HOF Organization Thread


Only 12 times? Why? We can convince a lot more members to join and nominate the same thing if we want to.
I was planning on creating 6 or 7 accounts not sure how much Yoda would stand for though.

Master of My Domain
I was planning on creating 6 or 7 accounts not sure how much Yoda would stand for though.
Sexy has about 15 so I assume 6 or 7 is an okay number.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This seriously needs someone to take control and I think Sean is a good person to do it. Sorry CR but I disagree with what you said - the HoF was building to be something great when Godoggo controlled everything about it but now it has just become a game. Not saying they aren't fun but apart from the General HoFs they don't really have a point. I think Sean should control a schedule and the rules.

Having the person running it decide on the rules is why there are arguments. The general HoFs follow what Justin and then Godoggo originally envisaged so everyone knows how it works. All HoFs should follow the same rules IMO.

This shouldn't be a democracy. We need a benevolent dictator
I like Sean, so my objections are about the idea that any one person can tell others on this board what threads they can make. No we don't need a standardized set of HOF rules, this isn't a Communist collective. What's next? A set amount of words that a reviewer has to use? Or perhaps a limit on how many Top favorite list a member can make? What else do you want to make people do? Was it OK that SC created another song tournament today? Would you like to control his threads too?
Not saying they aren't fun but apart from the General HoFs they don't really have a point.
Special Hofs have no point? and just what point do you think they should have?

This shouldn't be a democracy. We need a benevolent dictator
Good grief

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
How about you just jump in here in this thread and say "Hey, I wanna start this _____ HoF, how would that be to y'all?"
I'll bring this up now since a little bit of conversation is starting. My thought is we have three special HOF and the main one running all the time. Like MM said when someone has an idea come in here claim it and you go on the board. When one special ends the next on the list starts.

As far as what Sane said the rules in the main HOF are simple and seem to work great. Features under 220 minutes, one week for each nomination. As far as the special HOF go I do think if you come up with it run it by making it as specialized or broad as you choose. As always you will have more participation the more inclusive and flexible you are.

I'm for structure but I do think we are over thinking it a bit. Keep it simple stupid. Thoughts?

Pretty sure the only one of SCs "friends" not banned yet are Dorothy and Isaac. Santa Clause too if you're a horrible person and dont believe that is the real St.Nick.

I think the phrase "Hall of Fame" comes with a special meaning, and I think they're starting to get a little silly. I think there should be structure and rules in order to have meaning.

There's always gonna be problems no matter what you do... organized or not.

If we organize things, people would get mad and just start their own, which I understand, since why wait just because someone says so? Here I can understand CR, in the way that no one should really tell you when or how.

But then again, many of these "rules" are only for the betterment of these HoFs, so it's not like anyone tries to force tons of stuff down upon you or your HoF. I personally think some basic rules would be nice but keep it simple.

Still, sometimes these HoFs comes together organically and succeeds perfectly without much control (not sure if I'm right, but the Slasher HoF seemed pretty straight forward like that). That's why I'm not sure if this "next in line" system should be used. Sometimes a bunch of people just happen to talk and suddenly there comes a HoF out of it. This little group creates it, runs it and no one on the forum is bothered by it. Easy as that.

So I guess I might be changing my mind a bit here... Because I don't see why you should wait your turn if there's like 7 people who just want this small and easy going HoF without much else. Sure, there would he people who might want to join but can't because they are currently doing another HoF, but that's how it is. You can't get everything in life anyways and sometimes you are just busy and stuff anyways.

Simple rules for all HoFs? I don't see why not. Strict system about when and with who? Not so much perhaps.

Master of My Domain
Not only am I getting tired of no structure, but I'm also getting tired of the entire HoF thing itself. Seems like it's the only thing we end up doing on here. What happened to the diversity?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think the phrase "Hall of Fame" comes with a special meaning, and I think they're starting to get a little silly. I think there should be structure and rules in order to have meaning.
I'm with you and I think that is the original spirit. I am sure Citizen is not the only one feeling the way he is so I will say this as a general statement. If you don't think it is fair to wait for a certain HOF run there are plenty of ways to skin a cat.The structure of this was quite cool but the idea is not really all that original. We have all kinds of lists tournaments and things going on all the time and none of them have ever been stopped as far as I know. So there are plenty of ways to do whatever you please. I do think the HOF work better with structure.

