Foreign Language Hall of Fame


Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I have got Saragossa Manuscript but waiting to find 3 hours to watch it. I almost watched it yesterday but I went to see Infinity War instead.

movies can be okay...
Entre Nos (2009) by Gloria La Morte & Paola Mendoza

Let me just start out with what I thought the film did competently, because frankly, I believe everything else was executed poorly. Visually, the film looked pretty nice, with a few stand-out shots here and there...nothing extraordinary or exceptional though. Unfortunately, that's where my short-lived compliments must end.

My biggest problem with the film, is how seriously it took itself, while simultaneously providing nothing of substance to the issue of immigration, other than scratching it from the surface. Even if I take away all of my criticisms of the movie that are on a technical level, what's left is still a giant missed opportunity, that lacks power and strength in expression.

Out of everything, the aspect I absolutely despise and can't forgive about "Entre Nos", is the chosen music throughout the movie. I genuinely can't stand when film-makers heavily utilise a soundtrack or a score, in order to manipulate unearned emotions out of the viewer. This is the case of almost every single scene in the film, they all kept begging for an emotional reaction out of me, but instead, all they got was a shaking head and rolling eyes.

The irony of this situation is, we're featured with a helpless family in an unfortunate condition, accompanied by sad piano and guitar music wherever they go, only to make me as a viewer become very detached and careless of their circumstance. The tools that the director exploited in order to make the occurring happenings more effective, only made them seem fake and laughable. For example, a montage of scenes was slapped into the movie, which contained the family happily collecting cans off the streets, meanwhile, a happy go lucky instrumental was playing in the background. This generated so much laughter out of me, because it's an extremely clichéd thing to put in a film.

I'm not even going to go in depth about the acting that ranged from terrible to painfully mediocre, or the confusing change of audio levels during the latter half of the movie. Even though they're inexcusable, they're still overshadowed by other more insufferable aspects, such as the ending, which wraps everything up with a nicely colourful ribbon. The conclusion to the film avoids having a lasting impact, and prefers a safe, out of nowhere, clumsily put together, happy turnaround.

For an 80 minutes long film, my experience felt like an eternity. I was very surprised by how little I found in what's supposed to be an effective movie, only to come out of it very exhausted by the repeating chain of events, lack of depth, and overall poor presentation. What a disappointing 80 minutes of my life.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

movies can be okay...
WARNING: "Entre Nos: I was confused about..." spoilers below
Can a person/family really get kicked out of their apartment without collecting their personal belongings? Does that actually happen? It seems very unlikely to me, and worth prosecuting for.

movies can be okay...
Also, sorry I'm not as active as I would like to be, but I promise I will definitely finish this HoF before the deadline. This is my senior year, and I'm only a month away from my final exams. Shortly after that, I'll have all of the time in the world, and I'll skim through every film with ease. I'm still planning on watching at least one film in the meantime, probably "Pan's Labyrinth" or "The Age of Shadows".

This weekend marks one month since we started!

If you haven't seen 4 of the nominations by now, you don't have to panic yet since there's still plenty of time. But since this is a fairly large HOF, I would recommend not procrastinating too much.
I was looking to run through this in June, but I've got a pile from the Library and can binge a few so you know I'll complete this.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
WARNING: "Entre Nos: I was confused about..." spoilers below
Can a person/family really get kicked out of their apartment without collecting their personal belongings? Does that actually happen? It seems very unlikely to me, and worth prosecuting for.
I think that as new immigrants, with the mother rarely able to speak English, they didn't really know what their legal position was.

Agree with you about the music in this film, by the way, it was pretty annoying.

WARNING: "Entre Nos: I was confused about..." spoilers below
Can a person/family really get kicked out of their apartment without collecting their personal belongings? Does that actually happen? It seems very unlikely to me, and worth prosecuting for.
Who would prosecute & who would they prosecute? Who would pay for that?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Entre Nos


I liked this but not as much as I would have hoped. Actually, I wonder if I'm being generous because I just cared about the characters. I didn't read any of the reviews and didn't know anything about it going in. I liked how it started with what seemed liked some underlying hostility between the couple. What followed was a much simpler story than that beginning had me hoping for. Simple is fine, and being a true story there would need to be substantial liberties taken for it not to be. In reality, it's based on many true stories, and the fact that I was homeless with my parents when I was 14 probably got me invested easier. You could tell the husband was not the greatest right away, but he turned out to be a real scumbag leaving his family like that. I actually thought the movie was set in Mexico for the first few minutes. I started to wonder why there were so many Asians there before I realized it was set in NYC. Anyway, being a true story felt like a handicap that kept the story from really going anywhere, and it became a little monotonous after a while. Beyond that, I didn't think there was anything technically or acting wise that was above average. Like I said, it was just that I cared about the characters. It was frustrating that they weren't getting help or making excellent decisions. She should have been able to get into a shelter or at the very least get free food. Maybe being an immigrant she didn't have the necessary knowledge. It's a decent watch especially at 80 minutes long, but my ultimate take is that it would have been much better as a book.

