Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Bib-iest of Nickels
Begotten, obviously.
Oh, good, I appreciate the rude "obviously" added for good measure as well.

End of Watch

I am in two minds about this movie and cannot decide it I liked it or not. First off I did like some of the realism as calling in their jobs on the police radio and little things like that. Overall the story wasn't too bad and I could sit through it again. The things I didnt like was that these two idiots would have been fired a long time ago. No police officer would do into a house when they werent authorised to, also keeping it "Gangsta" with the fight at the start was stupid. Another dumb thing is that who in their right mind would take on the Mexican Cartel??? The Fed's would have taken any involvement the LAPD had with this issue.

I am going to give it 2.5/5 half good half bad I guess.
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

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The 39 Steps (1935)

Not one of Hitchcock's best but that certainly doesnt mean it wasnt good. Part comedy part mystery thriller. There really isnt a film he's made that ive seen and not enjoyed.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The Bib-iest of Nickels

End of Watch

I am in two minds about this movie and cannot decide it I liked it or not. First off I did like some of the realism as calling in their jobs on the police radio and little things like that. Overall the story wasn't too bad and I could sit through it again. The things I didnt like was that these two idiots would have been fired a long time ago. No police officer would do into a house when they werent authorised to, also keeping it "Gangsta" with the fight at the start was stupid. Another dumb thing is that who in their right mind would take on the Mexican Cartel??? The Fed's would have taken any involvement the LAPD had with this issue.

I am going to give it 2.5/5 half good half bad I guess.
I liked that movie.

The Exorcist (Rewatch) - 10/10

Poltergeist (Rewatch) - 8.5/10

The Thing (Original) - 9/10

I regret putting this off so long, great horror.
Now that's the way to enjoy Halloween.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Pretty good. Like a 7.8/10 or so. Really nice photography,solid acting, entertaining. It's definitely not like some of Malick's other films. Notably Tree of Life and Thin Red Line. It's a solid watch in my eyes.

Gravity (2nd)

House of 1000 Corpses
Last Films Seen (out of 4)
The Thin Red Line (3rd) 4/4---Notes On A Scandal=3/4
GRAVITY- 4/4--- Star Trek Into Darkness- 3.5/4

American Psycho

This was a rewatch and all, and I'm not doing a review right now, but I just wanted to make it official
. This movie is amazing. Maybe I'll get into the American Psycho thread at some point (I'm sure there is one).

Did they mop this floor with Dr. Pepper?!

First time I've ever seen it. I really liked it a lot.

Sin City

Sigh. Why/how did I put off watching it for this long? The movie is brilliant imo. It was an extremely entertaining watch. When I saw the star-studded cast and Tarantino as guest director, I knew this one would be special.

The use of the black and white style was done masterfully, and all 3 storylines were able to share the spotlight and keep me interested throughout. The violence was just the right amount for me, mixed in with some great dialogue.

All the actors were great imo. The coolest character was probably Marv, played by Mickey Rourke, but I gotta give it to Elijah Wood. His character didn't say anything, but he had such a creepy look about him at all times. Props to the team for implementing black and white on him.

Excellent, entertaining movie. If you haven't seen it, don't be like me, this movie can be enjoyed at any time.

Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood


Django Unchained (2012) - I still think it's overrated.Not only I feel that it just drags towards the end but I think that the characters are extremely weak,especially comparing to Inglorious Basterds.
Calvin Candie as the greatest villain?What makes him so great?He's stupid and he gets killed because of his stupidity.Now Stephen(Samuel L Jackson) may be likeable but personally,he was just annoying for me.I also feel that Christoph Waltz didn't deserve his oscar.I preferred him as a ruthless nazi.I didn't care for his death even.
Another thing which bothers me is bit forced QT style and that's especially visible in the KKK and hand shaking scenes.It feel like Tarantino tries to do Tarantino and just overdos it.
I think the may reason why this movie is loved by a wider audience is the theme and the romance involved in the story.I love the flashback scene where "Freedom" plays,both times it made me cry,I'm not even sure why.Also,I find the movie inspiring in some way,both from racial and "goal-seeking" perspectives.
Just a minor detail but I feel that the rap music doesn't fit at all.
Anyway,I just wanted to say that I still don't get what's the fuss about this movie. :/
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."