Too many HoFs at once cheapen the effect as well. The world isn't going to end tomorrow, each one should be special with as many participants as possible.

Not only am I getting tired of no structure, but I'm also getting tired of the entire HoF thing itself. Seems like it's the only thing we end up doing on here. What happened to the diversity?
I agree. I think we need something new. I think the HoF's have become too significant a part to the forum when they should be more about fun and discussion. Instead they're this huge point of contention between people and has even damaged a few of my friendships on here unfortunately.

In other words, when there is nothing on the forum except HoF's, and there is more discussion about how the HoF's should be run than about cinema, that's no good. We're called MOVIE Forums. We should be discussing cinema. Not arguing about what really should just be a fun platform to talk about movies.

We need more creativity on the forum in general. HoF's should be part of a lot of stuff, but it's too far in the spotlight and I don't see much fun being had.

Too many HoFs at once cheapen the effect as well.
Indeed it does.

That's why I think there shouldn't be a system, like wait for your turn stuff, but just that you could pop in here in this thread and ask how everybody would feel about a _____ HoF. And if it looks good and you got plenty of people and not many complains, then go ahead.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I agree. I think we need something new. I think the HoF's have become too significant a part to the forum when they should be more about fun and discussion. Instead they're this huge point of contention between people and has even damaged a few of my friendships on here unfortunately.

In other words, when there is nothing on the forum except HoF's, and there is more discussion about how the HoF's should be run than about cinema, that's no good. We're called MOVIE Forums. We should be discussing cinema. Not arguing about what really should just be a fun platform to talk about movies.

We need more creativity on the forum in general. HoF's should be part of a lot of stuff, but it's too far in the spotlight and I don't see much fun being had.
I'm going to run them till they break because I think they are great and when I am involved in one I still enjoy the hell out of it. I have watched about four docs in the past two weeks that I have loved getting on and talking about. I think we have lacked the vision for them since Godoggo left and that has led to some contention. It really has died down though and I think we are going to be fine. I think the HOF create some of the best discussion on the site. I see way more back and forth on those then I do in Movie Tab or Rate The Last Movie, and you never see any in tournaments. When you have so many different personalities there are always going to be disagreements.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is like a Temporal Paradox....There wasn't any big problems, until an attempt to solve future problems, created the very problems that we sought to avoid.

All the General Hofs have had the same rules by the different host, they all worked well! Trust the honor system.....The next host of the 9th will run it like the previous ones.

All this talk is much to do about nothing, there has never been any major problems in the Hofs.

I'm going to run them till they break because I think they are great and when I am involved in one I still enjoy the hell out of it. I have watched about four docs in the past two weeks that I have loved getting on and talking about. I think we have lacked the vision for them since Godoggo left and that has led to some contention. It really has died down though and I think we are going to be fine. I think the HOF create some of the best discussion on the site. I see way more back and forth on those then I do in Movie Tab or Rate The Last Movie, and you never see any in tournaments. When you have so many different personalities there are always going to be disagreements.
Oh no, I didn't mean let's stop the HoF's and do something different. I mean we need to add something to the forum. Make a new type of event. I dunno.

Oh no, I didn't mean let's stop the HoF's and do something different. I mean we need to add something to the forum. Make a new type of event. I dunno.
The TV Countdown felt like this to me, just came at the right time and i got really into TV because of it. Not suggesting we do that again but i know what you mean.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oh no, I didn't mean let's stop the HoF's and do something different. I mean we need to add something to the forum. Make a new type of event. I dunno.
Hopefully False Writer's idea can get something going with the movie a month. Less intensive for people who don't want to watch as much and it is another avenue.

Let the night air cool you off
The TV Countdown felt like this to me, just came at the right time and i got really into TV because of it. Not suggesting we do that again but i know what you mean.
Got any ideas?

As soon as I finish up the comhof, I'll probably be looking for some little project to take up my free time.

Master of My Domain
I wanna do Survivor. Never played it on here before, I've done it on other forums but it wasn't very fun because the members were mostly a holes when it came to doing stuff like that. MoFo seems a bit more promising, but I did read through one game and Sexy's bitching has me kinda worried.