Daniel and Weeman's Movie Commentaries

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The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
First on-screen appearance of Sam Elliott in this film.
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
Sexy, please explain to me what you're not enjoying about The Big Lebowski. I want the inside track from a person who doesn't like one of the top 5 greatest films of all time

I like No Country... A Serious Man wasn't bad... what else is there... I have Raising Arizona. I need to watch it. I saw it when I was a kid and really liked it but haven't seen it in many years. I saw Barton Fink years ago - it was okay.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
Weeman, slow down.
I'll pause a bit. Need to get some water. Or a Millers. Or a white russian.

Sexy, please explain to me what you're not enjoying about The Big Lebowski. I want the inside track from a person who doesn't like one of the top 5 greatest films of all time
It just doesn't work for me. It's not my kind of movie.

It's too... RELAXED... and very American male. Redneck without actually being funny about it.

Coens are very hit and miss with me. I like this and Burn After Reading. That's about it so far.
Burn After Reading is like the worst of theirs (still good though) that I have seen, you strange woman I like all Coen Brothers' films that I have seen though, I think Hudsucker Proxy or Ladykillers are meant to be the worst, not seen either, but I will probably like both