MoFo Best Picture: 1960, And The Nominees Are...


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Haven't seen Peeping Tom, The Time Machine, Spartacus or Peeping Tom. The rest are great though.

You only have to watch Peeping Tom once, unless you really like and and you want to watch it twice.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
After you watch enough subtitled films it stops being this way. At a certain point it becomes automatic and you are able to take everything in all at once.

How long does it take for that to happen? I've watched a bunch of foreign films since I found this site, and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier for me.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
How long does it take for that to happen? I've watched a bunch of foreign films since I found this site, and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier for me.
I don't know. It seemed to happen fairly quickly for me, but I started watching foreign movies fairly young.

I've never ever met a person that hasn't happened for though. My ex rarely watched foreign films before me and it wasn't long before he became accustomed to it.

It's just like anything else with your brain. At first you are aware of that you're having to read and watch at the same time so it's distracting and uncomfortable. After awhile your mind adjusts to it and you forget that you're even doing it. When that clicks then you are able to absorb the movie all at once.

I even "forget" that I am not able to understand the actors. It really is just an adjustment and some people take longer to adjust to certain things than others. If you really want to try to make it happen immerse yourself in it for awhile.

Bah! only three of my 10 made the list. Even if you don't like Brit kitchen sink dramas (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning) or a seriously good tense prison film (Le Trou - The Hole) or a creepy British sci fi (Village of the Damned) - you didn't vote for The Magnificent Seven? tsk tsk!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Bah! only three of my 10 made the list. Even if you don't like Brit kitchen sink dramas (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning) or a seriously good tense prison film (Le Trou - The Hole) or a creepy British sci fi (Village of the Damned) - you didn't vote for The Magnificent Seven? tsk tsk!
I considered The Magnificent Seven because it's a great movie, but when I asked if this list was supposed to be the best movies of 1960 or my favorite movies of 1960, I was told I could do either list, so I opted for my favorite movies of 1960 and it didn't make the cut. Had this list been the best movies of 1960, it probably would have been on my list.

But if it makes you feel any better, Spartacus and Psycho didn't make my list for the same reason. They're all great movies, but I wouldn't consider them my favorite movies.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Well, in the first round you should really put the movies you want to make the finals, but remember if you don't put them high enough, they'll have less of a shot. You can even nominate only one film, which will give less support to others, but they'll probably make it in due to the other voters, In the finals, vote for who you want to win. Of course, it's all skewed based on what you've seen and your personal approach to movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well, in the first round you should really put the movies you want to make the finals, but remember if you don't put them high enough, they'll have less of a shot. You can even nominate only one film, which will give less support to others, but they'll probably make it in due to the other voters, In the finals, vote for who you want to win. Of course, it's all skewed based on what you've seen and your personal approach to movies.

I thought about that, but I decided to just be true to myself and only vote for movies that are my favorites. I just figured that the rest of you would probably vote the other movies in anyway.

Only two of my movies made the list, but I'm surprised it wasn't three. I expected Inherit the Wind to make the list. That was the #1 movie on my list. I had no expectations of any other movies on my list making the list here.

I did the same thing for the 1970s movie list, which is why very few of my movies have made the list so far, and I don't expect to see more than about 4 or 5 more of my movies as the countdown continues.

It doesn't bother me though. These movies are my favorites, and they will still be my favorites whether everyone else agrees with me or not. No countdown or voting will change that.

How long does it take for that to happen? I've watched a bunch of foreign films since I found this site, and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier for me.
When i just got the internet as a kid i started watching a Japanese anime show called Naruto, at the time (no idea now?) episodes were released in English about five days later. As would be expected in this type of show it was full of cliffhangers, so i was pretty much forced into watching it in Japanese. At first it was quite difficult to follow, but after a few episodes i came to prefer it in it's original language.

I think the problem might be the sort of foreign films you are watching. I've noticed that you have been trying to watch alot of foreign movies for the movie tournament. The reason i got so used to it was because it was in something i was already very interested in, you should look for a few movies or a tv show in another language that intrigues you to get used to it first imo.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
When i just got the internet as a kid i started watching a Japanese anime show called Naruto, at the time (no idea now?) episodes were released in English about five days later. As would be expected in this type of show it was full of cliffhangers, so i was pretty much forced into watching it in Japanese. At first it was quite difficult to follow, but after a few episodes i came to prefer it in it's original language.

I think the problem might be the sort of foreign films you are watching. I've noticed that you have been trying to watch alot of foreign movies for the movie tournament. The reason i got so used to it was because it was in something i was already very interested in, you should look for a few movies or a tv show in another language that intrigues you to get used to it first imo.

In theory, the movies in the Movie Tournament should be "the best of the best", but I understand what you're saying, and I agree that that's a good idea, but then I wouldn't have time to watch the movies on my watchlist now. Between the 1960 movies, the Movie Tournament, the movies that are recommended on other threads here, and the upcoming 1960s movie list, I barely have time to keep up with my watchlist now.

I try to give every movie a fair chance, even if it doesn't sound like my kind of movie from the synopsis, but I've started skipping over movies that I know I won't like, as long as they're up against another movie that I already know that I won't like. Then I just skip that matchup when I vote. But I haven't voted for anything without watching both movies in the matchup.

Think I'll try to watch The Virgin Spring and Elmer Gantry before the 23rd. But I'm pretty happy that 5 from my original list made it

I understand what you're saying, Godoggo...and I have watched and enjoyed films with subtitles. In La Dolce Vita, there was lots of fast spoken Italian dialog and I couldn't keep up with reading the subtitles. I've seen Chinese and German made films where I could keep up. Maybe I will try one day again?
Try again or you'll be missing out on great films

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Bah! only three of my 10 made the list. Even if you don't like Brit kitchen sink dramas (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning) or a seriously good tense prison film (Le Trou - The Hole) or a creepy British sci fi (Village of the Damned) - you didn't vote for The Magnificent Seven? tsk tsk!
I did. I also voted for The Village of the Damned. Really upset those two didn't make it.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Forgot to say that I'm glad I'll be forced to finally watch Elmer Gantry. Not that I haven't wanted to but I never seem to get around to it. Now I have a good reason not to put it off.

I have the same problem with subtitles. I've tried watching several foreign films, but I think I miss quite a bit of the movie while reading the subtitles. Plus, I have a tendency to do other things while watching movies sometimes, so I have a habit of looking away from the screen during the movie, so that doesn't help either.
I get closer to the Tv when I watch a movie with subtitles. For me, being able to read them clearly and effortlessly is very important.

Seven of my ten made the cut. The three that didn't were Eyes Without a Face, Village of the Damned and Shoot the Piano Player.

I haven't seen The Time Machine, L'Avventura, or Peeping Tom. I'm not that interested in The Time Machine, but the other two are movies I've been wanting to see for quite some time--- especially Peeping Tom, which sounds like a movie that I would love. Hopefully I can get around to watching one or both before the deadline.

I know Psycho is the overwhelming favorite, but I'd like to see The Apartment pull the upset. I think it's the only nominee that has any chance of doing so, but who knows? Both are in my all-time top ten, so I'll be happy either way.

1960 was an impressive year for movies.