I'm leaving!


I ain't never leaving this place, no how.
As an Archie comic book character would say, "Ditto"
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Tomorrow I'll move there. I already have a lot of films to watch that I probably won't even have time for, but still... any recommendations of fun entertaining films? Since I already got a lot of arthouse, it's mainly a question concerning entertaining films, but still... ambitious? Good in other words, but good is a subjective word. Anyway, any recs? I already came up with the idea od Chaplin's The Circus. What more?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
A dear John thread from a lad that joined the board literally last month is a wee odd.

That being said, Stay Gold Ponyboy.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Seeing how Gabrielle947 updated her thread I feel like bumping my own too as well. Probably you can already tell I was overreacting and exaggerating the whole studying thingy. I thought it's gonna be like a total hardcore with a test every week, but apparently it's not. I'm studying for more or less a month now and I didn't have a single test yet. There's gonna be some in a month, but studies are more of a laid back than I thought. Thanks to this, despite what I've said before, I still have time for movieforums!

On the occasion of the start of my new educational journey I, let's say, promised myself I'll try to be more self-confident and talkative in order to meet new people and have a higher respect from my lecturers. In high school I had this weird I-know-the-answer-to-this-question-but-not-gonna-speak-up-loudly-in-public syndrome. Not even sure why, because it's not like I am afraid of speaking. I just didn't, because I didn't feel like doing it. It's hard to explain, but yeah, I'm working on it. In terms of social relations I'm doing things two-years-ago myself would never do and mind you it's nothing wrong. I'm just more open and not embarassed to talk to people - including girls. ^^

And what's the best to me, I don't have to change my personality. Earlier I thought of myself as of a socially-awkward person, but now it's changed. I still didn't modify my habits and most likely won't, so I will not drink alcohol and will not participate in too many parties, since I'm not a party-goer at all. I will feel more confident in smaller groups of people and prefer to speak to them singly, but what's the most important I WILL speak to them and hopefully make new friends.

Wow, it sounds like a confession of a no-life.

Chappie doesn't like the real world

And what's the best to me, I don't have to change my personality. Earlier I thought of myself as of a socially-awkward person, but now it's changed. I still didn't modify my habits and most likely won't, so I will not drink alcohol and will not participate in too many parties, since I'm not a party-goer at all. I will feel more confident in smaller groups of people and prefer to speak to them singly, but what's the most important I WILL speak to them and hopefully make new friends..
Of course you don't. I've always been an introvert and socially awkward but I've fully embraced it and it's fine. In fact, I'm finding that it's what draws people to me and that people also feel comfortable being themselves around me. I'll never seek out big groups and I don't like social gatherings unless it has a purpose (bird watching, lectures, art shows etc.) but I really enjoy walking around by myself and striking up conversations with random people. There are some interesting people in this world.

Glad to hear the studying wasn't as huge as an effort as you thought it would be.

I'll never seek out big groups and I don't like social gatherings unless it has a purpose (bird watching, lectures, art shows etc.)
That's not a purpose.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Any purpose is good if there are people I'd like to meet, but the purpose I'm the most scared of is just to have some booze. I'm always afraid of people trying to convience me to drink with them and I feel really uncomfortable then. I love people who answer like: "That's ok. I just asked in the case you'd like to.".

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Any purpose is good if there are people I'd like to meet, but the purpose I'm the most scared of is just to have some booze. I'm always afraid of people trying to convience me to drink with them and I feel really uncomfortable then. I love people who answer like: "That's ok. I just asked in the case you'd like to.".
I've found that parties aren't the best scene for me to meet people I'm interested in, but then how should I really know, I haven't met too many cool people anyways. I'm not a party-goer either, I get stoned with a couple close friends once in a while (which won't happen anymore actually, yay for getting jobs), but that's it, I don't fit the scene very well and I don't think I'd like to. Unfortunately, I chose my school because of the reputation of my program there, but my school turned out to be a to be a huge party school, and I hate the culture of it.

I like where Honeykid is taking this thread. He is very wise.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

A system of cells interlinked

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Okay, MoFos. Apparently, some people think my posts are over the line, but the truth is they just can't handle the kink and don't love aardvarks. ;( Seriously, though, I fear every day on MoFo may be my last, so here is what follows:

- I proclaim my Movie Journey Thread closed until further notice (I've rarely posted there anyway)
- I proclaim my Music Review Thread closed until further notice
- I proclaim Arthouse Mafia disbanded. If you were a member you can PM me and you will get free movie recommendations for your loyal service.
- I abstain from posting in Movie Tab II, Rate the Last Movie you Saw and Movie You're Watching Tonight threads
- I completely desist from posting in sections/threads not concerning films, unless I am being mentioned somewhere and feel the need to answer.
- I DO NOT intend to leave MoFo. I will post very rarely, but I may still visit it very often.
- Everyone is welcome to send me a PM. I will answer them immediately after I read them. Asking me about things in various threads may prove futile.
- I intend to pay more attention to the development of my cinema love, knowledge and invest more time into movie watching, but at the same time focus more on my real life.

These laws come into force today, 09.03.15, until called off.

If any of my posts, or messages I have ever written on MoFo has offended you in any way, please, take my sincerest apologies. I'm sorry.

This is not a protest. I'm just protecting myself from going overboard again and getting banned.