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Rust and bone

Unexpectedly good!
Marion Cotiliard's next brilliant performance. She is so beautifull, that she really doesn't need meake up.
This is a great movie, I agree with your rating too.
You talkin' to me?

The Last Jedi (2017)

On one hand much better than the prequels, on the other hand about an hour of the film is pointless detritus. Kylo Ren is right and the rebellion is wrong and they wasted Luke Skywalker. Also they pretty much destroyed the franchise. I'll give Rian Johnson credit though it's takes a skilled hand to ruin the Original trilogy and A New Hope and make a decent entertaining but also terrible film.

bring on the retcon
Only better than Attack of the Clones. Yes.

This might just do nobody any good.
One of the few deserving modern best picture winners.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
One of the few deserving modern best picture winners.
All the way through it I was watching it thinking how real it was. No fun escapism in this one. What a great movie. Just so well done.

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Last movie I watched was Resident Evil The Final Chapter

Loved it! Great storyline, Great action, Really had me hooked!

Murder By The Clock (Edward Sloman, 1931)
Ticks along quite nicely

Trouble with a capital "T"

Speechless....All the way through it I was watching it thinking how real it was. No fun escapism in this one. What a great movie. Just so well done.
It never went over the top, which to me was such a nice change. Great film.

Three and out (2008)

If memory serves I actually watched this at the cinema and was slightly disappointed as I love Mackenzie Crook mainly because 'the office' is pure comedy gold. Colm Meaney was actually really good too as the suicidal chap, Mackenzie was awful i think Gareth in the office will always be his greatest achievement. The plot is actually quite fresh, as a London underground driver if you kill three people in a month you get a massive pay off he has two and he wants to make Colm his third. I probably liked it more than i should of because of the actors and the London setting, the ending was a bit ridiculous.

The ending Mackenzie goes through with killing the suicidal chap even though there is no pay off basically because he wants to die, he writes some sort of book about it and hooks back up with the daughter of the main he killed who i think knows that he killed him and looks really happy about it.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

Maleficent (Robert Stromberg, 2014)

A proper fairy tale

It never went over the top, which to me was such a nice change. Great film.
It's interesting how perspectives differ. I liked Spotlight but i felt largely the same as @Cobpyth did:

#126 - Spotlight (2015) ~ December 8

This is a very decent film that portrays the procedure of developping a good story excellently. At the same time, this film is also a bit of a missed chance, in my opinion. With this highly controversial subject matter, there was also the option of telling this important story more passionately, more shockingly and more head-on. I'm all for subtlety, but even in a film that focuses on the storytellers instead of the victims, there should at least be one scene where the audience truly gets disturbed. There are a couple of moments that almost get close (at least for me), but we never quite get that scene. Both the enemy and the consequences ultimately didn't get their appropriate and necessary place in this film.
Besides all that, this does remain a very smart film about journalism. I just wished they'd also offered a more human perspective on the problematic news that's being reported.
The part in bold particularly. I certainly didn't want it to be over the top but i think it was so understated that the subject matter became i dunno...slight. Obviously it was largely about the journalists but as Cob says i think it would have been improved with a few more scenes with the people affected by the events.

Overall i think it's a fine film but i don't think it's great and i don't agree that it's one of the few deserving modern Best Picture winners.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

(COUNLTESS REWATCHES and a MANDATORY CHRISTMAS FLICK) A Christmas Carol aka Scrooge (1951) The B & W version, thank you very much
For me, the epitome of the Charles Dickens classic and the end all be all of the versions out there and I've seen quite a few. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!

It never went over the top, which to me was such a nice change. Great film.
It just had that one stupid scene with Mark Ruffalo getting angry about the story not running that felt like it was entirely removed from the tone of the film.