The 27th General Hall of Fame


Yea GBG sent me a message about my blunder but I was half asleep when I saw it and then completely forgot about it. It's something I'll have to live with

I've decided to join. There are only a couple of films that feel like a chore, and most of the rewatches are something I've been planning to do anyway.
Personally, I'm hoping for something that's much less tame than In a Glass Cage.

Personally, I'm hoping for something that's much less tame than In a Glass Cage.
Well, there's no underaged nudity or anything like that to send FBI after @Siddon. By the way, it's you who I believe to have seen my nomination.

ok question: my dvd describes the additional footage in Apocalypse Now Redux as "controversial and unusual". is this accurate and if so how unusual are we talking? might be getting sold on this longer cut since i have unlimited free time this week anyway.

ok question: my dvd describes the additional footage in Apocalypse Now Redux as "controversial and unusual". is this accurate and if so how unusual are we talking? might be getting sold on this longer cut since i have unlimited free time this week anyway.
I saw nothing controversial, unusual, or worth watching.

Safety Last

This was my 2nd viewing after watching it for the pre-30's countdown. Not much has changed.

Lloyd is likable but I can't picture him getting up into Keaton and Chaplin territory. Probably unfair to compare yet I think it's natural. The love story part is sweet and it's an easy watch that is mostly amusing. It just never goes beyond that for me. The big finale is the weakest part of the movie in my eyes but again, there's nothing to dislike here. Well, except for the cat scene that Miss Vicky pointed out. It may not look like much but you can severely injure a cat like that. It won't affect my overall view of the film. So yea, I appreciate the historical significance and it's worth watching. That's about all I've got.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

pahaK is IN and here is his nomination:

Demons akaShura (1971)
Director: Toshio Matsumoto 2h 14m
Nominated by: pahaK

WELCOME, @pahaK!!!

Have not heard of this but looks like it scored insanely high on IMDb so I'll be curious to see it.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I forgot the opening line.
Demons looks great - haven't seen it but it's near the top of the bunch I look forward to seeing now.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Demons looks intriguing and welcome to the club PahaK!
A really good quality link with subs would be nice. I did find a HD link but no subs.

Demons looks intriguing and welcome to the club PahaK!
A really good quality link with subs would be nice. I did find a HD link but no subs.
I sent you a link. It's on youtube at very decent quality with subs. Just search "demons 1971" and it should be among the first hits.

Let the night air cool you off
Yeah, Demons is great. I watched it last year during the movie roulette we did. @cricket recommended it to me, and I loved it.

Shura is amazing. It's one of the best examples of black-and-white enhancing a film and making total sense over color. The way characters would completely disappear by an enveloping darkness while other characters felt super close-up because of the pitch black behind them was amazing. That is just one element of how cool this film is, but it's also super f*cked up, and when the baby got got, I let out an audible gasp. I figured it was going to happen, but there was still a little bit of hope that maybe we could still root for Gengobe. That moment let's you feel like a piece of sh*t for still being on his side after what he did in Fukagawa. I was strongly reminded of Eraserhead during that sequence, because the sound of the baby crying added a lot of tension. Two main reasons why: a) the sound of a baby crying is grating, and b) you also had the fear that Gengobe would do what he did or some other misfortune would befall the child. The effects are all great too. The only thing that really bothered me is why in the world did they keep the sake that Gengobe gave them. I would have instantly poured that out. It did lead to a gruesome scene, so I can't really complain about that. Amazing selection for me, cricket.

Demons (1971)

"All that's left now is eternal, all-enveloping darkness."

I rarely think composition and visuality, in general, further than noticing that something looks good. Demons is one of the exceptions; its negative space, the blackness surrounding the people, is like a character of its own. There's this almost Lovecraftian feel to it, meaningless humanity surrounded by the vast coldness of the void and the uncaring universe.

I love a good tragedy, and Demons is as bleak and nihilistic as they get. Love, honor, justice; all turn to rot, and the suffering that ensues is ultimately needless, a cosmic joke where people unknowingly work towards a common goal only to drown in a sea of blood. Everything happens for no reason, and that's why the film hits so hard.

I watched this the first time about two years ago. I liked it a lot back then, but this rewatch was even better. I knew what was happening, and I had more time to focus on the details. A great drama with horror elements and amazing black-and-white cinematography.

The trick is not minding

pahaK is IN and here is his nomination:

Demons akaShura (1971)
Director: Toshio Matsumoto 2h 14m
Nominated by: pahaK

WELCOME, @pahaK!!!

Have not heard of this but looks like it scored insanely high on IMDb so I'll be curious to see it.
Oh yeah, this movie. I’ve heard of this. I think. Pretty sure it’s the only film from the 1970’s titled Demons from Japan, right?

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

An old-school adventure that may be formulaic, but at least it does the formula well. I didn't even remember how similar this is to Star Wars movies (both older and newer) and how much Indy resembles Han Solo. It's also more violent than I remembered, with several bloody shootings and melting faces.

There are some pacing issues, especially during the second half. The rivalry with Belloq seems unnecessary bloat, and there are few too many coincidences. With some improvements to the script, the film could have been great instead of good.

I've always liked The Temple of Doom the most, but Raiders isn't that far behind. It's an enjoyable and easy movie to watch. The scoundrelly hero and violent, lethal action make it grittier than modern PG adventures, and that's plus in my books.