Why Are We So Passionate About Film?


Our DVD player doesn't work so I guess streaming it is. Thank you for your suggestion
DVD and Blu ray players cost like $45-$50 on Amazon. I think I paid $40 for the last blu-ray player I bought.

Is it only: Ami, Matt, ynwtf and me...that are passionate about movies? So the rest of you just don't care about movies, even though you're on a movie board?
Hush your mouth... You know how I feel about cinema

Cinema is a version of visual art. Its storytelling.. its make believe its something that can bring you sorrow, anger or joy.

Depending on the genre, you can have an adrenaline rush, you can laugh, you can cry, you can learn about a particular event of history. You can enjoy it with anyone or by yourself. I have even watched it with friends across the world.

Foreign cinema is no different. you can feel the same things.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Hush your mouth... You know how I feel about cinema

Cinema is a version of visual art. Its storytelling.. its make believe its something that can bring you sorrow, anger or joy.

Depending on the genre, you can have an adrenaline rush, you can laugh, you can cry, you can learn about a particular event of history. You can enjoy it with anyone or by yourself. I have even watched it with friends across the world.

Foreign cinema is no different. you can feel the same things.
Oh yes! My husband and I are always watching Korean films on Netfilx, we've been watching a show on there lately, it's really good

I am passionate about films largely because they can be an artistic expression that seeks to change things, present new ideas, tell an imaginative story with a message, etc. I can say the same things about both fiction and non-fiction books. What I get frustrated with is that potential is often wasted on films that will make the most money. It would be different if the film industry had no choice, however they are pitched dozens of movies for every movie they make. And many of those ideas are rejected so they can bring you some mediocre, or worse, film that costs tons of money so that they can squeeze as much profit as they can from it. Than those films seem to be nominated for, or receive all of the big awards. This is a somewhat pessimistic view I know but, when you think about what someone with talent could do with a third of the budget of Titanic, or any other big money film that is mediocre, it makes your skin crawl. As far as seeing non-commercial films the old "cinemas" are drying up.Watching at home with surround sound is nice, but I miss seeing a film in the theater.

The thing that is refreshing is that you are not limited to the movies in the theater, and there is access to some of the better peripheral stuff that is available. So with 100 years of cinema history and access to foreign films, I will never run out of things to watch, even if I have to wait for the cream of the crop of the current films to rise to the top. I do, on occasion like. check out a film for the purpose of checking out for a few hours, but there is always something good to watch if I dig for it. Another thing is I don't mind watching a good film several times. I'd rather do that than to watch something really bad just to have something to watch.

The simplest and shortest version I can think of is...

An a adventure into the realm of imagination.

There's all kinds of Adventures you can go on in real life. Road trips, camping, experiencing new things in new places.

But with movies you can go places you cannot in real life. And quite a bit easier.

People have a natural hunger for adventure. And with movies you have a source of safe and instant adventure in a variety of flavors.

Books can do that but they cannot do it visually. Books let you fill in more with your imagination but you also have to work at it.

It is easier to relax and let some of the imagining to be done for you. With compelling visuals and the personalities that come out from acting.

And when you see a movie again that you loved from your past especially your childhood it's like being able to relive that adventure.

Going to the theater to watch a movie helps add to the illusion of Adventure since you have to go somewhere to see it and with a larger screen it's also engrossing.

But there's also something to be said about being able to have an adventure while remaining in the comfort of your own home.

Its my soul nutrition, and I think its an art-form that could influence the world for the better.. Great movies anyway, so its why I push movies from the 1930-70s.

Movies at there best are art. They have the capacity to capture, reflect on, or illuminate things that are true. They also have the capacity to provide a vision to change things that should not necessarily be true.

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Movies at there best are art. They have the capacity to capture, reflect on, or illuminate things that are true. They also have the capacity to provide a vision to change things that should not necessarily be true.
And they have all the different sorts of art --- music, writing, art, video. And it's very new, but it's been stale for about 40 years unfortunately.

Welcome to the human race...
Love to be passionate about an art form that I think has been boring for at least as long as I've been alive.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Trouble with a capital "T"
And they have all the different sorts of art --- music, writing, art, video. And it's very new, but it's been stale for about 40 years unfortunately.
While I'm with you on the idea that older movies are great, and that today there's a lot of mass-consumable movies being made, I can't agree that nothing fresh has been made in the last 40 years, or even in the last few years. Boyhood & Swiss Army Man are two movies that are so creative that they are beyond fresh, they're super fresh!

Welcome to the human race...
I think it's the living-through-it part that matters. Easier to have all the canonically great movies of decades past already sorted out for you than to have to wade through the thousands of movies that come out each year in the hopes that you will stumble upon the ones that will be looked upon as great.

And they have all the different sorts of art --- music, writing, art, video. And it's very new, but it's been stale for about 40 years unfortunately.

It has been turned into big business. Perhaps that's been the case for decades now as you say. It may be that since I can choose what I watch, and most of what I choose to watch falls between 1930-1990 or so. I get to watch the gems from that period without seeing all the fluff that might have been produced during those years. What I fear is that the artistic element disappears all together. .

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
It has been turned into big business. Perhaps that's been the case for decades now as you say. It may be that since I can choose what I watch, and most of what I choose to watch falls between 1930-1990 or so. I get to watch the gems from that period without seeing all the fluff that might have been produced during those years. What I fear is that the artistic element disappears all together. .
I think it's always been big business, it's just the right people got into the field and saw the shortcuts they could make to produce profitable films without risk several times a year, but there are still people out there making good material. Recently, my husband and I went out to see Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark and we had a great time, it was horrifying!

I love film as it is a form of escapism. I love to relax in a dark room and get lost in the visual story on the screen for a couple of hours.

Movies for me has always been about escapism, being transported to a world and just forgetting about realities for a couple of hours. That is what the cinema/movie experience is all about for me.
I fell in love with film after watching Jurassic Park in the cinema, which was also my first experience in a cinema. I must have been around the age of 4 or 5. Since then I've fallen deeply in love with film/TV and film making itself... an industry I would love to get into and maybe one day, still could... (One can dream)
Movies have taught me, inspired me, emotionally impacted me on many levels and like music (A very close seconded passion of mine), helped me discover myself...