17th MoFo Hall of Fame


I actually changed my nom from what it was going to be last minute.
Ah, that makes more sense.

I've decided to go with the movie I was leaning towards. I expect it'll finish close to last but it will be interesting to see how people react.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I went with a newer movie this time. I think it will get mixed reactions, but I really liked it.
Annihilation? Cool, been looking forward to rewatching.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm planning on going on vacation. We were suppose to go on the 10th or 11th, but I caught a cold and now my wife has it, so it might not be until later next week. I might miss the reveal, but I will post right before leaving.

I'm planning on going on vacation. We were suppose to go on the 10th or 11th, but I caught a cold and now my wife has it, so it might not be until later next week. I might miss the reveal, but I will post right before leaving.
No worries. If you miss the reveal, just check in when you get back. I have no doubt you'll complete the HOF.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
just saw this, and I a definitely in.

STILL can't make up my mind on what to nom but I do like the "not too many will like my nom, but, hey, screw it, here it is," vibe going on so I may just go with a favorite of me own and via for the bottom vote with the rest of ya.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm glad to see more people joining. I'd thought that participation might be light with 3 other HoFs going on. But this is shaping up nicely! Long live HoFs

I'm glad to see more people joining. I'd thought that participation might be light with 3 other HoFs going on. But this is shaping up nicely! Long live HoFs
Yep, nice turnout. We're at 12 people signed up so far, though @CosmicRunaway and @Nathaniel still need to submit their nominations.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was happy to see Suspect join; don't remember him joining a General HoF before.
It's good to have him here! He's been in other HoFs but hasn't joined a General HoF since the early days.

Hall of Fame 1 Host Jiraffejustin
The Big Lebowski (1998)...TheUsualSuspect

Hall of Fame 2 Host Godoggo
Dark City (1998)...TheUsualSuspect

We're at 12 people signed up so far, though @CosmicRunaway and @Nathaniel still need to submit their nominations.
Are you thinking about moving the reveal closer, or is it still next weekend?

I was going to rewatch the ones I have in mind before deciding, but I can certainly hustle to pick one if you want to start sooner.