Movies you couldn't even finish.


I went to go see knowing in the theaters thinking it was gonna be an exciting movie about aliens and 40 minutes later i fell asleep in the movie theater.

Legend of the Red Reaper (2013) - I watched only first 30 minuts and it was too boring and violent (but in stupid method) for me.
I'm looking for prison movie:

Gone girl

I really liked this movie. Seen it twice.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Not a movie but two different (yet similar series): Walking Dead and Last of Us.

I loved the first three seasons of Walking Dead but in season 4, it took a nose dive with the most lazy writing I have ever seen in a series. I made it maybe halfway through Last of Us and couldn't finish it either as I found it to be unbearably boring.

I'll See You In My Dreams (1952)

Got 35 minutes in. Problem one is the story skips ahead without development numerous times. Problem two is excessive use of the word "gee". The music sucks ass. You get to see how the music business worked before rock n roll came along but I'm sure this wasn't how Sinatra and Monroe got their break. Couldn't go on. Don't recommend this unless your idea of fun is a riding a merry-go-round with Disney characters.

There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

I wanted to finish this movie but over half way through when I realized there wasn't going to be anything redeeming in there I decided to hit stop. A tiring lesson in ragtime/vaudeville but not even half as good as James Cagney's Yankee Doodle Dandy, not even Marilyn Monroe could sell this mediocre garbage. There's a few tastefull visuals here and there but mostly its a mess and as uninteresting without the sound on. As an added plus you can't remove the subtitles on the screen because theyre burned into the image itself, so, I turned the app subtitles on and watched it with both which didnt end the distraction. I don't recommend wasting your money on this film.

There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

I wanted to finish this movie but over half way through when I realized there wasn't going to be anything redeeming in there I decided to hit stop. A tiring lesson in ragtime/vaudeville but not even half as good as James Cagney's Yankee Doodle Dandy, not even Marilyn Monroe could sell this mediocre garbage. There's a few tastefull visuals here and there but mostly its a mess and as uninteresting without the sound on. As an added plus you can't remove the subtitles on the screen because theyre burned into the image itself, so, I turned the app subtitles on and watched it with both which didnt end the distraction. I don't recommend wasting your money on this film.
I watched this several months ago. I can't disagree, but I don't think I disliked it as much as you did.
It had a few good musical numbers (that is if you LIKE Ethel Merman belting out one of her hit songs which is the title of the movie). And, despite Marilyn's presence, I felt Mitzy Gaynor really stood out as the eye candy despite having a small role - she was sexy as all get out!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched this several months ago. I can't disagree, but I don't think I disliked it as much as you did.
It had a few good musical numbers (that is if you LIKE Ethel Merman belting out one of her hit songs which is the title of the movie). And, despite Marilyn's presence, I felt Mitzy Gaynor really stood out as the eye candy despite having a small role - she was sexy as all get out!
Any movie with Mitzy is a good one!

There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

I wanted to finish this movie but over half way through when I realized there wasn't going to be anything redeeming in there I decided to hit stop. A tiring lesson in ragtime/vaudeville but not even half as good as James Cagney's Yankee Doodle Dandy, not even Marilyn Monroe could sell this mediocre garbage. There's a few tastefull visuals here and there but mostly its a mess and as uninteresting without the sound on. As an added plus you can't remove the subtitles on the screen because theyre burned into the image itself, so, I turned the app subtitles on and watched it with both which didnt end the distraction. I don't recommend wasting your money on this film.
OMG, I love this movie

I watched this several months ago. I can't disagree, but I don't think I disliked it as much as you did.
It had a few good musical numbers (that is if you LIKE Ethel Merman belting out one of her hit songs which is the title of the movie). And, despite Marilyn's presence, I felt Mitzy Gaynor really stood out as the eye candy despite having a small role - she was sexy as all get out!
I guess this stuff isn't my thing. First Ethel movie.

Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (2010)

I got 35 minutes in where he smashes a painting and I called it quits. Couldn't get into it. The music starts at 30 minutes after a lot of WW2 crap and it all seems sort of drab and rustic. This wasn't a guy I'd probably like much as a musician or a nasty kid.

Reefer Madness (2005)

The idea is great but I don't care for this much, especially when the two guys are dancing around naked with each other front to back. And the accidentally cooking a baby on the stove gag was already pushing it. So, I guess I will skip this

The Black Demon

Reefer Madness (2005)

The idea is great but I don't care for this much, especially when the two guys are dancing around naked with each other front to back.

I assume you prefer front to front?

I agree. This movie doesn't know nothing about smoking reefer.