Movie You're Watching Tonight


I guess watching them in that order will get me hyped for the 4th, 5th and 6th!

In preparation for the next Tolkien adaptation i will watch this:


I guess watching them in that order will get me hyped for the 4th, 5th and 6th!
No, it will actually ruin some of the mystery of the early films. 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 is the best order if you haven't seen any of the movies yet. It's always better to watch a series according to its release date.


Anyway, I'm watching:

Paper Moon (1973)

Looks good!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It's a snow day, doing some painting in the house, so I turned on the TV and what was on - the 2008 version of The Day the Earth Stood Still, in which Keanu Reeves becomes an alien (isn't he always?) visits the earth and prepares to perform a planetary reboot because humans have messed it up the earth so much. This movie itself is a reboot of the classic 1951 flick of the same name, mainly with amped-up special effects.

I can't quite figure it...the original was a low budget, but thoughtful movie that worked quite well, had decent acting and great old-timey black and white visuals. This version followed the same story, but spent most of its effort with great visual FX. IMDB gave it a 5.9, although I think it should be maybe a 6.4. Where it mainly loses is that it just doesn't have a reason for being. It tells the same story as the old one, but less engagingly, doesn't bring anything new and spends a lot of money getting there.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Looks like something that will make me think.