The MoFo Top 100 of the 80s: Countdown

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I have only seen 12 films so far. Poor from me, although I am hoping I will have seen the majority of the top 50, and I seriously think that all my films should make it, would be surprised if any of those left didn't. Had Blood Simple., Manhunter and Blow Out so far.

I took your shouties away. And no. It doesn't.
That does it. This means GIF war!

I approve of this set.

The Fly was on my list, pretty high up, in the top 10 I think. Here's a brief little post of mine from the Movie Tab.

The Fly (David Cronenberg, 1986)

One of the greatest horror films I have seen. A simple but brilliantly executed story, with a sensible human story fulfilled with strong performances. I have only seen a few of his films but I already love Cronenbergs graphic style, the effects/make-up employed here are top notch and really add to the horror.
Not seen the Woody film, but I loved Crimes and Misdemeanors.

I'm very pleased The Fly made it, though. I recently rewatched it. Wasn't on my list, but I like it.

The Fly is really good, but didn't made my list.

I've not seen Purple Rose of Cairo and I'm really interested in seing it
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I needed something like a gong that I could have used every time a Woody Allen movie appeared.

What could I have used instead of a gong for Woody Allen? A letter accusing him of child molestation?

The Fly was really good except for the end which I didn't think worked as well as the rest of the film.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!