The Movie Forums Top 100 Horror Movies

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Actually, no. Forget it. There are more important top 100 lists out there than the ones on Movieforums, especially since about half of them are taken from other websites. I'm just gonna send in my ballot now.

Actually, no. Forget it. There are more important top 100 lists out there than the ones on Movieforums, especially since about half of them are taken from other websites. I'm just gonna send in my ballot now.
Just out of curiosity which top lists are important to you and more importantly why?

Personally I'd say the importance (if I'd even use such a word in this context) goes hand in hand with my own involvement (i.e. my own top list would be the most important to me). Top list where I haven't had any direct involvement interest me for two reasons: 1) out of curiosity to see how others value my own favorites and 2) to find new films that at least someone is considering good.

Something more grounded and usable in society, like 1001 films to watch before you die or something along those lines.

I'm getting through one last movie for the list: Bride of Frankenstein. Does anyone else think the homunculi scene is dumb? It's well-shot, but I expected weird little mutated humans like really good rubber masks or something out of Total Recall.

I'm thinking of putting the ones a little less likely to be voted more towards the top.
I hate this but others have done it. I believe in voting properly and letting the chips fall where they may.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I'm putting my list together and oh my god it's difficult.

I'm thinking of putting the ones a little less likely to be voted more towards the top.

I repped you before reading second sentence. I'm with Cricket on this one. I'm not doing tactical voting. My number 1 will be my favourite horror film and so forth down to 25.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

We've close to doubled the ballots over the last few days. Have to add the new ones to the list spreadsheet, then I'll update the votes list on the first page. Keep em comin

I hate this but others have done it. I believe in voting properly and letting the chips fall where they may.
I agree. That’s also how I have always done it and always will.

I’m fine with people picking something odd for their 25th place though to end up on the one-pointers. That’s pretty cool, because one point ain’t much anyway and it’s a good way to shine some light on something that doesn’t stand a chance anyway.

But apart from that I believe in my list being my genuine 25 ranked favorites.

I agree. That’s also how I have always done it and always will.

I’m fine with people picking something odd for their 25th place though to end up on the one-pointers. That’s pretty cool, because one point ain’t much anyway and it’s a good way to shine some light on something that doesn’t stand a chance anyway.

But apart from that I believe in my list being my genuine 25 ranked favorites.
I see the contrast in approach as a bonus, of "These are the 25 BEST movies" vs. "These are the 25 I get most ENJOYMENT out of."

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
That's my list sent. No enjoyment in putting that list together at all and if you asked me tomorrow, I would probably have the same films ranked differently. Just come to the conclusion that I'll never be satisfied with it.

movies can be okay...
I'm gonna be sending a list very last minute. I'm still planning on watching a few more horror films.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Trouble with a capital "T"
We've close to doubled the ballots over the last few days. Have to add the new ones to the list spreadsheet, then I'll update the votes list on the first page. Keep em comin
Glad to see ballots coming in. Have you done a mass PM campaign? I did that and it worked! It brought in enough people to help break those pesky ties...I just used the names of people who participated in the last few countdowns, I figured if they did one countdown they can send in a ballot to another
Links to the past few countdowns:

I agree. That’s also how I have always done it and always will.

I’m fine with people picking something odd for their 25th place though to end up on the one-pointers. That’s pretty cool, because one point ain’t much anyway and it’s a good way to shine some light on something that doesn’t stand a chance anyway.

But apart from that I believe in my list being my genuine 25 ranked favorites.
I see the contrast in approach as a bonus, of "These are the 25 BEST movies" vs. "These are the 25 I get most ENJOYMENT out of."
Tou can definitely enjoy a flawed movie more than a better one. If I had to pick White Chicks or the better movie, Dumb and Dumber, I'd pick White Chicks because it's more towards my tastes.

I hate this but others have done it. I believe in voting properly and letting the chips fall where they may.
I repped you before reading second sentence. I'm with Cricket on this one. I'm not doing tactical voting. My number 1 will be my favourite horror film and so forth down to 25.
Yeah I'm agreeing with you now, I say my list is fairly accurate.

I see the contrast in approach as a bonus, of "These are the 25 BEST movies" vs. "These are the 25 I get most ENJOYMENT out of."
I'm not sure I understand you correctly, but I'm certainly fine with people making list based on favorites (those they get most enjoyment out of) and best (those they consider the best in the genre)... That's just two different ways of making lists. I'm fine with that.

It's more the "this is lower on my list so I'll bump it up way high even though I don't necessarily find it to be the best or the one I enjoy the most, I just want to see it on the list".