Movie everyone HATES


Registered User
ok what about the new texas chainsaw massacre?
"War is hell Rasputin and im sleepy."

Liked it, did what is set out to. Nothing on the original, not particularly great film, but as i said, met it's goals.

Neutral Milk Hotel
Batman and Robin Sucked. I dont know why so many people dont like titanic especially straight men.
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

Do you know my poetry?
How about The Devil's Advocate? That film was so bad I'm hesitating just thinking about it.

A lot of people love that one...not me tho'.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I hate Batman and Robin, The Devil's Advocate and A.I.

I would also suggest Waterworld, Full Frontal and Sex Lives of the Potato Men, never met anyone who liked any of them.

Here to support the villians.......
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
It was OK and it does have Al Pacino
exactly, have to say I actually enjoyed The devil's advocate, and dare I say it, Keanu Reeves wasn't all that bad in it.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

Movie Forums Member
Devil's Advocate was good, but not for the weak. Closer was a bad movie, boring led to nothing, if you want a good movie like this, rent Unfaithful.

Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randal
How about Waterworld?
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"

Originally Posted by dolarhydecb
Devil's Advocate was good, but not for the weak. Closer was a bad movie, boring led to nothing, if you want a good movie like this, rent Unfaithful.
The Devil's Advocate is retarted tripe. Unfaithful is like a Danielle Steele TV movie, only not quite as good. On the other hand, Closer is a great movie full of great performances, especially Clive Owen's.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
The Devil's Advocate is retarted tripe. Unfaithful is like a Danielle Steele TV movie, only not quite as good. On the other hand, Closer is a great movie full of great performances, especially Clive Owen's.
Irony Police: you misspelled "retarded."

I've yet to see Closer, though I've heard mostly negative things about it (from friends who share somewhat similar tastes, as opposed to critics who, you know, don't generally like movies).

Anyway, clearly plenty of people like The Devil's Advocate (I myself found it entertaining enough as long as I didn't take it too seriously), so that one isn't gonna make it. I think Batman & Robin is probably the best suggestion that hasn't already been shot down (unless Pryo's "hello" was meant to imply that he enjoyed it).

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I thought Closer was one of the most boring films I have ever seen, along with The Hours, but I know that some people do like them (I just don't know why!)

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
J-Lo and a big snake!
Maybe it's just me but HELLO!!!
Just kidding, don't like J-Lo, besides I don't think the Anaconda could have un-hooked it's jaw enough to swallow J-Lo's ass!!!

Has anyone seen "Fresh" with Samuel L Jackson?
One long dumb suck-ass movie!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
J-Lo and a big snake!
Maybe it's just me but HELLO!!!
Just kidding, don't like J-Lo, besides I don't think the Anaconda could have un-hooked it's jaw enough to swallow J-Lo's ass!!!

Originally Posted by dolarhydecb
Devil's Advocate was good, but not for the weak. Closer was a bad movie, boring led to nothing, if you want a good movie like this, rent Unfaithful.
Not for the weak? What does that mean? I dunno…The Devil’s Advocate doesn’t fit my taste at all. Keanu is a snore, Theron was wasted, and Pacino plays Tony Montana with a sunburn…buncha hooey if you ask me…but since you didn’t, I’ll tell you anyway. It’s a bunch of hooey. So there.

Unfaithful…what can I say about it that Holden didn’t already say? Oh yes…hooey.

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
What about Anaconda....
Eh, I didn’t think it was as stupid as The Devil’s Advocate, but that’s not saying much. The fact that The Midnight Cowboy played a nice and oily character makes it watchable in my book.

Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
Has anyone seen "Fresh" with Samuel L Jackson?
One long dumb suck-ass movie!
Boy, I’m gonna slap you right upside the dumb suck-ass if you ever say that again.

Actually, I think it’s a B+ film with a marvelous performance by Sean Nelson who fights the odds and cleans up town without anyone being the wiser…until it’s too late. The boy had balls, baby…BIG balls. Some of the other actors were a little over the top and a small amount of dialogue was corny…but Nelson makes it a good film.

Batman and Robin seems to be the best candidate so far. I’ll add Runaway Bride. It is one of the worst romantic comedies ever made with a ludicrous scenario and cookie cut-out characters and performances…plus Julia says, “Hee-Haw!!!” She may have been laughing again, tho’.