - still haven't seen these so no comment.
If you're gonna try them, watch the cinematic versions first... then try the extended cut afterward.

Extended cuts are better, but they're close to 12 hours to get through... but the cinematic cuts are easier to sit through if it's your first time seeing them.

Psycho...Finally another film from my ballot! Yeah I'm rather proud of this review I wrote for Psycho, I hope someone will read it.
Very nice commentary with valid points!

I'm happy to see Psycho high on the list at #27. I personally had it at #21. But I am surprised that only 15 people out of the whole bunch put it on their lists.

Nevertheless, this gives me hope that folks will have used their best judgements for movies which will make up the top 25..

As I said in the last film that showed up from the series LOTR trilogy is all mushed together for me, all that I remember is the impressive production. It's fairly unlikely I return to it anytime soon though.

Psycho is a masterpiece, and Hitchcocks scariest, however not one of his two to make my list
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

The Dr. Strangelove cues are obvious in the hint, but I still don't get Lawrence of Arabia vibes from it. Maybe. Who knows.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
If you're gonna try them, watch the cinematic versions first... then try the extended cut afterward.

Extended cuts are better, but they're close to 12 hours to get through... but the cinematic cuts are easier to sit through if it's your first time seeing them.
Wow. Not sure if I will watch it twice, so I may just go extended cut if they are better. I'll have to think about it. Thanks!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Tomrorow's hint:

The drop of a bomb follows
The shot of a gun
Like the lighted match mimics
The rise of the sun

Sometimes the protector
Can't stand up and shout
As they see people through
Or keep people out
Bee Movie (see what you did spelling tomorrow wrong, like you are eliminated from the spelling bee)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Dr. Strangelove cues are obvious in the hint, but I still don't get Lawrence of Arabia vibes from it. Maybe. Who knows.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The bomb was little Nathan Junior's diaper just before the convenience store robbery. Oh there's more but I rest my case for now.

Yoda knows I'm right. I have a lil shiny, silver ball here to ensure that I'm right. And a switch that needs flipping, just to sweeten the deal.