Weird Quirks You Have?


These probably aren't that interesting, but here goes:

-If the volume of a radio or stereo, the temperature or any other setting with a number is odd, I get anxious. I always move it up or down so it's even.

-If I'm eating a burger & fries, I eat half of the burger, all of the fries and then finish the burger every time. The same applies for a sandwich and chips.

-I turn off the radio and air conditioner every time I turn off my car.
I have similar ones: I usually eat vegetables off my plate first - this comes from childhood: I didn't want to eat my vegetables, but I had to. So I get them over with first and save the better stuff for last!

I'm not sure, but there may have been a time when leaving your radio on in your car drained the battery (???) And I've always heard it's a good idea for both the car & the passengers to drive the car for a few minutes before putting the AC on, and turn it off a few minutes before shutting the car down. I remember reading this somewhere, but don't remember the reasons why. Anyway, I always turn everything off in the car (and check that windows are rolled up) before shutting it down.

I'm not sure, but there may have been a time when leaving your radio on in your car drained the battery (???) And I've always heard it's a good idea for both the car & the passengers to drive the car for a few minutes before putting the AC on, and turn it off a few minutes before shutting the car down. I remember reading this somewhere, but don't remember the reasons why. Anyway, I always turn everything off in the car (and check that windows are rolled up) before shutting it down.
I guess that's not too strange after all. Then again, my reasoning for making sure the A/C is off is that it saves freon, which I don't think is in use any more.

OK, so I'm watching a movie and I need to pause it for a bathroom break or a snack or whatever.
If I pause it and the frame is blurry, or someone's eyes are closed or they're in mid-word and their mouth is weird, I will actually skip a few frames (ahead or back) until I find a nicely-composed frame, and then I will leave for my snack. I'd like to think this is because I have a visual arts background, which makes me feel less weird, but let's be honest. It's still weird. Thanks for listening.
Captain's Log
My Collection

Trouble with a capital "T"
OK, so I'm watching a movie and I need to pause it for a bathroom break or a snack or whatever.
If I pause it and the frame is blurry, or someone's eyes are closed or they're in mid-word and their mouth is weird, I will actually skip a few frames (ahead or back) until I find a nicely-composed frame, and then I will leave for my snack. I'd like to think this is because I have a visual arts background, which makes me feel less weird, but let's be honest. It's still weird. Thanks for listening.
Not weird at all, but stylish! I do that too. I hate leaving a paused movie in a visually unattractive or unflattering scene. I'm very much about aesthetics.

You ready? You look ready.
don't stand behind me

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I may appear obsessive / compulsive or just crazy to others... but everything (and I mean everything) I do is done in such a way that there is an intricate reason for it (which may all be part of the compulsion).

Like when washing dishes (we don't have a dishwasher) I'll arrange the utensils in separate compartments in the drying rack (I've saved the utensil compartments from past drying racks, so I have multiples!) to put them all closest to where they're put away = so forks to the left, knives to the right of forks, spoons in a separate drain container - the time saving after drying & during putting away may be negligible... but it's there!

I drive myself crazy figuring out the order of doing multiple tasks because I have to make it as logical and expeditious as possible.
You’re Capricorn. So am I. We are the masters of organization & such like. I have to have everything just so. Chaos upsets me greatly. Any disturbance of my routine upsets me very much.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You’re Capricorn. So am I. We are the masters of organization & such like. I have to have everything just so. Chaos upsets me greatly. Any disturbance of my routine upsets me very much.
I heard a theory on one of those hoarder shows once that said many hoarders are actually obsessed with order (this seems counter-intuitive).

But when they get too much stuff, the ordering becomes overwhelming although the desire to collect and order is still there. Because it can't be perfect (whatever that means to the individual) they abandon the ordering because keeping up with it becomes too much for them.

I'm sure it's more complicated than that, and that some trauma is usually involved that kicks off the hoarding & saving while the cleaning & ordering becomes impaired.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is so cool.

I'm allergic to honey bees, so spent most of my life afraid of bees. But I've noticed bumble bees (which have no problem invading your space - apparently out of curiosity) seem very non-aggressive.

I had one boss once who tried to tell me they had no stinger, but I looked it up and apparently they have quite a large stinger, but rarely resort to using it. I think their size, appearance and loud buzz provides them an intimidation factor that makes predators & other insects keep their distance.

I moved one recently who appeared injured - it was on the steps so I got it to crawl onto a spade and transferred it to some plants (but didn't attempt to pet it).
Bumble bees might be non aggressive because they are solitary insects as opposed to honey bees that live in a community hive and so have developed the instinct to attack in mass. I petted some bumble bees this morning.

You’re Capricorn. So am I. We are the masters of organization & such like. I have to have everything just so. Chaos upsets me greatly. Any disturbance of my routine upsets me very much.
Captain is all about the zodiac

I heard a theory on one of those hoarder shows once that said many hoarders are actually obsessed with order (this seems counter-intuitive).

But when they get too much stuff, the ordering becomes overwhelming although the desire to collect and order is still there. Because it can't be perfect (whatever that means to the individual) they abandon the ordering because keeping up with it becomes too much for them.

I'm sure it's more complicated than that, and that some trauma is usually involved that kicks off the hoarding & saving while the cleaning & ordering becomes impaired.
I had an uncle who was the opposite of a horder, if it wasn't bolted down he'd thrown away. I've never been a horder myself. But I hate clutter yet still end up with way too much stuff. If I had time I'd organize it better.

Captain is all about the zodiac
Coincidentally, I started watching a movie on TCM (as usual) with William Powell and Hedy Lamaar. It was a romantic comedy about a married couple - Powell is an Astronomer who is obsessed with his work since he's just discovered a new comet.

Lamaar, his wife, feels neglected since not only are they on different schedules (he's up all night and she's up all day) but he's becoming so consumed by the stars he has little time for home life.

So the wife seeks out an Astrologer for advice (and hilarity ensues as the astronomy vs astrology war begins).

It was called Heavenly Body (1944) but unfortunately I wasn't able to watch the whole thing.

I had an uncle who was the opposite of a horder, if it wasn't bolted down he'd thrown away.
I’m surgical. I can organize a room & leave it clutter-free in no time at all.

I like that! I wish our house was more organized.
I enjoy it. Any kind of squalor or disarray makes me mentally sick. I like a place for every thing & everything in its place.