Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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Not the biggest fan of Gladiator, but I do like some aspects of it.
It's probably the most flawed movie I've ever given a 10 to, but it's a case where the more rousing moments and the sheer scope of the experience as a whole still makes it great for me, despite all of its undeniable problems.

It's probably the most flawed movie I've ever given a 10 to, but it's a case where the more rousing moments and the sheer scope of the experience as a whole still makes it great for me, despite all of its undeniable problems.
Your review reflects a lot of my thoughts towards the film. With me though, I think the problems you listed bothered me more than they bothered you and I also wasn't as enamored with its strengths as you are. It's still a decent film, but I'm pretty mixed on it, overall.

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Everything I'm looking for in a film is here. Great direction by Eastwood, a kick-ass revenge story, and some really awesome performances with Eastwood, Hackman and Freeman all bringing their A-games here. The best Western resides here.

I forgot the opening line.
There had certainly been a build-up of suspense during this countdown's downtime.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Cheers to Raul for updating the master list

30. A Man for All Seasons
29. In a Lonely Place
28. There Will Be Blood
27. The Long Goodbye
26. Children of Paradise
25. Lawrence of Arabia
24. It's a Wonderful Life
23. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
22. The Royal Tenenbaums
21. Shawshank Redemption

30. The Grapes of Wrath
29. Dial M for Murder
28. Up
27. Double Indemnity
26. Schindler's List
25. Braveheart
24. On the Waterfront
23. North by Northwest
22. Silence of the Lambs
21. It Happened One Night

Two decent sets that for me would probably be about equal in strength.

One more reveal to come from Raul and I'll be able to compare 11-20....

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The performances from Clooney and Shailene Woodley are both top notch for me. The writing in this movie is so good, Payne makes us feel like we are a part of the situation. Some insanely great scenes for me, the underwater Woodley scene gets me every time. Throw in some well timed humor and it's hard for me to find faults with this one.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I love The Descendants as well. Was expecting this top ten too. Some surprises coming in your top ten for me.

Unforgiven is probably my favorite western. Such a great film.

I wasn't that impressed with The Descendants. I liked a lot of things, but the tone threw me off a bit.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Nice to see the return.

Not seen Spirited Away (obviously), I've not seen Gladiator since around the time of its release, so my opinion of it is as it was then. Average film. Unforgiven is my 100 so I love it and am pleased to see it not only here (I was fairly sure it would be) but so high. I've not seen The Descentants but it didn't look like something I'd be that into when it came out.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

20. The Social Network
19. The Anatomy of a Murder
18. The Apartment
17. Rocky
16. Star Wars
15. Hiroshima Mon Amour
14. The Master
13. Goodfellas
12. Vivre Sa Vie
11. No Country for Old Men

20. Wedding Crashers
19. Finding Nemo
18. Manchester by the Sea
17. Some like it Hot
16. Gone Baby Gone
15. Psycho
14. Spirited Away
13. Gladiator
12. Unforgiven
11. The Descendants

Another tough call, but I'd have to give the edge to Sean's set this time.

Looking forward to seeing both Top Tens.

20. Hiroshima Mon Amour
19. Finding Nemo
18. Some like it Hot
17. No Country for Old Men
16. Vivre Sa Vie
15. The Master
14. Spirited Away
13. Star Wars
12. Goodfellas
11. Psycho

I combined those two lists and removed about half, re-organized the rest. Seemed like the logical thing to do.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."