Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)


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Is this armor supposed to make her partially invisible?

Those aren't all reflections in this one. It's like they went out of their way to have you see through her in places.
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

I quite liked the first Wonder Woman. The new one could be very good or very bad. We shall have to wait and see.

Will still go and watch for Gal Gadot though whatever it is.

Movie Forums Extra
I am also looking forward to see this movie but I worry they will postpone the release date because of the virus.

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Movie Forums Extra
So, it's August, but do we have an exact date as to when?

So, it's August, but do we have an exact date as to when?
December 25, 2020 is the exact date

I was excited for this. I really enjoyed the first one. Hearing rumblings it's chalked full of orange man is bad though. I hope they don't get terribly political and just aim to entertain, like the first. The first could have been trash if they went full on feminist. Instead Patty leaned towards entertainment and the results were great. I have trust in Patty so I'll check it out, but my hopes will be dashed if they go too far. Here is to hoping it's a worthy sequel.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

A lot of people, actually. Lots of major films have come out on Christmas Day (Ali comes to mind just off the top of my head). Maybe not this year so much, though.

When you have multiple families together in one house for a holiday, there is probably gonna be an adult that needs a break.

I remember going to see lotr: fotr with my cousin when it came out on Christmas. Keep in mind he knew quite a bit about it and I never heard of it. Imagine being a young teen and watching a 3hr movie that you had no idea what it was about.

The trick is not minding
Seems a bizarre thing to do. I'm pretty sure I'd get disowned by my family if I snuck off on Christmas Day to go to the cinema.
I hang out with my family for several hours before making the 2 hour trek home. By which time it’s around 8pm.
That gives me a lot of downtime to spend with my GF if I have one, which could or could not turn into a trip to the theatre.
I’m single this Christmas, and not visiting family this year. That gives me a full day of nothing. Guess what I have the option of doing?

Seems a bizarre thing to do. I'm pretty sure I'd get disowned by my family if I snuck off on Christmas Day to go to the cinema.
I think people go together, actually. At least that's what some of my extended family's done.

I'd imagine it's also pretty popular with people who aren't with anyone on Christmas (or with an extended/sizable family). I'll bet, amusingly, it's popular in the exact opposite situation, too, with tons of people around. But I dunno.