Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi


I have not seen this film yet. Have seen.

Mark Hammil has arrived on set for Episode VIII to shoot scenes. Though Daisy Ridley hasn't arrived least not yet.
I am quoting myself because this new article, posted 3 days ago, kind of makes my post even more valid than it is...

Star Wars producer Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed that the entire cast of The Force Awakens will return for the next film.

The president of Lucasfilm has said that iconic cast members Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will all appear in Episode VIII, as will newcomers John Boyega and Daisy Ridley.

Kennedy said:

“There will be a handful of new cast members in Episode VIII but also all the cast members you see here tonight will be in it as well.”

She also admitted that the cast won’t have much of a break following the current promo tour as they’ll begin filming again in the New Year.

“We’re excited to get back together. We start shooting Episode VIII in January, we’ve been prepping the movie for the last year and (writer-and-director) Rian Johnson has been doing an amazing job.”


I loved Brick, so I'm relieved to hear Rian Johnson will be directing instead of Abrams. That gives me so much hope that it will be a decent movie as apposed to merely a half-decent movie.

I need to watch more of his stuff though. Brick was a while ago.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I loved Brick, so I'm relieved to hear Rian Johnson will be directing instead of Abrams. That gives me so much hope that it will be a decent movie as apposed to merely a half-decent movie.

I need to watch more of his stuff though. Brick was a while ago.
I love Looper not The Brothers Bloom though.

Welcome to the human race...
Rodent/Gatsby - chill out, there was a time when neither of you knew who Donnie Yen was either so you might as well actually post clips from Hero or Ip Man instead of snot-nosed reaction images.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Rodent/Gatsby - chill out, there was a time when neither of you knew who Donnie Yen was either so you might as well actually post clips from Hero or Ip Man instead of snot-nosed reaction images.
Oh my God... you SEVERELY need to lighten up and get a sense of humor these days.

Um how is the whole cast back possible considering after a certain event that happens in Episode 7. Unless Maz did some magic an was there and saved a person we know.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Um how is the whole cast back possible considering after a certain event that happens in Episode 7. Unless Maz did some magic an was there and saved a person we know.
It is a thought that crossed my mind before I happened to see that just now. Basically, I wondered if there would be a reason (way) to bring everyone back. And now I read that.

Interesting statement, to say the least.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The flashback idea is actually the thing that entered my mind when I thought there was a chance of that possibly happening.

Star Wars dont do Flash Backs they do Force Ghost to explain the past on what too do and Han is not a jedi. I think JJ is a sick Bastard and Harrison may be over the hate he had for not being killed off in Empire that hey lets trick everyone and give them a Han Solo Death alright but its plot twist to maybe mess with everyone. But Then again Kennedy goes lie well and I am sure she told us early on that George would consult in the films as well.