The Boondock Saints 2


No sequel, please!
MY Work!

After about a gazillion rumors and false starts, it looks like this is finally happening. There are plot details at the link below, so I'll only quote the first paragraph:

Boondock Saints 2 Plot Revealed

It’s been four months since Troy Duffy announced that a Boondock Saints sequel had officially been given the green light. The video of the announcement was removed from Troy’s website within hours of going live. Troy appeared on WJFK 106.7 and confirmed that “barring an actors strike” the film is scheduled to go into production in August. Duffy revealed the plot of the second film:
Hit the link for more. Sounds a little odd...and very strange that Duffy would basically describe the entire story. I liked The Boondock Saints plenty. Enjoyable for what it was. Doesn't seem like great fodder for a sequel, but I'd probably see one anyway out of curiousity.

As much as I would like the second film, in a sense, I feel the The Boondocks Saints as one movie as justified in the way it ended and doesn't require a sequel.

I don't know how they can extend on the storyline and make it different from what happen in the first.

Besides, I don't think William Dafoe would be up for a sequel, and if they made the film without him it would not be the same because in my opinion, Detective Paul Smecker made the first film.

Oh dear god. Wasn't one of these more than enough? I mean I understand that there are a number of people who actually like this thing, but I found it unwatchable.
A terrible movie, made by a terrible man.

I thought the original ranged from cringe-worthy to mildly diverting and pretty average. I thought the original not only left room but pretty much hinted at a sequel, be it necessary or not. Hopefully they'll have improved their accents and if Billy Conolly is in it he just won't speak.