WARNING: "Entre Nos: I was confused about..." spoilers below
Can a person/family really get kicked out of their apartment without collecting their personal belongings? Does that actually happen? It seems very unlikely to me, and worth prosecuting for.
I think that as new immigrants, with the mother rarely able to speak English, they didn't really know what their legal position was.
That's how I saw it.

Who would prosecute & who would they prosecute? Who would pay for that?
Tenants have so many unfair rights over their landlord, and many take advantage. In this case I think some understanding and empathy were in order. I don't know the details, but I'm sure there are laws about putting children out on the streets.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The Saragossa Manuscript

I can see how this has a certain cult appeal, the history of it notwithstanding. It looks good, it’s sort of funny and has a certain mind-bending quality to it. I liked all the scenes of feasting, the design of objects like the skull goblet. It’s a difficult film to describe in terms of genre - it’s part ghost story, part cautionary tale, part comedy, part historical epic.

I really liked the way the stories seemed to blend together, sharing not only similar locations and themes but characters and actors who seem to merge across the different stories as well.

Parts of it are very dated, almost a bit embarrassing.

This film is a bit too long. I started off by enjoying it, but the more it went on, the more I drifted away from it, or it drifted away from me. I had hoped for a more definite resolution of the tangling flashback-within-a-flashback stories but that wasn’t to be, and perhaps wouldn’t have suited the story anyway, since it’s about the storytelling, not about a definitive truth or a definite ending.

Benny's video is one of Michel Haenke's early films, it covers the basic themes of Haenke's work...nihilism, family, and violence. I won't recap the plot points because with Haenke films a spoiler can take out about 1/3rd of the story because Haenke loves to take his time.

The entire story could have been a twilight zone episode, it only has about 20 minutes of plot and an hour and half of padding. Benny is the prototypical youth in a Haenke film, if you've seen White Ribbon he functions in line with those children. He's either a cypher or a sociopath but the film is really about how disaffected he is from society.

You could call this a horror film though I wouldn't. It feels like it could have and should have been a stage play. My largest criticism is one that might not be entirely fair to the filmmaker. The central theme of the film is that violence in media desensitizes young people and I found the point to be archaic. While I don't have an issue with the point the film has a sterility quality to it which I felt hurt the case. Many other films tried to touch on these similar themes, The Last Broadcast, Man Bites Dog, Natural Born Killers I found those to be better films as they didn't get bogged down in the dogma.

I'm very sorry for those wo already watched it (though not that mkuch because it's a great film), but I'll have to drop out of this HOF. I won't commit to a HOF unless I'm sure to be willing to finish it next time, sorry again
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm very sorry for those wo already watched it (though not that mkuch because it's a great film), but I'll have to drop out of this HOF. I won't commit to a HOF unless I'm sure to be willing to finish it next time, sorry again
That IS sad news
But a lot of love and respect for giving a heads up though.
Truly am sorry to see you unable to finish and no worries, really enjoyed Millennium Actress. Pretty sure it would have scored very well in the final vote.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm very sorry for those wo already watched it (though not that mkuch because it's a great film), but I'll have to drop out of this HOF. I won't commit to a HOF unless I'm sure to be willing to finish it next time, sorry again
Like Ed said, thanks for letting us know. I've enjoyed your movies in the past and hopefully we'll see you in a future Hof.

Is there any one else who's dropping out??? Now is the time to us.

Thanks to be understanding, this summer I'm concentrating on 2 things sports (I want to make my university's cross country team in autumn) and philosophy (I enter my master's degree in september and I have to come up with a subject for my memoire, so I have to read heavily.).

I will be watching movies that I already own or that are on netflix on a very sporadic rythm.

Sorry again.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Thanks to be understanding, this summer I'm concentrating on 2 things sports (I want to make my university's cross country team in autumn) and philosophy (I enter my master's degree in september and I have to come up with a subject for my memoire, so I have to read heavily.).

I will be watching movies that I already own or that are on netflix on a very sporadic rythm.

Sorry again.
I definitely see how both can VERY EASILY take up so much time, but sounds quite exciting to challenge both the physical and the intellectual in such a way.
I'm sure you'll do amazingly in both!!
And, again, no worries and look forward to seeing you again in a future HoF

Sorry to hear that you won't be able to finish this HoF. I really enjoyed my rewatch of Millennium Actress, so thanks for nominating it even though it's disqualified now. Good luck making that team, and I hope you enjoy that philosophy program.

Weird is relative.
Does anyone have download links for The Saragossa Manuscript, The Leopard, Phoenix, Borgman, and The Belier Family (with English subs available)?

I will be writing my thoughts soon on Thelma, Asssassination, and Samsara, which I've seen.