Is a Terminator 5 even possible? (spoilers for previous installments)


i hope arnold is in it

Alan Taylor is directing and it's supposed to released in summer of 2015. Are you going to see it? Do you think it will be better or worse than T4? Tom Hardy might be playing Jonh Conner so that's one good thing at least.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Let’s see…unnecessary sequels/franchise revivals that suck:
Terminator 3: Rise of the Self Parody
A Good Day to Stay Home and Watch the Original Die Hard Instead
Indiana Jones and What the Hell Are Aliens Doing in This Movie
The Star Wars prequels
The Hobbit: A Neverending Dinner
Alien: Resurrection (Not)
Every Jaws sequel
Most likely the upcoming Robocop remake

unnecessary sequels/franchise revivals that are good:
Rocky Balboa
(and those two had the directors of the originals in charge)

So, yeah, I’m going to skip T5 and stick with T2 instead.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

I am not big lover of terminator... But i am waiting for xmen and avengers next parts
My english is little bit weak.. try to understand please

A system of cells interlinked
Third kicks arse over the first; second is better than third, and forth, but the fifth should be better than the third. Four is still better than one, though!

Ridiculous. Please explain how the third film, which is pretty much an exercise in product placement, is better than The Terminator which, along with Bladerunner, helped create an entire genre of film (Tech-Noir), it was so groundbreaking. The scripts aren't even close in quality.

The Terminator > Terminator II > Terminator III

The first two are DAMN close for me, but lil John Conner sinks part 2 a bit with his whiny self.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Ridiculous. Please explain how the third film, which is pretty much an exercise in product placement, is better than The Terminator which, along with Bladerunner, helped create an entire genre of film (Tech-Noir), it was so groundbreaking. The scripts aren't even close in quality.

The Terminator > Terminator II > Terminator III

The first two are DAMN close for me, but lil John Conner sinks part 2 a bit with his whiny self.
I wouldn't bother arguing with morons. Yeah 1 and 2 are very close but I have to go with 2 but only because it has a huge budget advantage over 1 and the effects were truly ground-breaking for the time.

Comparing the other Terminator's to 1 and 2 is like comparing a worm to an eagle (In the words of Pai Mei).

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
I think T2 is the best.* Robert Patrick makes an even better villain than Aunold in the first movie and I actually kind of like Edward Furlong as John Connor. It's not my favorite performance by a child actor but it would definitely be near the top and Furlong's character is written much better than Nick Stahl's Conner in T3.

*I haven't seen Terminator Salvation but I seriously doubt that one is a contender for best in the series.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Yall crazy for thinking T4 sucked, if any of them sucked it was the cookie cutter copy T3 which was T2 only with a girl villan.

T4 was a story that needed to be told, why not want to see the future present where the machines are in control and the rebels are fighting them?

Ever since i saw Kyle Reese's flash backs from T2 ive always wanted to see the war happen on screen.

If anything its still a good dystopian film.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
^Actually, Terminator 3 and 4 never really needed to be made. T2 wrapped up the story pretty much perfectly; Miles Dyson is killed, all his files are destroyed as well all evidence that Terminators exist (or will exist. Whatever). So Skynet was never made,
, free puppies were handed out on every street corner and so on. Admittedly this makes John Connor’s existence even more confusing but that never made much sense anyway.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I meant Reese's flashbacks from T1

I understand what your saying voigan and your pretty much right lol

But you can make a movie that is concurrent with the events of T1 and even T2 just happens to be in that times future which i think T4 showed.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
I’d have to watch T1 again to make sure but I don’t think there’s any way T3 or T4 should have happened. Reese’s memories of the war with the machines in the original make sense because the future wasn’t changed until the second movie. In T1 Judgment Day was still on but as soon John tossed the arm and the chip into the molten steel in T2 then that should have changed the future. T3 and possibly 4 (haven’t seen it) might be enjoyable in a dumb fan fiction sort of way but I’ve always viewed Terminator 2 as the cannon ending of the series and everything after that as just milking a popular franchise.

I heard in the new one that the U.S. becomes self-aware at 2:14 PM.
As long as Obama is president, the U.S is oblivious to everything.

Alan Taylor is directing and it's supposed to released in summer of 2015. Are you going to see it? Do you think it will be better or worse than T4? Tom Hardy might be playing Jonh Conner so that's one good thing at least.
I will probably see it if the world hasn't been destroyed by nuclear fire. It will be better I'm sure since Arnold is in it.

I knew he'd be back.