24th Hall of Fame


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Vampyr (1932, Directed by Carl Dreyer) - never watched anything by Dreyer, this is a great way to start!
La Dolce Vita (1960, Directed by Federico Fellini) - didn't like it the first time I watched it, but that was ages ago, hoping this time around is different
The Whisperers (1967, Directed by Bryan Forbes) - never heard of it
Shame (1968, Directed by Ingmar Bergman) - if it's a Bergman, chances are I'm going to like it.
The Day of the Jackal (1973, Directed by Fred Zinnemann) - heard of it but have no idea what's it about!
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974, Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder) - Fassbinder is kinda of a hit or miss with me. This was actually ok, but I need to rewatch it.
Barry Lyndon (1975, Directed by Stanley Kubrick) - Part of my Top 10. I'm expecting it to be Top of my list when this is over. A Masterpiece.
Hard Times (1975, Directed by Walter Hill) - never heard of it, I think
The Deer Hunter (1978, Directed by Michael Cimino) - this has been on my watchlist for ages and I've been hoping I would find it in a HoF someday! Glad it finally did.
In a Glass Cage (1986, Directed by Agusti Villaronga) - never heard of it.
Antwone Fisher (2002, Directed by Denzel Washington) - never heard of it but I'm curious to see a Denzel film.
The Sea Inside (2004, Directed by Alejandro Amenabar)- ahhh, this was the go-to-film on euthanasia when I was in highschool and the public debate on it raised. Haven't seen it since then, gonna enjoy the rewatch.
The Secret in Their Eyes (2009, Directed by Juan Jose Campanella) - Watched it very recently and LOVED it. Great pick!
The Man from Nowhere (2010, Directed by Lee Jeong-beom) - been meaning to watch this for quite some time.
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012, Directed by Benh Zeitlin) - My nomination and a film that doesn't get enough attention, in my opinion.
Rudderless (2014, Directed by William H. Macy) - never heard of it.
Aniara (2018, Directed by Hugo Lilja and Pella Kagerman) - never heard of it.

It's been a while since I'm in a general HoF with so many new watches! And the list seems really rich too! This gonna be fun!

I might start with this tonight or tomorrow *crosses fingers*
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Man from Nowhere

It always cool when movies are nominated that you have never heard of and then you end up really liking the, which is what has happened here. This is my kind of film, a nice revenge film that never lost my interest along the way and the time just seemed to speed by. It was almost like Man on Fire in a way and while it would never reach that type of level for me I still got those vibes from it. I really liked the cinematography in the film and I thought that the acting and the sequences were really cool. Lots of cool action scenes. Some cringy type of scenes with blood but nothing that grossed me out too bad. Really liked that ending too, a sort of another parallel to Man on Fire. Cool relationship dynamic between the main character and the little girl. Cool nomination here!


The Man from Nowhere
This is my kind of film, a nice revenge film that never lost my interest along the way and the time just seemed to speed by. It was almost like Man on Fire in a way and while it would never reach that type of level for me I still got those vibes from it. I really liked the cinematography in the film and I thought that the acting and the sequences were really cool. Lots of cool action scenes.
Yay! It's one of my favorite action films. Glad you liked it. It has its moments, but it's not too heavy. Seemed like a good film for people in January.

The scene where he
WARNING: spoilers below
jumps out of the window and the camera follows him was something that literally made me do a double take and I had to rewind the film twice to see it again and marvel at it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Aniara: Always hard to talk about a HOF movie you don't care for. Even harder when the film is well made, which this one is. In fact when I say that the director I was reminded of most was Kubrick, I really better have a good reason for not liking it. This is like a mixture if 2001, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut. Unfortunately for me it resembles Kubrick in all the ways that leave me cold.

I don't want to spoil anything so I really am not going to say much. What I will say is nihilism is the word that kept coming to mind. For me, the film was void of almost any of the humanity that I need, most of the time, to embrace a film. So thematically the film really didn't work for me at all, and that is mostly what my score will reflect.

I do think the movie looks pretty good, especially considering that it probably was a pretty low budget. The acting isn't bad, although I don't think the captain was very strong. The protagonist was pretty good though. Her first roommate is my favorite part of the film and the closest we come to the humanity previously mentioned.

I think this movie will have some mofos who will really love it, I wish one of those had been me.

Oof. Well, Thief, I loved Aniara.

WARNING: spoilers below
I haven't seen it yet. I just wanted you to feel better.

Yeah, I was mixed on Aniara. Sorry, Thief. I'm curious though to read your thoughts on the film. They may change my opinion.

Yeah, I was mixed on Aniara. Sorry, Thief. I'm curious though to read your thoughts on the film. They may change my opinion.
Even though I saw it fairly recently, I'm planning on rewatching it later, so I'm gonna hold my thoughts until I do that. Hopefully more people will tackle it soon also. It seems that a lot of you decided to go with it early, so we'll see.

I'll just say that, although I liked it from the first time, I didn't went full
with it (I think I gave it 4/5). But a couple of days after, I still couldn't shake it off my mind. It had that lingering effect that I dig, and that has made me reconsider ratings before. But again, I'll leave any more thoughts until I rewatch it.

Oof. Well, Thief, I loved Aniara.

WARNING: spoilers below
I haven't seen it yet. I just wanted you to feel better.
You devious... MoFo!

The Man from Nowhere

It always cool when movies are nominated that you have never heard of and then you end up really liking the, which is what has happened here. This is my kind of film, a nice revenge film that never lost my interest along the way and the time just seemed to speed by. It was almost like Man on Fire in a way and while it would never reach that type of level for me I still got those vibes from it. I really liked the cinematography in the film and I thought that the acting and the sequences were really cool. Lots of cool action scenes. Some cringy type of scenes with blood but nothing that grossed me out too bad. Really liked that ending too, a sort of another parallel to Man on Fire. Cool relationship dynamic between the main character and the little girl. Cool nomination here!

I pretty much agree with everything you said. Kickass action with a heart.

EDIT: I think I might have something written about it, but it's on another laptop. If I find it, I'll post it here. Anyway, this is another one I'm planning on rewatching too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I figured I'd hate Aniara because it's Sci-Fi, until Sean said it was devoid of any humanity
I'm trying soooo hard not to read those reviews of Aniara Though being devoid of humanity could work in a sci-fi for me. I'm really curious about the film.

I'm trying soooo hard not to read those reviews of Aniara Though being devoid of humanity could work in a sci-fi for me. I'm really curious about the film.
I started it but something came up. I like it so far but I enjoy sci-fi.

The trick is not minding
I want to be clear, Aniara wasn’t a “bad” film. It just couldn’t overcome its shortcomings despite great special effects and an interesting premise.