We Are Aussies.


I may make it a Top 20 Oz Film list. Forgot that little chiller Patrick: Then there is Babe, Moulin Rouge, Australia, Animal Kingdom, Rabbit Proof fence, The Getting Of Wisdom and Chopper.

Does Road Games (1981) count as an Aussie film? Cause that's great.
Was produced and directed by an Australian. But having two Americans in the lead opens it for debate.

A system of cells interlinked
Thank you for your contribution@pahaK. The Road Warrior.. being Mad Max. Next on my list would have been Wolf Creek. Seen that?
Wolf Creek was pretty brutal - couple of really disturbing scenes in that one. I also enjoyed Lake Mungo for what it was.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Wolf Creek was pretty brutal - couple of really disturbing scenes in that one. I also enjoyed Lake Mungo for what it was.
Good to see you here @Sedai. Wolf Creek.. brutal and brilliant. Not sure I have seen Lake Mungo.

Wake in Fright is probably my favourite Oz movie. Spent a month or so in Oz several years ago and loved it.
@the samoan lawyer Grateful for you participation. Where did you spend the month in OZ?

Agree Wake In Fright was terrific.. Aided by the performance of that fine thespian Donald Pleasence.

Hello Capt. Welcome to Australia mate. Wanna post something?
Yes, I was reading how in the middle ages, explorers weren't sure what or where Australia actually was, and how some couldn't tell it or some of the nearby islands from the land mass of Antarctica... so on some maps from those ancient eras there's a huge continent drawn at the bottom of the globe called "Terra Australis" (which is Australia and Antarctica combined in one hypothetical continent)!


Yes, I was reading how in the middle ages, explorers weren't sure what or where Australia actually was, and how some couldn't tell it or some of the nearby islands from the land mass of Antarctica... so on some maps from those ancient eras there's a huge continent drawn at the bottom of the globe called "Terra Australis" (which is Australia and Antarctica combined in one hypothetical continent)!

That is fascinating. It took exploration of both continents centuries later to determine they were in fact two separate land masses.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This shows how Australia was in fact part of Antarctica millions of years ago before the seas separated the land mass that was Gondwanaland.
I know they have found Dinosaur fossils in the Antarctic, have they found them in Australia? I'm thinking they must have.

This answer your question orson? Happened in 2013.

A GRAVEYARD OF FOSSILS discovered in central Qld could shed light on Australia's dinosaurs.
A team of palaeontologists at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum in Winton, Qld, has uncovered further fossils near the site of the museum.. a known hotspot for Australian dinosaur remains.

David Elliott, field palaeontologist and founder of the museum, says he has not seen this many large dinosaur bones in one area for over a decade.

"There were bones everywhere – giant limbs, vertebrae and 2m-long ribs stacked across each other and joined together by rocky concretions," David says, adding that three truck-loads of bones were collected.

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@the samoan lawyer Grateful for you participation. Where did you spend the month in OZ?

Agree Wake In Fright was terrific.. Aided by the performance of that fine thespian Donald Pleasence.

Travelling so started in Cairns and travelled down east coast finishing at Sydney. Fraser Island, Magnetic Island, Whitsundays, Nimbin amongst loads other places. Also met a wild Koala which was cool.