The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Totally on board until I saw "poop jokes, fart jokes".
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Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I didn't like Centurion either. I don't think the problem was so much a lack of character development or uninteresting plot as it was just a lack of overall quality. Mediocre acting, a lousy script, and meaningless content.

Deadpool (Tim Miller, 2016)

Date Watched: 05/13/16
Cinema or Home: A friend's house
Reason For Watching: Friend's kids were at their grandparents' house for the night and she wanted to watch something not kid friendly for once
Rewatch: No

And now for the third movie of the day. Deadpool is not a movie I'd normally watch. It's not a movie I wanted to watch. I had zero interest in it. I'm not a fan of superhero movies and Ryan Reynolds is most definitely not on the list of actors who are reason enough for me to watch something.

That said, it was amusing for what it was. I even found myself chuckling a few times. Lots of violence. Lots of sarcasm. Quite a bit of sex. Still found some parts annoying - giant metal dude (whatever TF his name is), super human strength bitch, and whatnot - and I won't be rushing out to get my hands on a copy for myself anytime soon or... you know... ever. But it was fun while it lasted.


Ryan Reynolds is the one actor i avoid. Seems most on this site have multiple people they really hate, but no just Ryan Reynolds for me. Doubt i'll watch that.

Hmmm. Interesting. I don't despise Reynolds, just more apathetic to him.

I don't know if you'd like it anyway. You know what you should watch though? Bubba Ho-Tep. And also Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

Bubba Ho-Tep. And also Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
So they are Ryan Reynolds films? Yeah, will never watch them either then

Also man never used that cool smilie

So they are Ryan Reynolds films? Yeah, will never watch them either then

Also man never used that cool smilie

Don't make me use my stuff on you, baby!

Welcome to the human race...
Can't tell if Camo is joking or not.

Anyway, I think I'll give Deadpool another chance when it hits DVD here, but it doesn't strike me as a film that holds up to multiple viewings - hell, I'm in the minority who thought it didn't hold up for one.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Anyway, I think I'll give Deadpool another chance when it hits DVD here, but it doesn't strike me as a film that holds up to multiple viewings - hell, I'm in the minority who thought it didn't hold up for one.
As I expected it seemed to me too gimmicky and pandering to the masses. Him talking to viewers was a hindrance. I did not like it.

As I expected it seemed to me too gimmicky and pandering to the masses. Him talking to viewers was a hindrance. I did not like it.
The breaking of the fourth wall came from the original comics, or so I'm told. Deadpool of the comics is very much aware that he's in a comic book, so Deadpool of the movie is very much aware that he's in a movie. Not that it makes it any less gimmicky, but it would be kind of strange if that didn't happen.

Welcome to the human race...
Joking about what? Not liking Ryan Reynolds?
No, for assuming that Bubba Ho-Tep and Hedwig and the Angry Inch are Ryan Reynolds movies.

The Imitation Game (Morten Tyldum, 2014)

Date Watched: 05/20/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Picked it up from the library on a whim
Rewatch: No

I knew next to nothing about Alan Turing when I went into this movie and didn't expect to really know much more about him coming out of it. A few minutes research shows it contains quite a few inaccuracies - like pretty much every biopic or "based on a true story" movie ever. So I really don't care about that.

Also, like every biopic ever, it's quite emotionally manipulative. But you know what? I eat that s*** up. I thought Cumberbatch turned in a really solid performance as Turing, though the role of the socially inept genius is perhaps not too far removed from his Sherlock Holmes. The normally beautiful-but-bland-as-hell Keira Knightley was surprisingly decent as Turing's collaborator and fiance and the story, inaccurate though it may be, was interesting and engaging.

All in all an entertaining flick and one I'll probably revisit.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought Imitation Game was quite well done as well. Biopics always get heat from the cinephile crowd but I enjoy them. Usually makes me research the subject a bit too.