The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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Lilo & Stitch
(Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders, 2002)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 87

Never has an alien being programmed to kill ever been so cute and fluffy. Lilo is also one of the few child characters in film that I really love. Just absolutely adorable, really funny, and truly among the best that Disney has to offer.

Side Note: Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders also directed and co-wrote How to Train Your Dragon, which explains the striking similarities between Stitch and Toothless.

The Breakfast Club
(John Hughes, 1985)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 17, 2013 - 24

Though it's a bit cheesy at times (it is a John Hughes movie and it is from the 80s after all), but I can't help but love it. Funny, sad, and easy to relate to. An absolute classic.

The Departed
(Martin Scorsese, 2006)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 9, 2013 - 13

This is the movie that made me love Leonardo DiCaprio. I'd always thought of him as being a talented actor, but he really blew me away here and also looked pretty damn sexy for the first time, ever. I also loved Jack Nicholson - though he pretty much plays himself - and for once didn't hate performances from Matt Damon, Alec Baldwin, and even Marky Mark (still don't think he deserved that Oscar nomination, though).

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I loved The Departed, not this much, but I loved it. I never connected to Breakfast Club very much. Seen it a couple times, it's good, probably around a 3/5. I don't know what to say about movies like Lilo And Stitch. I'm glad you like them. I guess they are just not made for me.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Departed is in my top 100, though I'd be aiming to guess somewhere in the 60-70 range these days. Good movie. Breakfast Club would make my top 200 if I were ever that brave to make one. Liked LILO and Stitch. Just curious if a recent viewing has skyrocketed your top 100 position for it?

I love The Breakfast Club and The Departed, and the latter is also the movie that made me a Leo fan.

Haven't seen Bolt, Lilo & Stitch, or 3:10 to Yuma. I saw the original Yuma.

Liked LILO and Stitch. Just curious if a recent viewing has skyrocketed your top 100 position for it?
That might have something to do with it, but I've always really enjoyed it. Plus my interest in movies has focused much more on animation than ever before.

I love The Breakfast Club and The Departed, and the latter is also the movie that made me a Leo fan.

Haven't seen Bolt, Lilo & Stitch, or 3:10 to Yuma. I saw the original Yuma.
You're missing out on some great stuff.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Love the The Breakfast Club, what's weird is I was thinking about that movie only minutes before I seen your thread this morning. So which one of the breakfast club kids are you?

Love the The Breakfast Club, what's weird is I was thinking about that movie only minutes before I seen your thread this morning. So which one of the breakfast club kids are you?
Personality wise, I could relate most to Allison, Ally Sheedy's character. I always loved Bender the most, though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cool, both are great characters.

What I love about that movie is that each actor really gets a chance to shine and say something about themselves in the movie. There's not a bad actor in the film. It's a well made movie....and lots of fun!

I'd be the janitor.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Yes, The Departed is amazing! Especially when you watch it for the first time.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Surfs Up was okay, i liked the idea and it had some laughs. I liked Army of Darkness not sure how it'd compare to The Evil Deads for me as i haven't seen either in years. Both A Perfect World and The Breakfast Club are amazing; among my favourite films. I quite like Lilo and Stitch and while i don't think it is one of Scorseses best The Departed is entertaining. Not seen 3:10 To Yuma or Letters From Iwo Jima as i know it

Black Snake Moan
(Craig Brewer, 2006)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 45, 2013 - 10

I almost never see anybody talk about this movie and I think that's a real shame. A big problem is that it's a victim of its own marketing which made the film out to be some sort of pseudo S&M porno (unfortunately the majority of images available online suggest the same). Christina Ricci is really f*cking hot in it, but it really isn't about sex at all. It's actually a story about redemption and an unlikely friendship. It also features what is by far my favorite performance from Samuel L. Jackson, who learned to play guitar and did his own singing for his role as an old blues musician. On that note, the soundtrack is pretty great too.

The Big Lebowski
(Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, 1998)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 4, 2013 - 3

Cutting this from my top ten was downright painful. It still cracks me up and I still consider it to be one of the greatest live action comedies ever made, but in the past few years I've seen some truly amazing new films, rediscovered my love for some old favorites, and really shifted my movie watching focus more onto animated films. And so, sadly, I had to make room and changes had to be made.

I've saw parts of Black Snake Moan not enough to have an opinion though, my younger sister really loves it. Love The Big Lebowski, second fave Coen film after Inside Llewyn Davis.

Edit: Also dang didn't expect to see that outside the top ten. I'm guessing i know two new entries unless they show up in the next five.

Yeah, like I said it was painful to kick it out of the top ten, but it had to be done. Black Snake Moan, The Departed and 3:10 to Yuma are all former top tens, too. Technically there are three movies that are new to my top ten when compared to the previous list, but one of them has been in the top ten in my profile for awhile now.