The Top 50 MoFos With The Highest Post Count...


if a discussion about quantity vs quality were to take place, this thread appears an appropriate spot for it
The appropriate place to have a discussion about a topic other than the one a thread is about is in a separate thread.

The appropriate place to have a discussion about a topic other than the one a thread is about is in a separate thread.
except in the case the content could be deemed applicable to the existing thread, only taking it a step further. although your instruction on how to post is appreciated ;)

This seems needlessly contentious, guys. This is a thread paying a lot of attention to post counts, so it's not ridiculous for someone to merely broach the distinction. It's fair to suggest a new thread for it, but there are ways to do that that aren't so brusque, ya' know?

If I can fire out 400 posts in the next 9 days, I'll break into the Top 20.
Do a commentary with me.

With the exception of Yoda whose post count signifies dedication to his website (to me), I don't attach any import whatsoever to things like post count. Some impress me with a single post, many annoy me with incessant posting. That should be of no consequence to anyone either, just an opinion.

I started this thread as a bit of fun and interest and did say it was a self praising thread but was simply just a fun thing to look over... that's now become a conversation in vanity and arguing.

Yeah, Rodent is right. WTF guys? Who cares about a stupid number on the internet. Jeez...

About 600 posts away from becoming one of the top 50 MoFo posters of all time. WOOHOO!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Like I said, there isn't really any way to measure or even define the "quality" of a post. Even rep doesn't really mean anything. People tend to +rep posts that they agree with, find funny or that have something positive to say about movies that they like.

For example: JayDee wrote an in-depth, well thought out review of Equilibrium and got +8 rep for it. I wrote like 3 sentences about The Long Goodbye and got +10. Does that make my Long Goodbye post of higher quality than JayDee's? I certainly don't think so.

Like I said, there isn't really any way to measure or even define the "quality" of a post. Even rep doesn't really mean anything. People tend to +rep posts that they agree with, find funny or that have something positive to say about movies that they like.

For example: JayDee wrote an in-depth, well thought out review of Equilibrium and got +8 rep for it. I wrote like 3 sentences about The Long Goodbye and got +10. Does that make my Long Goodbye post of higher quality than JayDee's? I certainly don't think so.
Every positive post about The Long Goodbye is of higher quality than any post about Equilibrium.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Yeah I agree. Sometimes I put 20-30 minutes into a review and get +3 rep, and someone else writes 1 sentence in the Rate The last movie thread and gets a +5.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

really only became 'a thing' when a couple folks responded in the manner that they did. was never that big a deal

not gonna say +reps are super important or anything, but they are an interesting representation of figuring out what different users like. if people like something, then they +rep it, if people rep a post it's not a stretch to say they liked it. said post can contain a certain entertainment quality... i mean isn't that why we spend time talking about movies here, among, other stuff? communicate movies we like, see what other people like, & be entertained by it

if it's okay to dedicate a thread to quantity, and produce rankings... then theoretically you could do the same thing for quality, using +rep data. although i'm not sure if +rep data is still publicly viewable for all users like it used to be. Miss Vicky can say +reps mean nothing... that's kind of an opinion. another person can say post count means nothing, and going by that logic this thread would mean nothing

so the question becomes, should a set of rankings be produced for either. bc, really, NEITHER actually matter in the grand scheme of things

for those who were saying it's off-topic, humbly disagree. quantity vs quality are sorta inter-related... whether it be making posts, making movies, or any number of things. some movie directors made a whole bunch less movies than others, yet sometimes their quality of movie was better. it doesn't seem quite befitting to create a bubble of a thread where the only thing you can talk about is quantity and quality is off limits. doesn't seem apropos, or maybe that's just me

and again, please realize, this totally isn't a big deal. haha, i see this forum as simply a joyous and fun, sometimes spirited, place to hang out. i know sometimes it can be easy to misunderstand or be misunderstood tho through typing, so hopefully this all makes sense

Well... every one of the 7200+ posts I've made has been pure gold so I have nothing to worry about tbh...

if it's okay to dedicate a thread to quantity, and produce rankings... then theoretically you could do the same thing for quality,
Then why don't you not theoretically make one for it?

The difference between quantity and quality and the reason why one has a thread and the other doesn't is that quantity of posts can be measured while quality of posts cannot. Rep counts do not accurately represent anything. People can like a post but choose not to respond to it in any way or they might like a post so much that they instead choose to reply to it but don't give it any rep. And, no, rep counts do not display in profiles anymore.

all right... Miss Vicky being Miss Vicky

Rep counts do not accurately represent anything
this may not be a logically irrefutable statement

all right... Miss Vicky being Miss Vicky

this may not be a logically irrefutable statement
For somebody who complains about the need for recognizing "quality" posts, you sure seem to make a lot of pointless ones.