Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Deep Cover (1992); great undercover tale, I liked Fishburnes freshness. He looked mean. Something about him skinny looks more scary! 4 pool cues out of 5.

Seeing your rating of this masterpiece... with pleasure.
Take a 2nd look... I love this spectacle....

Entertaining on a re-watch.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?
Deep Cover (1992); great undercover tale, I liked Fishburnes freshness. He looked mean. Something about him skinny looks more scary! 4 pool cues out of 5.
Skinny Fishburne is in King of New York.

Still haven't figured out what the tampons are for...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Skinny Fishburne is in King of New York.

Still haven't figured out what the tampons are for...
wow he is skinny. Dont even want to think about tampons

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?

Masterminds did it better

The best thing about this movie is a guy who died 20 years ago.

Welcome to the human race...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens -

Fluctuating between a
and a
because on the one hand you do get a little tired of the call-backs but on the other hand it's generally got a solid enough sense of craftsmanship to make up for it. Still haven't forgiven its wasting of the dudes from The Raid, though.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens -

Fluctuating between a
and a
because on the one hand you do get a little tired of the call-backs but on the other hand it's generally got a solid enough sense of craftsmanship to make up for it. Still haven't forgiven its wasting of the dudes from The Raid, though.
Finally someone who digs the movie. I enjoyed it, too. Saw it Christmas Day with the fam. Anything is better than those prequels. I'd rather see Lucas return to directing with American Graffitti III: Potsie's Monsoon Wedding.

Welcome to the human race...
Finally someone who digs the movie. I enjoyed it, too. Saw it Christmas Day with the fam. Anything is better than those prequels. I'd rather see Lucas return to directing with American Graffitti III: Potsie's Monsoon Wedding.
It seems like most people (critic and fan alike) dig it, though - there's just a sizeable (or at least just extremely vocal) contingent that reckon its similarities to the original make it bad (I've even seen people who think that it's worse than the prequels because Lucas's flawed artistic vision was preferable to Disney's plans to turn the franchise into an artistically bankrupt cash cow). If you check the reviews on here, mine (where I did settle on a
after one viewing - this one just now is my third, I think) is one of the least positive reviews - I acknowledge the similarities, but I don't think they hurt the film that much in the long run.

Last movie I saw...

Raw -

Good Lord.

Despite it's recycled plot, The Force Awakens still managed to excite me. There were a lot of things I didn't like about the movie, but it was highly entertaining.

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@Camo, this is one of my favorite French movies of all time. Seen it a million times. Also by a female director.

I LOVED the part when Jeanne blinks!

@Camo - Glad you liked "Fat City", it's a movie I love very much, and I think Stacy Keach turns in one of the best performances... I also liked "Cleo" and "Vagabond" (partly because she was ungrateful, instead of the cliched)..... I saw on IMDB that I rated "La Boneur" (Happiness) a 7/10, but can't remember it... (I was going to watch it.. there's a version on YouTube).

Welcome to the human race...
The part where Jeanne drops a fork after about two-and-a-half hours is one of the most effective jump-scares I've ever experienced.

(they) reckon its similarities to the original make it bad
Well something had to be done to win back the fan base whose money financed all those dreadful Lucas menaces. I enjoyed the throwback of it like the analog fx, the fact it was shot on film, the return of the original cast, etc. Now we just need those untouched original trilogy films on blu ray.

A Letter to Three Wives (1949)

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The Ox-Bow Incident - 8/10

Peter Fonda in a movie similar to "12 Angry Men" but different of course.. @Yoda - you might like this, it's on YouTube, only 75 minutes long... I think many would like it... I'm surprised this got by the censors. Anyone else notice the same music from "The Grapes of Wrath"?

This might just do nobody any good.
Casting really brings down Cold Mountain (which I really enjoy).

Anything Else

Fat City

Had never heard of this before and it was very good. It's kind of a misery fest yet not in the usual way. None of the characters suffer great tragedy or anything, the great tragedy is that they have such depressing lives that they want to improve and nothing changes. I wouldn't say there's any actual hope in this film only changes the characters attempt to make thinking it could lead to something then...nah. While this is overall a bummer it's also funny and has good performances, Jeff Bridges was who i was looking forward to and i'd actually say he was the weakest out of the three main characters, both performance and character wise my favourite was Susan Tyrrell. She has such a torturous voice which was perfect as i've never seen such a perfect depiction of a human train wreck, and funnily enough in the end she is the one who comes closest to happiness; her situation is just as bad as the other two but she seems to be content with it. Good film.

In case you didn't know, Susan Tyrell did receive an Oscar nomination for this film.