Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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I'm way behind as well, so I'll just go with the latest ones. Saw Late Spring last December and Tokyo Story earlier this year for one of the MoFo PR's and I adored both; the former more than the latter, but by a small margin.

The Prestige is Nolan's best film, IMO. It's excellent.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Ozu films just speak to me and this is an excellent story. Setsuko Hara is amazing in it too. I love how his films feel so genuine.
I was blown away by Late Spring. It was #4 on my ballot for the Foreign Language countdown.

This is a movie that just has it all for me. Love the twists in the movie. The acting is awesome, Jackman and Bale are so great and I love Caine in this too. The film looks great, sounds great and just feels like your right there in the midst of the magician duel.
What no mention of the lovely Scarlett Johnansson! The Prestige is IMO the best of Nolan's films, I'd rate it really high.

I'm fairly certain it was Holden Pike who had this in his Scorsese thread as his number 1 Scorsese, and it's mine too. I just love the wackiness and craziness of it. It's like Scorseses Wizard of Oz, which he's even said had influence as well. And it's funny to me. The writing and story is the best part for me.
After Hours I like it better than The Godfather

And here's that other Ozu film. This is an emotional and engaging watch. The themes seem to just be right down my alley. Really great performances and looks great.
Ozu for me is one of my fav FL directors, I prefer his work over Kurosawa. I need to watch more Ozu and see Tokyo Story again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You guys are doing awesome, but I sure wish you'd type the titles of the movies, so I don't have to
Such a delightful film in so many ways, but also very melancholy thematically so it hits me just right. In a very welcome habit of watching this on Christmas Eve the last few years.
I'm not keen on new musicals and I expected not to like La La Land...but I was way impressed by it's creativity in it's musical numbers and especially by the more melancholy theme of loss and regret for what might have been. I've only seen it once.

This is the standard bearer for Noir for me. Sets up all the tropes and does them all well. Great writing and great cast make this the perfect movie. Robinson gives one of my absolute favorite performances here.
Double Indemnity...When I first got into old movies it was Barbara Stanwyck that I often watched. I just liked her in her films. Everyone mentions Edward G. Robinson's performance in Double Indemnity...and yes he was great. In fact Eddie is always solid in his films and one of my favorite actors...But it's Fred MacMurray's everyday man who has a bit of greed in him that drives him to ruin that interest me. His character provides an in-road to the movie, at least for me, as he's so relatable...Even as flawed as he is, he doesn't start out that way but ends up there in true noir fashion. One of the great noirs.

I can just live in Wong Kar-Wai's worlds forever. He is so unique visually, and his characters are rich and entertaining.
I've not seen Chunking Express, but your description of it is what I often look for in films too. Is it a crime thriller?

Another cheat for HK to get on me about. I can never leave this off my lists because it is just exactly what I look for in my entertainment. Endlessly entertaining but also has something to say about us and how we interact with the world. Again, perfect casting. Love Woodrow and Gus.
My parents love Lonesome Dove and were always telling me about it. I thought it would be boring, but it ended up as some of the best time I've spent with a film...and for the same reason you just gave for Chunking Express, I can live in the world of Lonesome Dove and go along for the ride. Glad to see this one mentioned.

Spoiler alert, this is my favorite Hitch. My favorite actor playing the protagonist, everything in one location giving the perfect sense of tension. Oh yeah, the most beautiful love interest ever.
I don't know if I love Hitch's films like I use to, but Rear Window is one of his best, and yes Grace does look stunning, especially in that black and white tooled dress she wears.

You know, I get the feeling that raul kinda likes this Denzel guy.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I've not seen Chunking Express, but your description of it is what I often look for in films too. Is it a crime thriller?
It is…sort of. Have you seen any Wong Kar-Wai? I would think his camera and editing style would not suit you at all, but I could be wrong. In fact I’m sure I am.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It is…sort of. Have you seen any Wong Kar-Wai? I would think his camera and editing style would not suit you at all, but I could be wrong. In fact I’m sure I am.
No I haven't seen any of his stuff.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

It's basically John Ford mastering John Steinbeck's novel on screen. There's differences but they worked for me. The film is cast great and directed flawlessly. As I've said in this countdown before this Fonda guy is pretty good.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You know, I get the feeling that raul kinda likes this Denzel guy.
There's been 6 to show up so far. Certainly probably the leading actor thus far. I'll have to run some cool stats at the end for acting, directing, decades, etc.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Only watched Grapes once and wasn’t blown away. Par for the course with me and Ford. I will binge him someday…but not today.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Only watched Grapes once and wasn’t blown away. Par for the course with me and Ford. I will binge him someday…but not today.
I think part of the love for me is also that it is one of my favorite novels from back when I actually did read.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

One of those movies that gets better after each and every watch. Again, I love how the film centers in on one location. I love how it all unravels. Milland is great, better here than The Lost Weekend for me. Oh and it's got Grace Kelly.

That's my #3 Hitchcock and yes, Milland is probably the main reason for that. It's excellent.