Next Countdown: decade, or something else?


What kind of countdown should we do next?
28 votes
Decades List (2000s, 2010s)
30 votes
Anything Else (Comedies, Noir, Foreign, etc.)
58 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Decades please , personally be more interested in 2010s, but we will have to redo the Millenium list eventually so may as well , I think it’ll look very different this time around anyways
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

An argument I didn't expect to exist: the major lack of recency bias in the All-Time list means there would be a lot of guesswork around either recent decades list, whereas if there'd been a lot of recent films the whole thing could feel very anticlimactic.

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I voted genre because I have seen shockingly little films this century and don't expect that to change any time soon.

I voted anything else, and it's not because I don't want to do a decade list. It's because we only have 2 to do so let's spread them out a little. Plus this is the way we've been doing it. Save a little whipped cream for the last bite of ice cream.

i consider the all-time list to be much closer in spirit to the decade lists, primarily because it directly followed a genre list and the variety of films on the list feels more like the decade ones than any of the genre ones. also i've always thought the decade lists have more of a "main event" feel to them whereas the genre lists always feel more supplementary, like they're there so we don't overload on our main course too quickly, and the all-time list is certainly more in-line with the former. i voted something else (hopefully foreign-language).
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Me when I started this poll: either is cool, I just hope there's a clear consensus so everyone's happy!

You know what you could do is if genre wins and say Foreign or anything else wins that poll.
make the next list after that a decade list, so when were done with the say for example Foreign list, we move on to the 2000's list.

Vice versa if decade wins, we'll do a genre countdown list after that, so that way it makes everyone happy.

Not a big fan of the foreign stuff but if it wins so be it, hey atleast we'll be getting it over with
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I voted decades because I wanted to do the 2000s and 2010s countdowns before the All-Time countdown, because I don't watch many recent movies, and this would give me the "push" that I need to watch them.

But I'd also be okay if a genre is the next countdown. The only genre that I'm not interested in is foreign films, (but I'm pretty sure that's what will win if genre wins this poll).

But please don't take that statement as a "take my ball and go home" threat not to participate if the next countdown is foreign films. I know that many people here love foreign films, and have been waiting for the foreign films countdown, so I know that it's going to happen eventually.

I just mean that I have huge blindspot with foreign films because I have difficulty with subtitles, but I'll still try to at least watch some of the better known foreign films, and maybe some recommendations, but there's no guarantee that I could submit a complete 25 film list. However I will at least try to submit a partial list when we eventually do the foreign films countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

If it's a tie we could do one of each simultaneously - everybody's happy

Trouble with a capital "T"
We could do a decade and a genre countdown back to back, utilizing the same watch period. I mean 4-6 months for a watch period is more than enough time to put together two separate voting ballots. Then the countdowns could be run one right after the other one is done.

If we do that, we'll probably end up with a list of the Top 100 Foreign Films from between 2000 and 2009.
Gbg makes a good point and leads us to an even better idea - every countdown should be a merged one between 'genre'/decade. No need to worry about running out of countdown ideas and repeating as we'll have hundreds of 'em - who's up for a 1940s Slashers Countdown next?

Yeah, okay, perhaps not.

Gbg makes a good point and leads us to an even better idea - every countdown should be a merged one between 'genre'/decade. No need to worry about running out of countdown ideas and repeating as we'll have hundreds of 'em - who's up for a 1940s Slashers Countdown next?

Yeah, okay, perhaps not.
Or even 1940s Foreign Language Slashers Directed by Women to ensure there are enough countdowns to last a lifetime.