Walken: Brilliant, Good, Average or Weird?


As an actor I. Quite. Like him if only for the strange pauses he. Takes in sentences and. That wonderful habit of accentuating...

...The most unexpected word in a. Sentence.

He can teach. That. Scientologist Pulp Fiction. Bloke a thing about. Dancing too...

Lmao. That has to be the funniest post I have ever. Ever. read on mofo. ****ing hilarious, mate. Lol

The People's Republic of Clogher
Heh, thanks matey. Have you noticed that the BBC newsreaders seem to have been voice coached by Walken?

Either that or they assume we're all slow learners...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

I love Christopher Walken. Out of all the movies I have of his, my favorite is probably The Dead Zone. The only thing that bugs me about that movie, is that she left him. He was obviously a great man to have. What was that all about? I know, it's a movie. It still bugs me every time.
As far as comedies go, I would say Blast from the Past.

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
That was refreshing, Tacitus.

Walken=probably brilliant.

One of the most disturbingly approachable characters who seems that he could be (in real life) just like all the characters he's ever played.

I think he's all of those things and I think, actually, I know he does it on purpose, There's a fantastic interview he did On Inside the Actors Studio where he discusses a lot of his quirks and his long list of films and the like and I wish I could track down the exact quotes but they are eluding me. Anyway when talking about his movies he basically says this, he just does whatever is next, which is why we've had the pleasure of seeing such a quality actor in so many different films. And on the talking thing he also says that is on purpose, I'm gonna butcher this quote but I can't find it, he said he decided a long time ago to ignore any kind of grammar whatsoever and in return decided to talk the way he does now. The Inside The Actors Studio interview is great and worth seeing if you come across it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I'd go with average.
He had a good 70s amogst others Annie Hall and The Deer Hunters
Ok 80s and 90s
But the 2000s have been rough for him
Seven Phsyopaths could be good though
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Walken has given performances that fit all four of those adjectives. He was brilliant in THE DEER HUNTER, and AT CLOSE RANGE, he was good in CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, TRUE ROMANCE, and BILOXI BLUES. He was good in PENNIES FROM HEAVEN and he was weird in AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS.