Movie You're Watching Tonight


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Do any of the UK/Ireland members remember Moviedrome?

It was before my time but I do know of it. Anyway, as part of Belfast Film Festival they are bring it back and tonight are showing this....

X: The Man with the X Ray Eyes (1963)

Its being shown in Belfast Beanbag Cinema which should also be good craic. Cant wait!

Unbreakable (2000)

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

Re-watching this good movie. Believe it or not Wahlberg is a professor of English Literature. He actually carries it off well. Based on Dostoevsky's book of the same name.

Re-watching this good movie. Believe it or not Wahlberg is a professor of English Literature. He actually carries it off well. Based on Dostoevsky's book of the same name.
Hated it, but I loved the original with James Caan.

Repeat viewing for the 40's Hall of Fame part 2-

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Good luck, Yam. I hope you have better success than I did. I really wanted to like that movie.